However, I am still doubtful.

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For so many skilled people to set out and still have a person with serious enough injuries to warrant retiring. Just what kind of battle was it?

Just what terrifying monster did they face?

As I asked this, everyone's faces soured.

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"It is due to that Noble." One person said.

Suibelie explains further.

"The way we fight is simple, we lure an enemy to an open place and defeat it head on. However, we aren't suited to fighting in narrow places where the footing is bad. Another thing is that the experience of our troops is biased, because recently the method of fighting with equipment has become so refined that, battles against monsters are quickly finished. Due to that the experience of newcomers does not increase. While they train, training is not the same as actually combat."

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Becoming too powerful, without rising proficiency is a whole other problem.

"The request from the other day was from a nobleman, A pair of human eating ogres was confirmed to have been seen in a forest, so we were asked to eliminate them. The forest isn't the ideal place for us to fight human eating ogres. However, the captain accepted it because it was a quest from a nobleman. The prior information was also wrong, the area we were going to setup camp at turned out to be the residence of goblins and as we were fighting the goblins, a human eating ogre attacked us. Due to the surprise attack, the crossbow team caused serious injuries. Well it could just be down to bad luck, but there are many similar quests from nobles. Recently there has been many unreasonable quests, even though the rewards are good many people end up injured."

"I don't like these quests from nobles." Said a rough looking member of the group.

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"Does the captain want to be a noble?" Says another person scratching their nose.

Other members voice similar complaints.

I have heard the story from Suibelie and the others and while I think I understand it would be better to meet with the captain, Gilboa.

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I ask Suibelie." Can you tell me where your captain is?"


Hello, remember in the last chapter where I said that I am thinking of picking up a new novel. Well the last translator hasn’t released anything for it in over three months so I just emailed them asking if they don’t mind me picking it up.

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