After tens of seconds of tense silence, Gilboa asked.

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“Kenji, your suggestion… it's awfully attractive.

But the thing is, will we able to achieve it?”


"You can't say anything that simply. But leader, if you don't abandon it,

be assured that it's possible."


I assured him.

Is a man like Gilboa afraid of change?

Or is he blinded by a new vision, and is afraid to step forward?


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I can understand the loneliness of being a leader of an organization.

I can't even imagine when one becomes the head of the Kenkiba Corps.

One can guess that there are many hidden strangles.


Still, the Kenkiba Corps, as a top clan

I wanted them to become the forerunners of the adventurers.

It would have been the same for the members of the troops who were anxious about the current situation.


“I support Kenji’s proposed vision.”


Suibelei said.


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“Because I do not excel in academics, I am honest, and I may not understand half of the content.

Yet, I will do anything I can do. I want to change the current situation which the aristocrats are making us run around like their errand boys.


Besides, we are the Kenkiba Corps.

I want to fight stronger enemies and become stronger. “


So, Gilboa seemed to make up his mind and made a decision.


“Kenji, as for how we need to proceed,

Do you have any ideas? “


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I nodded.


“Oh, but it would be better to spend some time.

It's not good to get impatient if you made up your own mind.”

You decide the direction of the organization, and how you will implement it?


If it were a story, leaders would declare themselves well, the members will follow.

But in reality, that does not work out.


As the leader changes, the organization will change. But changes are accompanied with friction.

If the friction is too large, the structure breaks.


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Although Gilboa’s comprehension ability is great,

Do not measure the members at that level.


In order to redirect the organization, sharing thorough vision and

it takes time and means to understand everyone.


An organization’s change of direction is not going to happen suddenly in one day.

After accumulating small changes, changes appear drastically before you notice,

which is also desirable.


How do you create small changes?

This detail is left for the support role. Time to show what I can do.

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