Chapter 8: Sarah’s reward

The next morning, while I am having my breakfast on the first floor of the inn as usual.

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“How was Kimberly’s request?” Sarah who had visited today asked.

I wonder if he has finished his request. Seems I am getting worried about his circumstances.

“As a business for novice adventurers it is okay.” I replied

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“Here is your commission.” I said handing over 1 copper.

“eh what for?”

“Didn’t I say the payment was 3 coppers? Kimberly and her party gave me 4 upon completion of her request. Because you introduced them to me you get 1 copper.”

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“Wow…” Sarah’s eyes glittered.

“Well, if you know any other parties and adventurers having financial trouble please bring them my way. I will help them just like I did with Kimberly’s party. The fee is 1 copper per person, half being in advance with 1 copper going to the one that introduced them to me upon completion.”

“Is there a reason for part of the payment being in advanced and for the introducer to get paid.”

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“There is. Novices tend to not have a lot of money on hand. Besides I would not trust myself if I were in their shoes nor do I trust them, therefore half of the payment in advanced. The introducer is only paid upon the completion of the request to prevent them from brining in a lot of irresponsible parties.”

“You have put a lot of thought into how you can help adventurers haven’t you? Though It is only possible for you to be able to do it due to your extensive knowledge.”

“Listen, because adventurers are not as knowledgeable about local businesses, they just stupidly enter streets meant for high class citizens wasting their money.”

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Sarah nodded enthusiastically with a clueless look on her face while she tightly gripped the coin in her hands.

“Well I will introduce more novice parties to you.” Sarah says while trying to run off.

“Wait, I can only guide three groups a day, any more than that will only cause an unreasonable alteration to the schedule.”

“What schedule adjustments?” Sarah says as she comes closer to listen.


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