Three months have pasts since Sarah first went out to find clients. I could never have imagined just how successful my business was to become.

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Two appointments are made a day, with as many as 10 people being guided.

The schedule table is always full.

Seriously, I have had no help from the Adventurers Guild.

I am making 1 big copper a day.

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So, if I can live for two weeks on 1 big copper, so if I times that by 30 it would be the same as having a monthly salary of more than 1.5 million yen in Japan. (TN: A little over $13000 US.)

Sarah also seems to be good for money.

In addition to quests she is also earning 2 copper coins a day.

Unlike adventuring there is little need to repair or buy new equipment.

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I am earning quite a sum of money, if I save enough then I would be able to retire.

However, I was gradually getting angrier with the Adventurers Guild who neglected so many uneducated adventurers.

Speaking of getting angry, the number of fools coming by to try and earn money off me has increased.

The other day, the innkeeper told me that he would be charging me extra for the place, due to it being annoying.

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"Well, I'm staying at this inn, and those who consult will also tray at this inn and eat meals, how is it annoying?"

With that the innkeeper withdrew his request.

I decided that it would be best to hide my money in another place.

There was also a time when an adventurer that also retired due to injuries tried to steal my money.

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Even if I was out of practice, I had been an adventurer for 5 years and I always wore a sword so I could still protect myself.

I hit him with the flat of my sword as to not kill him.

It was sad that he was an adventurer I had gone shopping with before.

Business was going well, but the number of unpleasant things happening also increased.


I am not sure about that 3rd last line because one half of the sentence says that he killed the guy while the other said he hit him with the flat of his sword. So for now it is going to be that he knocked him unconscious.

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