Chapter 24: Top Clan

Lead by Suibelie, I passed through the third-class block and headed for the second-class block.

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The inhabitants of the second-class block are successful adventurers, mid-sized merchants and masters of professions.

In addition to being a top-notch clan, Kenbika corps accepts many requests from nobles and large merchants from the first-class block.

However, regardless of their captain, many members live in the third block. (TN: just calling them first, second and third block from now on.)

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To get into the first block you have to pass through an inspection at the gate, there are restrictions on large weapons such as crossbows and pole arms so it is inconvenient.

Under such circumstances, an office in the second block is the most convenient place to have it.

I think this while walking though different air. The smell of sludge and sewage is significantly less prominent then what it is in the third block.

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I wonder how much it costs to have an office, I think this while arriving at their office.

It was on the first floor of the main street in the second block. There was a huge sign board with motifs of swords and fangs.

In this world without elevators, the first floor of an urban area is considerably expensive. I admire the good financial status of the top clan to afford this with 30 people.

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“I am back.” Suibelie said while opening the door.

“Thanks for your hard work today!” More than ten men shout while wearing simple armour.

In the office, there is a reception area for welcoming nobility and large merchants on the right. On the left side, there is a table and chairs for waiting members lined up in a casual manner. In addition, the walls are lined with weapons such as swords, axes, spears, pole arms, crossbows, etc. It is an impressive show.

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Perhaps it is a system made by the captain so that you can take a weapon and immediately jump into action.

You can easily tell the difference between them and an amateur.

There is money, skill and high morale.

I recognise their status as a first-class clan.

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