“Are you happy?”

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“Of course, won’t you be happy to be pursued?”

“I won’t be happy. I would give him a copy of the law stating the protection of minors.”

Shen Qingshu: … I forgot, he is still a minor.

“Then when you grow up and are chased, you will be happy.”

“That’s not certain. I guess I’d feel tired if people I don’t like chase me.” Bai Xuege said honestly, “But listening to your tone, do you feel optimistic about him?”

“A little.” Shen Qingshu murmured.

Well, is it fine for you to say that when you can’t even hide your joy? I think you’re significantly moved!

It’s over, Han Cheng. Your boat is going to sink.

“Who is it?” Bai Xuege decides to ask for his ge, who once cried bitterly in the middle of the night together, “besides, aren’t you with Han Cheng? Isn’t it wrong for you to accept other people’s pursuit while you are with him?”

Shen Qingshu smiled. “Who told you that I was with Han Cheng?”

“Han Cheng himself?” Bai Xuege was shocked. “Is it that he lied to me? Are you not together?”

That shouldn’t be!

Can he give himself a red envelope if they are not together?

Can he do that without getting together?

For the first time, Bai Xuege thinks that love is troublesome. Why is it still Schrodinger’s relationship?

Are they together ? !

“What’s going on with you two?” he asked curiously.

Shen Qingshu stood on the balcony and looked at the night sky outside the window. “In fact, we are together, but we are not really together.”

“Speak human words.”

“He’s chasing me.” Shen Qingshu said happily, “it’s the first time I’ve been chased. I’m so excited.”

Bai Xuege: ? ? ?

“Hasn’t he chased you before? When we were filming together, wasn’t he pretending to be a driver while  chasing you?”

“It wasn’t sincere at that time.” Shen Qingshu said nonsense, “you don’t understand. It’s different this time.”

Bai Xuege: ? ? ?

Not long after, he realised and filled in the plot!

“Who says I don’t understand, I understand!”

What he understands is that Han Cheng didn’t want to fall in love with Shen Qingshu before, so chasing people means giving gifts perfunctorily. Shen Qingshu feels it, but because he likes him, he agrees.

But who would have thought that after being together, Han Cheng, a scum man, still doesn’t look like he wants to give his heart. That’s why Shen Qingshu wants to fall in love with Meng Shi and break up with Han Cheng.

But at the critical moment, he woke up Han Cheng. Han Cheng realised that he cannot continue to be a scum man, but be a real man!

He went to find Shen Qingshu again and began to chase him, so Shen Qingshu said it was different this time!

Therefore, from the perspective of Han Cheng, they are together again. Contrary, from the perspective of Shen Qingshu, Han Cheng is still chasing him.

“Am I right?” Bai  Xuege vowed, “What don’t I understand, I understand all too well. I have used the theory to guide a practical situation.”

And it worked!

Shen Qingshu: … It can’t be said to be exactly the same. It can only be said to be irrelevant.

But it’s okay if you can create something by yourself, so I don’t have to worry about writing a script for you.

Shen Qingshu recognized it without hesitation. “Well, it’s almost the same as what you said.”

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“I told you that I have in-depth knowledge about your love affair!” Bai Xuege is very proud and feels that he is the king of love.

“But when he left that day, he called you?” Shen Qingshu asked in surprise.

No wonder Han Cheng came back after two hours and said he wanted to fall in love with himself. So this was the reason.

“I had to quickly help you two remedy the relationship.”

“Who makes us two good brothers in the alliance?” Bai Xuege sighed.

“What alliance?” Shen Qingshu noticed the keyword sensitively.

Bai Xuege:

Bai  Xuege quickly changed the topic, “so you are happy now? You are happy that he is chasing you?”

“Yes.” Shen Qingshu smiled. “I haven’t experienced this feeling before, now that I can naturally, I’m happy.”

“You’re so easy to please,” Bai Xuege said with emotion. “Is it so happy to fall in love?”

“It depends who you ask.” Shen Qingshu’s tone was gentle. “You’ll certainly be happy to fall in love with someone you like. But you must be unhappy if you fall in love with someone you don’t like.”

“Then you really like him. He has ruined you once and you can still be so happy.”

“That’s all in the past. I’m happy now, that is, I’m really happy. The main reason is that I’ve always wanted to fall in love, but I haven’t met the right one. Now I finally met the right one and started falling in love, so of course I’m happy.”

Bai Xuege can feel his happiness across the phone, which makes him want to fall in love early.

But wait a little longer. It’s been more than a month. After coming of age, he can fall in love openly!

“Are you free in June?” Bai Xuege thought of something and asked him, “I’m celebrating my birthday after the college entrance examination in June. Come with Han Cheng.”

“Yes.” Shen Qingshu said and suddenly realised, “will you be an adult after your birthday?”

“Yes.” Bai Xuege happily leaned back in his chair. “When I grow up, I will drive.”

Shen Qingshu: …

“There’s no need to be in such a hurry. It’s better to fall in love first. When it comes to driving, it should come naturally. Especially when you’ve just become an adult, don’t rush, really don’t rush.”

Bai Xuege: ? ? ?

“What are you thinking? I’m talking about driving, as in taking the driver’s licence test. There are several cars in my garage that I can’t drive now. When I’m an adult, shouldn’t I practice  driving for the driver’s licence test?”

Shen Qingshu: …

Shen Qingshu covered his face in shame and indignation. His mind is too impure. He blames Han Cheng. After driving with him every day, now he doesn’t know which car is being mentioned!

Bai Xuege laughed leisurely, “it seems that you and Han Cheng have a rich life?”

Shen Qingshu: …

Shen Qingshu’s ears burned at once. “I don’t mean what you think.”

“What does that mean? What do I think? Why don’t I know what I mean? Why don’t you tell me what it means?”

Shen Qingshu: …

Shen Qingshu hangs up in silence. Goodbye!

Bai Xuege laughs and after suppressing his anxiety for a night, he finally feels refreshed.

But it was really unexpected, he thought they were pure love. As a result, they have been driving.

It deserves to be called adult love!

Is different from what he saw at school!

Han Cheng came out after taking a bath. He looked at Shen Qingshu standing on the balcony with red ears. He walked over and gently touched his ear. Shen Qingshu jumped, and after looking back, he was relieved.

“What are you doing?”

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“Why are your ears so red? Were you thinking about something indecent?”

“You are indecent.” Shen Qingshu became angry and pushed past him to the bathroom.

After taking a bath, he remembered to tell Han Cheng about Bai Xuege’s birthday. “Let’s go together then.”

“Okay.” Hanc Ceng replied, “on his 18th birthday, our family will also give gifts. After all, he is his father’s only child, and the future industry will certainly be left to him. Therefore, for his coming of age birthday, everyone will give gifts to him as a courtesy. However,from what you said, he should be planning to hold a small party by himself. In which he will invite close friends who have a good relationship.”

“It should be.” Shen Qingshu replied quietly.

“That’s just right. I’ll take you to meet someone.”

Speaking of this, Han Cheng suddenly thought of this, “on a day you won’t be busy. Let’s invite Zhou Jinming, Wu Yang and the others to dinner.”

“Yeah.” Shen Qingshu has no objection.

“Why don’t you ask me anything?” Han Cheng looked at him.

“What’s there to ask?” Shen Qingshu thought he was still smart in this respect. “At the meal treating them – you will announce us. I’m certain of it, when I went to school, someone in our dormitory was like this.”

“Then perhaps you should invite your old flame Li Hui as a guest.” Han Cheng sourly settled old accounts with him.

Shen Qingshu chuckled and took the initiative to hold his hand. “What are you thinking? I told you, I didn’t feel anything for Li Hui. I was going through a tough time then and wanted others to accompany me to dinner. Besides, my relationship with my roommates in the dormitory was average.”

“Why?” Han Cheng was quite curious. “Did they bully you?”

“That’s not the case, we just weren’t compatible. So after graduation, everyone went their separate ways, and we never contacted each other again.”

Of course, this is the original owner’s experience, not his. He had a good relationship with his roommates when he was at school.

Han Cheng nodded, “so it’s like that.”

He held the man in his arms. “As long as you weren’t bullied.”

Shen Qingshu smiled. “Are you afraid that I will be bullied?”

“Or else?” Han Cheng pinched his face. “I’m afraid of you being bullied by someone who is shortsighted.”

Shen Qingshu chuckled and whispered, “who dares to bully me? Only you will bully me.”

“What did you say?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“I heard it.” Han Cheng leaned close to his ear, “since you have said so, if I don’t bully you, won’t I be saddled with this crime for nothing. See how I bully you tonight.”

Han Cheng said, and went to tickle him.

Shen Qingshu dodged left and right on the bed, but could not escape his clutches. He was tickled to laugher, until finally he had to hug Han Cheng and beg for mercy.

Ha Ccheng hugged him back, kissed him on the face, rubbed his forehead and stuffed him into the quilt.

“Go to sleep.” He said, “you have to film tomorrow.”

Shen Qingshu looked at him obediently, “Oh.”

“Good night.” Han Cheng opened his side of the quilt and lay inside.

Shen Qingshu looked at him and whispered, “good night.”

After thinking for a while, he pushed the quilt down again and kissed Han Cheng on his forehead, “good night kiss.”

With that, he pulled up the quilt, turned around and hid himself.

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng couldn’t help laughing. He looked at the silkworm baby in front of him and complained softly, “what should I do, baby? I can’t sleep if you do this.”

Shen Qingshu raised his hand and turned off the lamp at the head of the bed. “Sleep!”

Then, he felt that in the darkness, Han Cheng hugged him through the quilt.

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“Good night.” His tone was soft.

Shen Qingshu replied with an emotional “en”.

Han Cheng pulled down the quilt and kissed his neck. “This is a good night kiss for you.”

Shen Qingshu: …

Shen Qingshu’s face was hot again.

The mini him in his heart kept rolling, back and forth, then back and forth.

Shen Qingshu finally couldn’t help it. As soon as he turned around, he pushed down the quilt, got into Han Cheng’s quilt and hugged him.

“I want more.” His voice was soft and tender.

“What do you want?” Han Cheng put his arm around his waist and coaxed him with a delighted voice.

Shen Qingshu’s face blushed irrepressibly. He was a little embarrassed, but still confident. Finally, he simply hugged Han Cheng close to his heart.

“One more kiss,” he said, “And a hug.”

Han Cheng laughed instantly and hugged the person in his arms firmly.

He thinks that he probably did many good things in his previous life, so he is so lucky in this life. Obviously, he hasn’t figured out how to fall in love, but he has met Shen Qingshu first.

So his love was born naturally.

Who in the world wouldn’t like him?

He is cute, smart, charming and warm hearted.

Han Cheng lowers his head and kisses Shen Qingshu’s side face. The last kiss can’t help but bite him on the cheek.

Shen Qingshu looked up at him in astonishment, and heard Han Cheng say, “It’s so sweet.”

Shen Qingshu raised his hand and pinched him on the waist, but said nothing. He soon hugged him again.

He closed his eyes contentedly and secretly kissed the person he liked in his dream.

Zhou Jianming and Xiao Li feel that their little prince / Shen ge is not quite right recently. Although it’s impossible to say exactly what’s wrong, inexplicably the whole person seems to have bathed in the sun. Which makes his already bright and gorgeous appearance more attractive. There has been no activity recently, however, Zhou Jianming feels that he can definitely attract some more cosmetics endorsements if he went on the red carpet like this.

“Has something good happened to you?” Zhou Jianming asked him.

“Sort of.” Shenshu Qing replied shyly.

“What good thing?”

“I’m going to the movies tomorrow afternoon.” Shen Qingshu said to him, “I’m telling you in advance.”

“With whom?”

“Han Cheng.”

“Is that a good thing?” Zhou Jianming didn’t understand, “you two have become so happy because of going to the movies?”

“Of course, won’t you be happy to go on a date?”

Zhou Jianming: ! ! !


“Yes.” Shen Qingshu is very calm.

“You and Han Shao…”

Aren’t you his canary? Zhou Jianming wondered, is Canary dating also called dating?

“He is chasing me now.” Shen Qingshu said softly.


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Shen Qingshu nodded. “Of course, so I reluctantly agreed to go to the movies with him and give him a chance to date.”

Zhou Jianming: …

Zhou Jianming silently took out the mirror and looked at his face.”Pretending to be reluctant, you are obviously happy like a blooming flower.”

“When I say reluctant, I mean I’m reluctant.” Shen Qingshu lowered the mirror. “Happy reluctance is still reluctance. Do you understand? I’m giving him face and a chance. Otherwise, I won’t go if ordinary people ask me out.”

Zhou Jianming: …

Okay, anyway, it’s you who are in love, as long as you are happy.

“Then you should pay attention. Don’t get photographed, or it will be bad at that time.”

“I know. Don’t worry.”

Zhou Jianming looked at his whole expression brimming with joy, but he sincerely hoped that Han Cheng really liked him. Otherwise, would it not be the little canary in front of him who was crying at that time?

Alas, poor golden prince.

Shen Qingshu is in love for the first time after all. It is inevitable that he looks forward to dating. All day long, he is either thinking about what to wear for the movie tomorrow, or what will happen when he and Han Cheng watch the movie.

From morning to night, he finally got into bed and the day of the date arrived.

It was already hot in May. Shen Qingshu chose a white T-shirt and a blue denim jacket in the wardrobe. He matched them with light blue jeans and white sneakers.

He took out the necklace that Han Cheng had given him, put it on his neck again, and put on the watch that Han Cheng had given him before.

Han Cheng watched him change his clothes and appear in front of him. For a moment, he felt he saw spring.

——Warm and pure, fresh and beautiful.

“You are too good looking.” Han Cheng said, “if you go out like this, who can resist looking at you?”

“So I bought glasses and a hat.” Shen Qingshu shook the things in his hand.

Han Cheng approached him, looked at the necklace between his neck, and said, “I have to find a cage to lock you up soon. You’re too attractive.”

Shen Qingshu is used to this. “Find one, find one. I want to have a pure golden one with dragon and phoenix patterns. Then connect a network cable and put a small refrigerator by the way, so it’s convenient for me to surf while eating.”

Han Cheng: …

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng said reluctantly, “then lock me in as well. Anyway, your facilities are quite complete, adding me  will mean someone to serve you.”

“Then you can order two cages, one for you and one for me. We can also visit each other.” Shen Qingshu gives him advice.

Han Cheng: …

Do you still remember that this is a script of forced love?!

Let you feel the suffocating love, who let you enjoy it?!

It’s hard for your partner, if you break the script like this, okay?!

Han Cheng was depressed and dropped the script, decided not to act today, and went on strike.

I am so angry!

“Let’s go, take you to the movies.”

“Okay.” Shen Qingshu smiled with wide eyes.

He turned around and walked outside with Han Cheng. After two steps, he suddenly remembered something. He silently moved his hand to Han Cheng’s hand and touched Han Cheng’s hand.

Han Cheng looked at him in doubt.

Shen Qingshu looked straight ahead and pretended to carelessly say. “Aren’t you going to hold my hand?

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