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Shen Qingshu had a rest at home for two days, and then continued with the movie promotions.

At this time, the film “Plundering Time” has also been released for a while with much discussion online and offline.

Luo Yi, played by Shen Qingshu, has become the most discussed role after the main character Meng Zhi.

Fans are very happy about this. They think his hard work is not in vain. They keep posting recommendation posts on the forum, calling on everyone to go to the cinema to watch the movie.

Black fans were very disappointed about this, saying that he was only led well by the director and Meng Zhi.

“All the posts when searched are about Shen Qingshu. Is he so popular? Those who don’t know would think that Shen Qingshu is the protagonist.”

“The fans should take it easy on the exaggeration, they speak as if he can win an award tomorrow. Simply ridiculous.”

“That’s right. Shen Qingshu only plays the supporting male lead, this praise is too much. You would think he was the real male lead instead of Meng Zhi with so many posts!”

“If I were Shen Qingshu’s fan I would be quiet as a chicken. On the chance that he can’t win anything, and show his ugliness.”

“Well, who doesn’t know that all of this movie’s success goes to director Zheng and Meng Zhi. After riding on the coattails of their fame and box office, they should be quiet and not jump around. Unless he really treats himself as the male lead?”

“What kind of male lead is he? His role was finished before the movie was even halfway through. If you ask me, he’s afraid that the next movie will be a flop, so he’s begging for praise whilst he still can, hahaha.”

Shen Qingshu is so angry that she rushes up and pinches each other.

Shen Qingshu’s fans were so angry that they rushed up to fight with them.

Shen Qingshu himself was calm. Compared with Luo Yi, he naturally attached more importance to Su Qing and was indeed more worried about the achievements of Ephemera.

After all, it was his first executive role in the entertainment industry. The quality of Ephemera can be said to have a direct impact on his future.

However, he has already done everything he can, so it’s useless to think about it at this time. So Shen Qingshu soon stopped thinking about it and continued to promote the film “Plundering Time” with all his heart.

The previous Spring Festival films have been cooling down at this time. In addition, other films in the same period either have poor reputation or are too artistic. “Plundering Time” can be said to have started to dominate the box office from the first day of release, rising all the way. A week later, its reputation continued to ferment, and the box office performance was soaring, which is fantastic.

Since the box office performance is good, Shen Qingshu has also received constant scripts.

Since he finished the film “Plundering Time” last year, he has been offered scripts by production teams, hoping that he can join. However, he was busy shooting Ephemera, and refused.

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Nowadays, “Plundering Time” has a good reputation at the box office. In addition, his topic is so high that many movies that haven’t started assembling yet have also invited him.

However, Shen Qingshu still refused. After finishing the promotions of “Plundering Time”, he was ready to continue supervising the post production of “Ephemera”.

He had discussed with Mei Ruo and Zhou Mian before that it would be better for “Ephemera” to be released during the summer break, which would be beneficial to the box office.

So before the completion of “Ephemera”, he did not want to shoot other projects.

Therefore, Shen Qingshu only accepted a few advertising endorsements and magazine shoots.

Han Cheng was paying attention to the fan group today and noticed the announcement of this endorsement. This endorsement is pretty good and tomorrow, he also had brand ambassador work for a well established brand. He thinks Shen Qingshu has been really busy recently.

However, it is also good, because being busy means he is popular. Only stars who are not popular will have a lot of free time.

Han Cheng hopes that he will become famous. Like other fans of Shen Qingshu, he hopes that he will succeed in his career.

Shen Qingshu is doing well here. New endorsements come one after another. His popularity keeps rising, and crews offering scripts keep coming. On the other hand Yan Jiayu is not so comfortable.

Just after the Spring Festival, Yan Jiayu and his friends went to the movies and saw the poster of Shen Qingshu in the cinema.

He chose another movie in distaste, but he could still hear people in the cinema roast that “this movie is not as good as Shen Qingshu’s”.

Yan Jiayu glared at the other party and thought that the other party was really noisy.

However, the more you hate a person, the more you can’t avoid him.

Yan Jiayu opened Weibo, and Shen Qingshu is the second most popular Weibo search.

Yan Jiayu opened his circle of friends and people in the circle of friends who had just watched the movie were screaming, “Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah  Meng Zhi is so handsome, Shen Qingshu is so handsome, and stated that as long as you watched this film, we are good friends.”

Someone at the bottom replied to her, “Rewatch a second time? Let’s go together!”

“Shen Qingshu is so handsome. I love him!”

“I’ve reserved the whole movie theatre. I want to see it privately~”

Yan Jiayu was so angry that he closed his circle of friends full of resentment.

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He can accept that Shen Qingshu is a star, but he can’t accept that Shen Qingshu is a rising star.

His star path is too smooth, isn’t it? Does Shen Qingshu deserve such a life? !

Yan Jiayu thought about what he should do to him, but before he could move, his company had problems first.

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Yan Jiayu listened to the financial report and could hardly believe it. “Say it again?”

“President Yan, there have been no new new investments established. If this continues, the company will not survive.”

“I know, go back first.”

Yan Jiayu called several investors he knew. The other side laughed and said, “I’m sorry to say, president Yan. It’s not that I don’t want to support your products, but it’s been less than half a year and your company is still losing money. We are burning money to subsidise you, so we re-evaluated the project and decided to give up.”

“How much time has passed? It’s only been half a year. Profit will be assured after three or five years. Smart products are the future development direction, and our product will certainly be the leading product of the industry in the future. Have you really considered giving up at this time?”

“In that case, president Yan, you can find other investors, you don’t need us, right?”

Yan Jiayu: …

Yan Jiayu was so angry that he almost threw his mobile phone.

He gritted his teeth and hung up in order to contact other investors, but the result was always the same.

Yan Jiayu hurled his phone away with a ‘thump’, full of anger.

After a while, his assistant came in and whispered to him that the “ve” brand, which had been competing with them to seize the market, had become quiet. They  seemed to be experiencing problems.

Yan Jiayu suddenly felt his spirit lifted.

He returned to his own company after the failure of starting a business with Shen Qingyu.

The Yan family’s parents pay more attention to their eldest son, and his ge takes care of most of their industries. Yan Jiayu’s relationship with his ge is not bad, but it is not good. He is not willing to give up on his family business, and has a mind to compete with his ge. Therefore, he paid great attention to the subsidiary company that father Yan gave him to take charge of.

Therefore, when he found that the new product launched by the company was very promising, he put all his thoughts on this product, but someone wanted to compete with him for this cake.

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He released Series 1, and the other party released Series A. He chose to launch offline, and the other party also chose offline. Yan Jiayu himself did not take the other party seriously. A small company, a group of fresh graduates, graduate students, and doctoral students, deserves his attention?

However, the other party quickly attracted investment and was able to increase offline investment.

Yan Jiayu looked at them who did not know how miniscule they were in the world. So he watched on calmly and wanted to burn them with money.

The vicious circle began. The two companies kept increasing investment and trying to squeeze each other out. Yan Jiayu even met with their leaders once and warned them that if this continues, they will die sooner or later.

The other side, however, had the spirit of the ignorant who are fearless, and said, “Let’s see who dies last.”

Yan Jiayu can’t admit defeat to the likes of this group of people who have no background, no protection and starting from scratch, and could only continue to compete with them for a bigger piece of the limited cake.

He always thought that he would win, and that he would kill the other party by virtue of his family’s reputation. However, he never thought that he could lose.

Yan Jiayu was unwilling to admit defeat, so he mortgaged his house and car – since their capital chain was broken, can the other party continue to support it?

Their problems must be the same as his.

But he was different. They are just a group of entrepreneurs who have nothing, while he is rich and can afford it!

This war, as long as the other side is consumed, he will win. The market in the future will be dominated by him, and he will be the industry leader.

He asked the assistant to inquire again, and soon got the news that the other side did indeed have a problem with funds and was discussing measures.

Yan Jiayu thought, as expected, those investors all had a keen sense of smell, and no one was willing to lose money. So they planned to give up not only him, but all the similar products in this field.

The other party will also be abandoned.

But it doesn’t matter. When there are two tigers in the mountain, they are doomed to be unable to live in peace.

But when there is only one tiger in the mountain, then this mountain is his.

He also mortgaged his other houses to win a complete victory. He wanted his parents to notice him and let them know that he was no worse than his ge.

Yan Jiayu is full of confidence waiting for the other party to declare bankruptcy, waiting for those investors to come back to find him. He doesn’t even have time to care about Shen Qingshu’s star journey, and he doesn’t have the heart to trip him up.

However, to his surprise, after a few days of silence, the other party seemed to have found investors again, started a new round of investment, and negotiated cooperation with the government.

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Yan Jiayu couldn’t believe it. He was frozen. How could this happen?

He thought, how could anyone continue to invest in them?

Why did they not choose him?

Are his products really inferior to theirs?

However, what matters now is not the products, but the funds.

The company has already become heavily in debt due to the continuous increase of expenditure for half a year. In addition, his house and car have been mortgaged, so he has no ability to repay it.

Yan Jiayu struggled and hesitated in extreme reluctance, but finally humiliatingly told his father about this.

Father Yan did not expect that the most promising subsidiary would be managed to this state by him. He was so angry that he threw the documents on the table and cursed Yan Jiayu.

Yan Jiayu stood in front of him with tears in his eyes and begged for his forgiveness. “I thought I could win, but I didn’t expect this.”

“You didn’t think you didn’t think, you didn’t think about anything, you’re not suitable for managing a company at all!”

The strict father Yan angrily yelled, “You went to start a business before and finally went bankrupt, but I think you are ambitious and you are willing to work hard, so I gave this company to you, but what happened? You bankrupted this one as well!”

“Yan Jiayu, Yan Jiayu, you are so powerful. You can bring down a successful company. Now you don’t even have a car or a house under your name. Do you feel ashamed to say that I was biassed, that I left my family’s industry to your ge instead of you? I want to give you a chance, but, look at your achievements, is this what you give me in return?!”

Yan Jiayu bowed his head and could not speak.

Father Yan waited for a long time, then closed his eyes and didn’t even want to look at him. “Get out, I will no longer help you if you cause problems. You need to grow up, and you need to take responsibility for the consequences yourself.”

Yan Jiayu looked at him with his heart filled with sadness.

He went out of the study and back to his bedroom, tears falling down.

However, he never would have imagined that the police would come to their door the next day.

“Are you Yan Jiayu? We suspect that you are related to the kidnapping of Mrs. Xu Hui last September. Please come with us. Thank you.”

TN: YJ is just a rotten egg

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