“Well, aren’t you going to warm up the car?” Shen QingShu asked in a low voice.

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Han Cheng: Warm up the car???

Shen QingShu nodded. In the novels he’d read, the driver would do preparatory work before driving. He’d warm up the car to ensure a smooth journey.

Han Cheng frowned and said doubtfully, “How do you warm it up?”

“You aren’t allowed to kiss me?” Shen QingShu wasn’t shy. “When I’m lost in the moment, you can take me by surprise.”

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng thought he was being pretty demanding. It was worthy of a new car. So pure ah, he even wanted to kiss!

“I don’t kiss,” he said coldly. “You and I aren’t a couple. Why do drivers and cars have to kiss each other? You’re too sentimental!”

“You’re saying that all you old drivers get in the car without even warming it up?”

“That’s right.” Han Cheng pretended he had a lot of experience. “Only new people like you would ask for something so frivolous. Old drivers like me don’t play those kinds of games. We go straight in, taking cities and seizing territory.”

Shen QingShu: …

This wasn’t exactly the journey he’d imagined ah.


Shen QingShu felt a little dissatisfied. He’d read so many novels—were they all full of lies? Drivers in the real world were so ruthless! They didn’t even want to kiss or hug? Where was their drivers’ spirit!

One star bad review!

But at the moment, he didn’t have a second driver to choose from, so if he couldn’t, he couldn’t. At least he had an experienced driver. His skill should be okay.

Shen QingShu reluctantly flattened himself on the bed again. “Okay then.”

Seeing him like this, Han Cheng hid a smile. Where did this little white car come from? He was kind of silly.

Since Han Cheng was in a good mood, he got excited again. He reached out and touched Shen QingShu’s face and squeezed him.

Shen QingShu looked at him with some confusion, but his eyes were full of curiosity.

Han Cheng was amused by his expression and poked him in the face. “Close your eyes.”

“Why?” Shen QingShu didn’t understand. “Can’t I keep my eyes open and see the world?”

“There’s no world here.”

“Of course there is.” There was some excitement in his voice. “The door to a new world is about to open to me. After so many years, I’m finally going to enter the world of adults!”

Han Cheng: …

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That really was a new world.

“Okay, fine,” Han Cheng said, and cut to the chase.

Shen QingShu was caught off-guard and let out a startled cry. Han Cheng hugged him, so Shen QingShu reflexively wrapped his arms around his neck and rubbed against his ear.

“It’s okay,” Han Cheng soothed him.

His voice was gentle and soft, and he patted Shen QingShu’s shoulder with a gentle gesture. Shen QingShu closed his eyes and trailed his lips across Han Cheng’s cheek, kissing the side of his face.

Han Cheng froze for a moment, and Shen QingShu smoothly took the opportunity to kiss him on the lips.

His lips were soft, kissing and licking like a pampered little pet.

It was Han Cheng’s first kiss, and even though it came as a surprise, he didn’t feel as repulsed as he previously imagined he might.

When Shen QingShu finished the kiss, his mind was a little clearer, which was when he realized he’d just kissed his driver without any kind of warning.

He felt somewhat embarrassed and drew back, but he didn’t let go. His face was a little red. “Emergency shelter.”

Han Cheng raised his eyebrows.

Shen QingShu spoke firmly. “Who told you to suddenly start the car without even saying hello!”

Han Cheng: ? ? ?

“Then I’ll say hello right now.”

Shen QingShu didn’t have time to react. The next second he was caught by surprise. Once again he hugged Han Cheng, the emergency shelter.

Han Cheng chuckled lightly, and Shen QingShu was so angry that he bit Han Cheng’s lips as he laughed.

With a hiss, Han Cheng nipped him back. They both refused to give way, and after a long battle, the hostilities gradually eased and turned into a tender kiss.

After a lengthy journey, they enjoyed themselves, admired the beautiful scenery, and explored the mysteries of life together.

By then Shen QingShu felt a little tired, lying in Han Cheng’s arms and hugging him. He was filled with laziness and satisfaction.

Han Cheng looked at him with slightly lowered eyes. Red lips and white teeth, so beautiful and sweet. Han Cheng’s mind and body, which had just experienced the wonder and excitement of life, suddenly grew restless again. Touching Shen QingShu’s face he asked quietly, “Another round?”

Shen QingShu thought about it and decided it was okay.

He knew the next time his eyes closed they might not ever open again. Anyway, didn’t he deserve a little more time? Even if it was just a tiny bit more, it was still more!

Besides, even though his driver was ruthless, he was really skilled. He took back his previous one star bad review and gave four star high praise. Minus one star for the bad service attitude. Obviously he could kiss and hug, but he acted like it was impossible.

“A return trip is fine, but can you improve your service a little?”

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“What do you mean?”

Shen QingShu pointed to his mouth. “You’re obviously able to kiss me.”

“You’re the one who needed emergency shelter.”

“You didn’t push me away.” Shen QingShu thought his point was well-founded. “Isn’t it a two-way street, mutual assistance in difficult circumstances?”

Han Cheng: … It really is mutual assistance.

“You have a lot of demands.”

“Well, I’m a luxury car, after all,” Shen QingShu said complacently. “I’m in pretty good condition, right?”

It wasn’t bad at all.

To be fair, Han Cheng thought he was incredibly lucky to get such high quality for his first appointment.

The two hadn’t communicated much on the dating app. They just exchanged photos, said what they wanted, and made an appointment for tonight.

Before he came, Han Cheng thought he was being a little impulsive. After he came, Han Cheng felt even more reckless.

But now he thought the night had gone really well.

When he first saw Shen QingShu, Shen QingShu had kept his head down and didn’t talk. Whenever Han Cheng asked him anything, he looked listless, like this wasn’t something they’d both volunteered for, like they were somehow forcing themselves into prostitution. Han Cheng almost left.

While he was in the shower, he decided that if he went out and the other party still looked like he was dying, he’d get dressed and go to the room next door to spare himself from ruining his mood.

Surprisingly, after he finished showering and came out, Shen QingShu was like a new person, excited and eager to try. His previous skittishness was gone. He was even a little bit cute.

Cute kids get candy, and a luxury sports car naturally gets to raise its price.

After all, in this world there were always countless drivers, but a good luxury car was hard to find. A car he clicked with—that was even more rare.

So Han Cheng didn’t hesitate much. He looked down and kissed Shen QingShu. “All right. For the sake of our bone-deep relationship.”

“Obviously you’re one with the bone, right?” Shen QingShu gave him a look.

“But it’s a generous bonus, give it a try?”

Shen QingShu rolled over and put his hands on Han Cheng’s chest. “Bonus round, bring it on.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you two for one,” Han Cheng said, kissing his ear.

The pair once again ran happily towards the great harmony of life.

Shen QingShu was really satiated now and getting sleepy. He thought that he shouldn’t close his eyes, because he probably wouldn’t open them again, and then his life would really be over!

But in the end, he couldn’t fight his tiredness. As he leaned against Han Cheng, Shen QingShu fell asleep.

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Han Cheng looked at him and couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He smiled helplessly and lifted the quilt, preparing to get out of bed and take a shower.

Although the quilt was easy to lift, Shen QingShu wasn’t. As soon as Han Cheng touched his hand and tried to disentangle himself, the person in his arms hugged him even tighter.

“Hold still,” Shen QingShu mumbled in his sleep.

Han Cheng had personally tossed this person to sleep, and it felt a bit rude to wake him up again. He decided to make do and wash up in the morning.

He turned off the lights and had a pleasant night.

The next morning, Shen QingShu opened his eyes in a daze. Next to him a low male voice asked, “Awake?”

He nodded, looked at the familiar face in front of him, and rubbed his eyes.

Wait. Shen QingShu suddenly stopped his action, opened his eyes wide, and carefully inspected the person beside him.

That’s right, it was the driver he’d just met.

He looked around and saw the hotel from last night.

So he’d lived another day?!

Heaven was so kind to him!

Shen QingShu felt so delighted that he pinched the handsome face before him. “It’s great to be able to see you as soon as I open my eyes.”

Han Cheng heard these words and silently raised an eyebrow.

The reason he was still here was entirely because of his high moral fiber. He was too embarrassed to wake up the other person early—after all, he was the one who tossed him to sleep.

But the other side wouldn’t have any unrealistic fantasies because of it, right?

“If you’re awake, go take a shower,” Han Cheng said indifferently. “After we shower, we’ll go our separate ways.”

“Okay.” Shen QingShu wasn’t bothered at all.

Although he thought this master driver wasn’t bad, he’d already experienced a new world last night. He understood what other people meant about the car, the thing they said was amazing and cool, and what kind of place Mount Akina was. He wasn’t greedy for more. It hadn’t been easy for him to live another day. He wanted to use this new day to enjoy something else. Because if he died tomorrow, he’d have nothing at all.

Without hesitation, Shen QingShu pushed away from Han Cheng and got out of bed with excitement. He walked towards the bathroom, humming as he went.

Han Cheng watched him go without even looking back—so heartless. He couldn’t help but wonder. A moment ago he was all, “It’s great to see you as soon as I open my eyes!” So why do you look like you can’t wait to get out of bed, like tomorrow morning will be even better?

Didn’t they cooperate pretty well last night?

What happened all of a sudden?

Did he not perform well enough last night?

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No, he clearly got a five star rating!

Was he faking the five stars?

But he didn’t take the five stars back, right?

There was no need to make things up, right?!

Han Cheng didn’t know what to think. He sat on the bed, depressed.


The author has something to say:

The first night:

Han Cheng: Kiss, what kiss? Old drivers like me never kiss.

Ten minutes later

Han Cheng: So delicious!


The next morning:

Han Cheng: Don’t get any illusions about me. Old drivers like me are ruthless.

Two minutes later

Han Cheng: Why are you so ruthless!! A moment ago you said it was great to see me when you opened your eyes, but now you don’t even miss me, how heartless!


Today’s QingQing hasn’t yet realized he transmigrated into a book, but he’ll find out tomorrow!


TL Notes:

two-way street – 有来有往 – There is an exchange of calls; give-and-take; reciprocal; two-way traffic

mutual assistance in difficult circumstances – 相濡以沫 – Mutual help and relief in time of poverty; help each other when both are in humble circumstances

cut to the chase – from 不再墨迹 – no more ink marks – homophone slang, means “stop procrastinating”

You’re the one with the bone, etc. – Wordplay that originally involved the word “chicken” referring to the male anatomy

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