CFJTM Chapter 202. Father Han Accepted Shen Qingshu, And Netizens Eat Sugar

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“You see, didn’t he let you know now. If he hadn’t made an agreement with xiao Yu, how could xiao Yu tell you?”

“Neither I nor xiao Yu nor xiao Cheng wanted to hide it from you. But it’s not xiao Yu’s or my place to tell you, while xiao Cheng is still waiting for right the time. Now the time is right, didn’t he tell you?”

Father Han looked at his wife and questioned, “So, you accepted it?”

“Can we not accept it?” Mother Han laughed. “The child is so old, he should have the right to fall in love freely. As parents, we can only care about the first half of his life, but how can we control the second half of his life?”

“However, if he and Shen Qingshu are together, they will have no children, and there will be only the two of them in the future. What will they do when they are old?”

“Then we’ll think about it when we get old.” Mother Han said calmly, “While young, you have to satisfy your sorrows and joys first, and then think about the matters that come with. Otherwise, if they’re now happy when they’re young, what’s the point in thinking about the problems that come with old age?”

Father Han didn’t speak.

Mother Han said, “You want xiao Cheng to have a child because you have children of your own. You are happy and you love your child, so you want him to have the same as you. But have you thought about why you love your child?”

“Is it because he is related to you by blood? Is it because he is your blood? Of course it is, but that’s not all. In the final analysis, it is because it is our child, mine and your child.”

“You like me, so you like them both, don’t you?”

“Not to mention 20 years ago, even now, there is a line of women who are willing to give you children. Will you let them give birth to your children? Will you love their children? Will you want their children to look after you in your old age?”

“Of course not.” Father Han said quickly, “I only like our children.”

“Right,” mother Han looked at him with a smile, “the same goes for xiao Cheng. He must only want the children of the someone he likes. Even if other people can give him children, he doesn’t need them, let alone want them to accompany him.”

Father Han sighed, “This is also true.”

“So don’t think so much about it. Your children and grandchildren have their own happiness. You can still care for him for a lifetime. A family like ours doesn’t need him to concede, as long as he likes them, and he is happy. If you are really worried, you can suggest that they adopt an orphan or adopt a child from relatives. Isn’t this also good?”

Father Han nodded, but his heart was still sad.

He knows all the truth. He was just unable to accept the sudden change.

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His son actually likes men, a man of the same sex as him, which came as a shock to him and has not been able to come to terms with it yet.

But Han Yu and his wife have obviously accepted this matter.

They do not think that men shouldn’t like men, but simply hope that Han Cheng can be happy.

Han Cheng hopes for the blessing of his family, so he can’t do the opposite, can’t really scold or break them up.

“You don’t think xiao Yu likes boys too, do you?” Father Han suddenly worried about his other son. “He hasn’t been close to any girls since he was young!”

“I’m not worried about whether he likes boys. What I worry about now is that he doesn’t seem to like anyone at all. It seems that he is going to be forever alone.”

Father Han: … His two sons, one is more unique than the other !

“Let him be.” Mother Han was already very accepting. “Anyway, he still has his didi xiao Cheng. Even if we leave, he still has a relative and they can take care of each other. We parents have done everything we can, so the rest is not what we can intervene in.”

“You are really open minded.”

“Otherwise? You can only take charge of your own life, but you can’t help others live theirs. So why worry so much? They are all grown up, have ideas and thoughts, and they can take responsibility for their own life. So you just need to support and guide them. You don’t need to step in and take care of everything.”

Father Han felt that his greatest achievement in his life was not only to build his own business empire, but also to marry such an open-minded and rational woman as his wife.

He reached out and hugged mother Han, “Okay, listen to you.”

Mother Han smiled and was about to compliment him when she heard her husband’s childish complaint: “But I’m still angry! I’m the head of the family. Every time, I’m the last to know, when everyone else does. It’s too much!”

“I love him so much and treat him so well. I changed his diapers for him when he was a baby. But now, after he’s grown up, he doesn’t tell his father about anything. He just tells his ge. Knowing his moral integrity, he still told his ge ? ! I’m his real father, okay?! I’m the most trustworthy person in this family !”

Mother Han: …

At this time, you are exactly the same as your eldest son. You deserve to be father and son!

On the other side, there are heated discussions about this variety show on Weibo and forums!

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[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah  have you seen “Follow me on a trip”? Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng, these two are really cute ! ! !]

[So sweet, so sweet, so sweet, too sweet, is playing in a loop!]

[I’ve never cracked such a sweet CP before. There’s no need to pick out sugar, there’s aready a pile of sugar in front of us!]

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[Yes, I have eaten so much sugar that my teeth are going to decay. Please get married quickly. I will pay you 9 yuan!] 1

[Do you see Shen Qingshu putting on the apron for Han Cheng? Ah, ah, ah, there really is a pink atmosphere, like a young couple in love!]

[Yes, yes, Shen Qingshu also fed Han Cheng tomatoes. Their relationship is so good and he even fed them with his own hands!]

[But it’s really surprising that Han Cheng can cook. I thought he was so rich that he didn’t need to cook.]

[As a result, he is the only one who can cook. Is he pleasantly surprised, surprised or happy? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.]

[The most important thing is that he not only can do it, but also has good craftsmanship ! ! ! Shen Rui and the others have eaten two bowls, my god, I’m hungry watching them!

[Me too, but it seems that Cao Min and Qi Lening didn’t eat? Did you see their scene?]

[They are on a diet, so they don’t eat dinner. The program team explained in a subtitle.]

[But …they should eat a little bit, someone specially cooked it, and out in so much effort. If they don’t eat at all, isn’t it a bit inconsiderate?]

[Do people have to eat if someone cooked? They said that they need to lose weight. Can they eat such oily food?]

[That’s right! Besides, although Cao Min didn’t eat, she took the initiative to go downstairs to help. Isn’t that enough? Han Cheng’s fans are really overbearing. If your gege cooks, does it mean others have to eat?]

[Please, who is Han Cheng’s fan? What kind of fan does an ordinary person like Han Cheng have? Can’t people comment after seeing something inappropriate in the program? You Cao Min fans are really overbearing!]

[Cao Min is such a b*tch. One second ago, she asked Sun Shanjing to help her clean up with the excuse that she was uncomfortable. Then she went downstairs and asked Shen Qingshu if he wanted to help. Isn’t she just rushing to flatter others? While looking down on Sun Shanjing and the others, doesn’t she want to take advantage of Shen Qingshu’s popularity?]

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[Cao Min needs to rub Shen Qingshu’s popularity? Shen Qingshu didn’t know what he was doing when Cao Min was popular? Does Shen Qingshu dare to say that Cao Min needs to rub his popularity?]

[Dare what dare? Shen Qingshu is much more popular than her now, okay? Shen Qingshu has a movie with an actual achievement of 5 billion yuan box office, does Cao Min have it? If not, don’t jump over to touch porcelain!]

[Cao Min isn’t contributing. She didn’t clean her room with the excuse of being uncomfortable. Shen Rui and Tao Kai also said they were uncomfortable, but they still threw away the garbage in the end. She didn’t show up at all and pretended to be invisible. Then when it came to cleaning their bedroom, she asked Sun Shanjing’s group to clean it. Sun Shanjing is so unlucky, she needed to clean her bedroom and also help Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng clean theirs. As a result, someone else added their burden onto her. Really It’s too much.]

[That’s right. Cao Min then proceeded to ask Shen Qingshu if he wanted any help, simply too hypocritical.]

[Isn’t she a typical person who doesn’t do anything and just wants to enjoy the fruits of others’ labour? What annoys me the most is meeting this kind of person who does nothing but enjoys everything.

[No, why are you only criticising Cao Min? Isn’t Shen Qingshu’s bedroom also cleaned by Sun Shanjing? Why don’t you mention Shen Qingshu?]

[Are you blind ? ! Can’t you see Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng cooking? A group of 12 people’s meals are all prepared by them, so they don’t have time to clean their bedrooms. Which is why Sun Shanjing’s group of three girls offered to help clean and not the same as Cao Min!]

[Yes, I always thought that a vice president like Han Cheng would be very arrogant, but I didn’t expect him to be so easy to get along with. Shen Qingshu was also very gentle, and he gave Sun Shanjing and them some extra eggs. I guess he must have been moved by the girl’s hard work.]

[Yes, yes, Sun Shanjing and Liu Yueyun were obviously touched by Shen Qingshu recognizing their efforts. He directly told Shen Rui that you work more and get more, work less and get less. They did less, so they have to give way for those who worked harder.]

[I like this way of distribution. Otherwise, there are always people who don’t do anything yet get equal rewards. If only our boss could be as great as Shen Qingshu.]

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[But Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng really have good cooperation. One topping noodles and one beating eggs are almost like a husband and wife shop [cover face].]

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah,  once you mention Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng, I’m no longer sleepy. Their tacit undering is so perfect!]

[There is also a tacit understanding when eating, looking for plums to quench thirst, looking for meat to satisfy hunger hahahahaha.] 2  

[I think Han Cheng is really interested in Shen Qingshu. Arriving at the new house, he deliberately teased Shen Qingshu several times, which seems intentional.]

[Yes, yes, and the massage bit. Oh, my god, it’s too sweet. Shen Qingshu also deliberately tickled him. What kind of novel plot is this?]

[The last time I saw this was Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min tickling each other.3 What is their relationship?]

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[They were also very sweet when baking cakes, especially when they exchanged cakes and ate each other’s cakes!]

[Come on, Shen Qingshu’s cake was normal and full of fruit, but Han Cheng’s cake is full of green bamboo and pandas. This green bamboo is so obvious. It’s a blatant show of love. If someone says that Han Cheng has no other meaning for Shen Qingshu, I’m  afraid even Han Cheng wouldn’t believe it!]

[That’s right, also with the matryoshka dolls. Han Cheng didn’t leave even after he won, and let Shen Qingshu continue to play. When Shen Qingshu was playing, he just watched Shen Qingshu. F*ck, that gaze, my boyfriend doesn’t look at me so affectionately!

[Ying ying ying, so sweet, so sweet, ksl!] 4

[But one thing needs to be said, when catching dolls Han Cheng was so handsome. I want to be a passer-by there watching the scene.]

[Ha ha ha, I’m different. I want to transmigrate into one of the guests and eat sugar on the spot.]

[Me too! Me too]

[Who doesn’t?]

For a moment, the forum was full of discussions about “Follow me on a trip”, while Han Cheng, on the other side of the ocean, just got his mobile phone and turned it on, ready to see if there was anything work related that needed to be answered.

However, as soon as he opened WeChat, he saw the message from Han Yu: [I told father.]

Han Cheng: ! ! ! F*ck! Ge, you are too fierce and fast! Isn’t this too fast ? !

Han Cheng’s heart was tensed in a moment, and he replied with a trembling voice: [What did he say?]


1 9 yuan = around £1.08

2  Seeing plums, I think that plums are not far away, and I can eat them after all, so I feel the feeling of eating them in advance, that is, to produce body fluids. 

3 From 《倚天屠龙记之魔教教主》 “The Demon Sect Leader” (1993)

4 Ksl = so cool

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