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Some people are happy and some are sad. Shen Qingshu hugs Han Cheng and nests in his arms. While Shen Qingyu shivers on the cold night of Chinese new year’s eve.

He never thought that his adoptive parents would find out about Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng, let alone that his adoptive father would directly beat and scold him on the first day of Chinese new year.

He kicked off his new year with a sad start.

It was not the outcome that was surprising but how it happened that caught Shen Qingyu off guard.

On the new year’s eve dinner table, relatives of the Shen family routinely praised father Shen, mother Shen and Shen Qingyu. It started off well, when the rainbow farts came to Shen Qingyu, a few of them saw that Shen Qingyu was absentminded. So they came together and turned the topic to him, “Xiao Yu is still as sensible as always. A son who is raised well is better than one who comes back halfway. Our xiao Yu looks good and is skilled. When relatives and friends in this circle meet, who doesn’t compliment him for being considerate. He is incomparable to Shen Qingshu.”

“What about Shen Qingshu? He doesn’t even come home for the Chinese New Year, which is not good or sensible.”

Others quickly echoed and said, “Yes, I think those who don’t grow up next you are not familiar. He has already been here for half a year and is not close to our Shen family at all.”

“Right? Not elegant at all, he’s so inferior and can’t be shown in public. Unlike xiao Yu who is able to help not only at home but also in the company.”

Father Shen’s face immediately became ugly.

Mother Shen is also a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Shen Qingyu is quite proud.

Where there are people, there is comparison. The day after Shen Qingshu was recognized by the Shen family, more than one relative came to Shen Qingyu and stood on his side saying, “Don’t worry, Xiao Yu. You grew up under our eyes. We all support you to be the heir. Do you understand?”

Shen Qingyu certainly knows that although the Shen family can’t compare with other rich families, there is also a company. When there is only him in the family, the company is destined to be his, but now there is a “Shen Qingshu” out of thin air, who is still the biological son of his parents. So the company will not necessarily fall into his hands.

Shen Qingyu doesn’t want to give up this company. After all, before Shen Qingshu appeared, everyone told him that this company will belong to him in the future.

So he smiled and approached the relatives and friends of father and mother Shn, trying to make them speak for him and protect his due assets.

However, those relatives of the Shen family who dislike him, or have a grudge against Shen parents deliberately watch the excitement. Maliciously stands in the “Shen Qingshu” team and tells him that these things should be his, encouraging him to take them away. Saying not to give it cheaply to Shen Qingyu.

It’s a pity that “Shen Qingshu” is not competitive by nature. When he sees that his parents are partial to his didi, he doesn’t want to compete with Shen Qingyu. In addition, he found out that Li Hui was cheating and became even more discouraged and had no ambition.

The relatives who stood on his side were half angered to death.

Now “Shen Qingshu” is gone and Shen Qingyu is touted again. These relatives can’t bear to see the happy scene of Shen Qingyu and father and mother Shen. So they deliberately said in a gentle tone, “Who knows what Qingshu is thinking. He still runs out for Chinese new year. Perhaps it is due to you abusing him?”

“That right, on new year’s eve, reunion night, how can the child not come back to eat? Xiao Yu, did you quarrel with your gege? Otherwise, why are you here but he is not?”

Father Shen almost had a heart attack, but Shen Qingyu returned with a serving of tea. “Where have I done that? How can I quarrel with my gege? No matter what my gege does, I won’t be angry. He left home impulsively due to anger. But this time my brother was really too much. He didn’t come home for the new year. Isn’t this intentionally trying to make our parents become sick with worry? “

Father Shen was so angry that he almost lifted the table on the spot. “Did he go too far or did you go too far! Why didn’t your gege come home? It’s because you hurt him!”

Shen Qingyu was shocked. He didn’t expect that father Shen would suddenly attack him.

The relatives of the Shen family also looked at him in amazement one after one, wondering what happened?.

Mother Shen hurriedly sent away the guests. When she closed the door, she saw that her husband could not help but move his hand towards her son.

Shen Qingyu listened to his angry rebukes and realised that his father already knew about Shen Qingshu and Han Cheng.

He hurriedly explained, “My gege didn’t let me tell you.”

“At this time, you will listen to him! Why didn’t you listen when your gege scolded you?! If you had told me your gege was with Han Cheng, I would have welcomed him back. Now, they broke up and I bet you’re happy!”

He became even more angry when he mentioned the break up, “You still took Li Hui to break them up! Well, you, Shen Qingyu, are so powerful. Your mother and I have raised you for so many years into such a beast! Do you not want to see me do well? Do you want me to be like this all my life?”

As he spoke, he picked up the tea cup on the table and threw it at Shen Qingyu.

Shen Qingyu forgot to dodge for a moment. The tea cup hit him hard on the chest. The hot tea soaked his clothes and scalded his skin.

Mother Shen felt pity for him, but when she thought of what he had done, she couldn’t help scolding him. “Han 1cheng has such good conditions! How many people want to hook him up. He and your brother were doing well, this is also a good thing for you, how can you be jealous?! Do you want to make your parents sad?”

“I didn’t!” Shen Qingyu argued anxiously, “I’m not jealous of him. Gege said he didn’t like Han Cheng!”

“You still argue!” Father Shen angrily shouted back, “your gege told your mother that he likes Han Cheng. Why does it become dislike after coming out of you mouth?! Use your pig brain to think about it. How can he not like him? That’s Han Cheng. Even if he didn’t like him, would he reject him?”

“I’m really angry with you now. Even if I raised a dog for so many years, the dog will wag its tail at me, but what about you! You’ll only envy your gege and destroy my good deeds. Get out of here. If your gege doesn’t come back, you don’t have to come back.”

“Shen Ping, forget it. If you kick him out, where will the child go for the Chinese new year?” mother Shen advised.

“He can go wherever he likes. In short, don’t wander in front of me. He will only upset me!”

Father Shen said and pushed him. Shen Qingyu held his hand and called him “Dad”. Shen Ping turned a deaf ear to him, as if he didn’t hear it.

Mother Shen was still for a long time, but didn’t stop him. Father Shen pushed the son who had been raised for more than 20 years out of the door with a bang. The door wind closed on Shen Qingyu’s face, cutting him to the bone.

Mother Shen watched as father Shen turned and went upstairs, before she prepared to open the door for her adopted son. But before she could open it, she heard father Shen’s roar, “If you dare let him in, I’ll break his leg! We don’t know where xiao Shu is. What qualifications does he have to come in!”

Mother Shen felt like her meat was cut with a blunt knife. She felt tangled and in pain. She was angry that his eldest son didn’t come back and that her youngest son was so jealous of his gege.

She opened the door and looked at her little son standing pitifully and helplessly in the cold wind outside the door, his shoulders shaking like an abandoned dog.

She distressingly held Shen Qingyu’s hand and advised him, “your father is angry now. If I let you in, he will only be more angry, so you go to a hotel to sleep for a night. I’ll coax your father tomorrow and then you’ll come back.”

Shen Qingyu looked at her painfully, “But today is new year’s Eve.”

Mother Shen sighed, “Xiao Yu, mom can’t help it. You’ve really gone too far. How can you be so confused? You can’t be jealous of your brother. Even if you are jealous, your gege doing better can be good for our family. Now that your gege and Han Cheng have broken up, what benefits can you get? Your parents love you so much, why can’t you think about your parents!”

“Think about it for yourself. Your mother is very disappointed with you now.” Mother Shen said and closed the door.

Shen Qingyu watched the door close again in front of him, as if he had lost his strength.

At twelve o’clock, crackling fireworks sounded from a distance, mixed with laughter and the echo of “Happy New Year”.

The city is brightly lit. Everyone is enjoying a family reunion at home. He is the only one standing outside the house and homeless.

Shen Qingyu feels a little cold. Didn’t the meteorological observatory say that the temperature will rise in the next two days, but why is it so cold today?

He was shaking all over and his teeth were shaking.

He turned and walked away from the door. He looked down and saw the tea stains on his clothes that hadn’t dried yet.

It’s dirty and stained brown. Looking very disgusting.

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Just like him now, destitute.

Shen Qingyu’s heart is uncontrollably uncomfortable. His eyes were sore and his heart was hateful.

What did he do wrong? Why did he end up like this?

Shen Qingshu!

Shen Qingshu!

It’s all his fault!

Without him, everything would not have happened. Since he already exists in the world, Shen Qingshu should no longer exist!

I hate him!

Shen Qingyu gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red.

When Shen Qingshu felt the movement around him, he couldn’t help rubbing against the other’s arms and hugging the other tightly.

Han Cheng looked at him, who obviously didn’t want to wake up, and had a headache.

He tentatively and gently lifted up Shen Qingshu’s hand. As a result, Shen Qingshu fought back and hugged him again, leaned in his arms and asked him softly, “what are you doing?”

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng had to answer him, “I’m going to wash. Lie down in bed and sleep some more, okay?”

Shen Qingshu nodded blurrily. Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly removed his hand, put it down, silently dressed and got out of bed.

As a result, as soon as he was ready to go to the bathroom, he found that his clothes were grabbed by someone.

“I’ll see you off.” Shen Qingshu slowly sat up from the quilt without opening his eyes.

As soon as Han Cheng turned his head, his vision was filled with pure white.

He is really too white, which makes those deep and shallow marks on his body particularly obvious.

Bit by bit, like scattered plum blossoms.

Han Cheng suddenly thought, from a distance, you can see that it is not a snowflake, because there is an elegant fragrance wafting over. 1

He hurriedly picked up Shen Qingshu’s pyjamas, ready to help him wear them. He saw that his eyelids were heavy and his long eyelashes hung quietly like small fans. He simply helped him put on his pyjamas.

Shen Qingshu sat obediently, letting Han Cheng help him wear pyjamas.

When Han Cheng finished dressing him, Shen Qingshu finally rubbed his eyes and opened them. Grabbing his clothes and saying, “I’ll send you off as promised.”

Han Cheng smiled, “I’m not leaving now. Where are you sending me?”

Shen Qingshu looked at him in confusion.

Han Cheng looked at his muddled expression like a small animal and rubbed his hair. “You sleep a little longer, I’ll cook some dumplings. When I’m ready, you can get up again.”

“Aren’t you going back?”

“I am.” Han Cheng said warmly, “when I finish cooking dumplings for you, I’ll go back.”

Shen Qingshu was moved again after hearing his words.

He thought, Han Cheng could give him 120 hearts.2 

“I can cook for myself.” Shen Qingshu said in a quiet voice, “Even if I can’t cook, I can heat up dumplings, heat steamed stuffed buns and cook instant noodles.”

“Then you’re awesome.” Han Cheng laughed.

Shen Qingshu puffed up his cheeks and said, “You’re laughing at me.”

“I’m praising you.” Han Cheng tapped his nose, “Okay, I’ll go and wash.”

He stood up, but Shen Qingshu didn’t let go.

Han Cheng pointed to his hand. “If you don’t let go, your dumplings will be gone.”

Shen Qingshu looks at him. The emotions of yesterday are still lingering. He’s not worried about being unable to eat dumplings. Now he only wants Han Cheng to hug him and accompany him.

Thinking so, he slowly raised his body, approached Han Cheng and hugged his neck, “Don’t eat dumplings.”

He nibbled on Han Cheng’s lips, “Eat you.”

Han Cheng chuckled, “didn’t you eat enough last night?”

“Stay with me more.” Shen Qingshu hugged him tightly and rubbed against his ear. “I can heat dumplings myself, so you don’t have to heat them for me. You can sleep with me longer and hug me.”

“Can’t bear to let me go?” Han Cheng smiled and kissed his ear.


“So reluctant to part with me?” Han Cheng was both surprised and proud.

“Yes.” Shen Qingshu didn’t refute him.

Han Cheng couldn’t help hugging his waist, kissing his ears and temples for a while, then kissing down his face.

This new year is really worth it, Han Cheng thought. He has never been so needed by Shen Qingshu.

The first time!

Shen Qingshu is so reluctant to give him up!

Extremely unwilling to give him up!

It’s so rare that he doesn’t act like a scum man, at last he is like a little sweetheart!

Seeing this, Han Cheng obediently went back to bed, held his sweetheart and kissed him well.

Until 8:30, Han Cheng finally got out of bed again, washed and prepared to leave.

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Shen Qingshu sent him out of the door and looked at him quietly.

Han Cheng was silently watched by him, so much so that he couldn’t continue moving.

He looked at Shen Qingshu’s tender expression, and watched him standing in front of the red couplet in his white pyjamas.

They stuck the couplet together. He was responsible for sticking and Shen Qingshu was responsible for helping him see if it was straight.

He still remembered that after sticking it on, Shen Qingshu read the upper and lower couplets once, with a curved smile and curved eyebrows.

He smiled so beautifully, that every time he smiles, Ha Cheng can’t help but want to hug him.

Han Cheng smiled and poked his eyebrows, “Smile.”

Shen Qingshu raised his lips in an instant and showed him a sweet smile.

“I’ll come back to see you tomorrow at the latest.” Han Cheng said.

“En.” Shen Qingshu replied.

Han Cheng touched his head, held the man in his arms and gently kissed his side face, “then I’m going.”

“En, be careful on the road.”

“I know.” Han Cheng said and released him.

Shen Qingshu watched him enter the elevator and then watched the elevator door close slowly. Then he reluctantly walked back to the house.

Instead of sleeping, he went to the kitchen and heated himself a plate of dumplings.

When the dumplings were out of the pot, Shen Qingshu took a photo and sent it to Han Cheng.

Shen Qingshu: [Cooked, ready to eat.]

Han Cheng was waiting at a red light. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. Then he was relieved.

Now what others have, Shen Qingshu also has.

When Han Yu saw his didi, he stepped back, looked at him up and down for a while and then said meaningfully, “You willingly came back?”

Han Cheng was uncomfortable so he pushed him away, “You’re in my way.”

When he finished, he went straight forward, but Han Yu gave an “Ah” and said, “What’s that on the back of your neck? Who left that mark? There are no mosquitoes in this season with such big attack power.”

Han Cheng instantly covered his neck with a guilty conscience.

Han Yu approached him with a smile and said, “is it Qing Qing didi?”

“Of course not.”

“Then who did it?”

“No one.”

Han Cheng said that, then he reacted and touched around carefully, before he turned back and said to him, “You tricked me?”

“Obviously, you fall for it every time.”

Han Cheng: …

“You also said that you and Qing Qing didi are not dating?” Han Yu smiled.

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng looked at his ge helplessly. He couldn’t tell him that ‘we’re not dating, but are car friends!’

If this is said, it will shock his ge for a whole year!

“I already said no, don’t guess.” Han Cheng said that and turned to go.

Han Yu grabbed his collar and said, “I just suddenly remembered that Qing Qing didi had a conflict with his family and didn’t want to go home. Previously he said that he lived with you. So where is Qing Qing didi living now? Is the answer your house?”

Han Cheng: …

“So what!” Han Cheng bluffed.

Han Yu raised his eyebrow. “Let me get things straight. you live together; you gave him a small cage necklace, you went back to accompany him on the evening of new year’s eve, but you are just pure friends, right?”

Han Cheng: …

That’s not true. They’re not pure. They haven’t been pure from the beginning.

They are impure friends!

“He gave you this watch on your wrist, didn’t he?” Han Yu looked down. “Usually the watches you buy on your own has a starting figure  of millions. You don’t wear the watch worth tens of millions I bought for you for a few days. As a result, you’ve worn this watch for more than a month. Who is more important than me? There’s no second person except him.”

Han Cheng: …

“I want to work hard and be low key, can’t I?”

“Then you should buy one worth tens of dollars instead of hundreds of thousands.”

Han Cheng: …

Han Yu patted him on the shoulder. “Ourxiao Cheng has finally fallen into the river of love.”

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng decided to change tactics, “So do you feel ashamed to be the bottom of the family?”

Han Yu: !!!

“The oldest and the last to fall in love. This time you are also the first and the last!”

Han Yu: …

Han Cheng smiled. “Don’t worry, gege. I won’t laugh at you like my parents. After all, no one is perfect, no gold is perfect, and no human is perfect. I have my strengths and you have your weaknesses. We should learn to face up to our shortcomings.”

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Han Yu: …

Han Yu applauded him, “You’re good.”

He turned and walked downstairs.

Han Cheng snorted and smiled proudly, who let you act like Sherlock Holmes early in the morning. Now, you deserve to be mercilessly ridiculed by your didi!

He was proudly preparing to go back to his room, when he heard Han Yu shouting, “Mum and Dad, I’ll show you a good thing to ensure that you can be happy all day today.”

Han Cheng: !!!

Han Cheng quickly ran downstairs and stopped in front of Han Yu, “I’m wrong.”

“You’re right. What did you do wrong? No one is perfect. No gold is perfect. No human is perfect. You have your strengths and I have my weaknesses, so I need to learn to face up to my shortcomings.”

“How can you have shortcomings? Gege, you are the best!” Han Cheng closed his eyes and blew rainbow farts.

“Aren’t I at the bottom? Who is at the top?”

“Of course it’s you! No one in our family can match you!”

“Still laughing at your brilliant brother?”

Han Cheng: “… No.”

Han Yu smiled proudly, “So you say, what did you confess to me this morning? Well, Xiao Cheng?”

Han Cheng: … Very angry!

Where is his future sister-in-law? No one in the world can control his gege, the great devil!

He is too unwilling!

After eating the dumplings, Shen Qingshu went back to bed and lay down to brush the forum.

He looked up suddenly when wechat rang. It was Zhou Jianming.

Zhou Jianming: [Happy new year.]

Zhou Jianming: [although it’s cruel to tell you about your work on the first day of the new year. Celebrities have no mandatory holidays, so get ready. You’re going to record “Come and listen to me” in the middle of this month.]

Shen Qingshu still remembers that this variety show is similar to debate competition. Zhou Jianming thinks it is very suitable for him.

Shen Qingshu: [Okay, I’ll watch this variety show later.]

Zhou Jianming: [Take a good look, but it seems that they will change to live broadcast this season and there may be new rules.]

Shen Qingshu: [it’s all right. That’s just right. If it’s broadcast live, it can be broadcast earlier. I can also collect fans earlier.]

Zhou Jianming: [You’re quite confident.]

Shen Qingshu has a good reason for this: [Am I handsome?]

Zhou Jianming: [Handsome!]

He is really handsome. Anyone will boast that his appearance is born to be a star.

Shen Qingshu: [Am I suitable for debating?]

Zhou Jianming: [Suitable.]

That little mouth is so slick.

Shen Qingshu: [So, I’m handsome and can debate. Can’t I still not attract fans?]

Zhou Jianming: seems there’s no problem.

Zhou Jianming: [I think so!]

Shen Qingshu: [Is there a need to say so ~]

After chatting with Zhou Jianming, he didn’t brush the forum anymore. Instead, he searched the content of the last season of the variety show and was ready to make up lessons for himself.

After watching it for hours, Shen Qingshu understood the rules and style of the program and had a certain understanding of the variety show he was about to record – not exactly the same as ordinary debates, but the same as ordinary debates with the addition of also testing people’s reaction.

He should be fine as long as nothing drastic happens.

Shen Qingshu was relieved, so he turned on the computer and began his daily work of filling the pit.

After Han Cheng met his relatives at home, he was ready to go home.

He was also embarrassed to directly say that he wanted to go back, so he had to pull Yin Mingyao and them out as a cover.

“Didn’t you just get together yesterday?” Mother Han questioned.

“Zhou Jinming quarrelled with his girlfriend and is crying. I’ll go have a look.”

Mother Han nodded and poked him, “Xiao Zhou has a girlfriend, but you haven’t.”

Han Cheng: …

“Then I’ll go first.”

“Will you come back in the evening?”

Han Cheng: “… If it’s too late, I may not come back. If so, I’ll come back tomorrow morning.”

Mother Han looked at him with doubts on her face.

“Are you really not in love?”


“But you’ve been running out every day. I haven’t seen you so diligent before.”

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Han Cheng: “There are too many friends.”

“Then will you have another friend’s party tomorrow?”

“No more.” Han Cheng promised her, not unless Shen Qingshu sticks to him tomorrow morning!

Mother Han agreed and released him, “go and come back early.”

“I know. Thank you, mum.”

Han Cheng took his coat and went out.

Mother Han turned around and happened to see Han Yu drinking water. She went over and questioned him, “Is your didi in love?”

Han Yu was calm, “No.”

“But he runs out every day and doesn’t stay at home for the new year.”

“Young men love to play.” Han Yu explained for him.

Mother Han was still doubtful, “no, I have to ask Xiao Zhou to see if xiao Cheng really went to see Xiao Zhou.”

“Okay.” Han Yu nodded, put down his water cup and walked away.

By the way, he sent a wechat to Han Cheng: [Have you communicated with Zhou Jinming in advance? Mum is going to call him to investigate the authenticity.]

Han Cheng: !!!

Han Cheng hurriedly called Zhou Jinming.

When Zhou Jinming heard his words, he was speechless for a while, “You are really my good brother, cursing me to quarrel with my girlfriend for the New Year. Why don’t you destroy the love between you and Xiao Shen didi, instead of ours? “

“I said it casually. Please help cover me.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, why must you lie? If you tell your parents directly, can your parents object?”

“He and I are not in the kind of relationship you imagine.”

“No need to make excuses. At Christmas, you said you wouldn’t give him a gift, then what happened?”

Han Cheng: …

“Do you have to be lovers to give gifts?”

“If it’s not a gift for a lover at Christmas. Why didn’t you give it to me?”

Nonsense, you’re not my little sports car!

As for giving it to Zhou Jinming, Han Cheng quietly shook off goosebumps. Even if the other dared to be a car, he didn’t dare to drive!

“Anyway, just cover me.”

“I have to cover you now. You’re saying he’s not your boyfriend, I didn’t see you cover up when you came out to meet us.”

Han Cheng: …

“Why are you talking so much today!”

“Maybe I saw a scum man who dared not admit his true intentions, so I couldn’t help but want to save him.”

Han Cheng: …

“I’m not.”

“You’re not? Okay, I’ll call Wu Yang now. I think Wu Yang must be very willing to hear that you are not lovers. I guess he will want to thank you!”

Han Cheng: !!!

“Stop for me!”

“So you and xiao Shen didi are lovers? If you aren’t, get out of the way. Some others can’t wait to be! Besides, it’s good to introduce Wu Yang. Don’t allow the fertile water flow to outsiders. Don’t you worry about Wu Yang? Xiao Shen didi will definitely be well taken care of and you will no longer need to worry.”

Han Cheng: I thank you!

He said he would beat Wu Yang up sooner or later. It was terrible to have such a friend around!

“So is xiao Shen didi your boyfriend?”

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng felt that there was no second answer, “Yes yes, alright, he really is.”

“That’s right. Being bold is the spirit we men should have. Don’t keep thinking about being a scum man. It will lower my image.”

“What image of spicy chicken do you have? Hang up.”

After speaking Han Cheng angrily hung up the phone and stood in the garage. Why does everyone feel that he is in love with Shen Qingshu?

Do they look like they’re in love?

Alas, he must be very good at acting, so he mesmerised these audiences into the play!

It’s all Yan Jiayu’s fault, if he hadn’t added too much drama to himself, he wouldn’t have added ambiguous dramas to himself with Shen Qingshu!

Now all right, the audience is deep in the play!

When they separate in the future, a lot of explanations will need to be given.

Han Cheng couldn’t help shaking his head. He never thought about when they would separate? Why will they separate?

1 遥知不是雪,唯有暗香来。

From a distance, you can see that it is not a snowflake, because there is an elegant fragrance wafting over.

From Song Wang Anshi’s 宋王安石 poem [Plum blossom]《梅花》

2 Song by Xin Xin 辛欣

[Give 120 hearts]《放120个心》A song released after the singer was dumped by her boyfriend, expressing her heartbreak. Where she wants to give her whole self to the scum ex boyfriend and he only wants to give her ‘120 hearts’

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