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In the past when he ran away from home, he could only call him to pick him up. Now he can go anywhere and do whatever he wants.

In a way, Han Cheng thinks Shen Qingshu is actually very powerful.

He wanted to write, so he published his own novels, had his own fans and finished a novel.

He wanted to film, so he entered the entertainment industry and let everyone know the name Shen Qingshu with his own strength.

He will never procrastinate, will not be lazy and will not give up the sideline of writing because he is already a star. Nor will he look down on filming because he has made a little achievement in writing.

He takes every step seriously, patiently and conscientiously.

He walked his own way and never hesitated, so he grew into a tough green bamboo, proud and pure.

Han Cheng released his arms, took his hand and said gently, “I’ll get a new watch for you. This watch doesn’t match your shirt, let’s find a more suitable one.”

Shen Qingshu was always obedient in front of him, so he nodded, “en.”

Han Cheng opened his watch drawer, picked up a watch with a starry night design and put it on his wrist.

The dark blue dial is dotted with stars, the crescent moon is curved and a layer of brilliance is sprinkled, adding some mystery.

Shen Qingshu looked at the watch on his wrist and thought it was also very beautiful, low-key and gorgeous.

Wearing Han Cheng’s shirt and watch, he once again stepped on the stage of “Come and listen to me”.

This is his second appearance in front of the public. Different from the previous pure and clean image, this time Shen Qingshu seems a little cold and noble.

He didn’t wear too many accessories, or the previous necklace, but his watch was changed and his makeup was slightly adjusted. Coupled with his indifferent and calm eyes, it made people feel like a different person for a time at first glance.

[F*ck, changed his style. Today’s Shen Qingshu feels different!]

[My God, he’s so handsome. He’s even more handsome than the last episode!]

[Take a good look. I can only see him in my eyes now. I can’t see anyone else at all.]

[His versatility is too high. Do you see this, investors and directors? Come and invite him to act!]

Soon, his new style today was moved to the forum, causing a lot of praise.

[I found that he is really good at taking advantage of his appearance!]

[A handsome man is worthy of being handsome. He is handsome in any style!]

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[I can’t wait to see his next match. I don’t know what style he’s going to change next. Looking forward to it!]

Han Cheng looked at him wearing his shirt and talking eloquently on the debate arena. With contentment and pride in his heart, he gifted him a playground as soon as he raised his hand: [Qing Qing is so beautiful, come on, Qing Qing!]


[He came, he came, he came again arrogantly!]

[The local tyrant really loves Shen Qingshu. I’m tired of praising!]

[So sweet, so sweet, Tu Hao is real!]

[? ? ? ? Tu Hao?]

[Local tyrant x Shen Qingshu.]

[Then why not Hao Shen?] 1 

[Then the Hao Shen CP is true! Whatever, it’s the local tyrant and Qing Qing anyway.]

After the game, Han Cheng invested more than 100,000 again. Shen Qingshu’s fans looked at him like a boy scattering wealth. They just felt that they didn’t understand the world of local tyrants.

Han Cheng felt that Shen Qingshu was to blame for this. What he said was so witty that every time he saw Shen Qingshu suppress others, he felt very refreshed. When refreshed he couldn’t help but want to give him gifts.

Fortunately, Han Cheng thought, Shen Qingshu said he wouldn’t be on the next episode, so he wouldn’t have to watch the next episode.

For Han Cheng, this debate program is not interesting. The reason why he is willing to watch the live broadcast with his ipad at this time is simply to watch Shen Qingshu.

Shen Qingshu is not there, who else will he look at?

At 10:30pm, the second game finally came to an end. Shen Qingshu helped the team win again with an overwhelming advantage and won his second MVP.

When the host announced the time of the barrage to vote, director Wang looked from backstage and saw the three words Shen Qingshu filling the barrage. There was no need for statistics at all.

“His popularity is really stable.” Director Wang sighed, “he will be hotly discussed again.”

That night, Shen Qingshu went on the hot search again.

Netizens click in and see his cold eyebrows and gentle smile.

“Fck, how do I feel that after three days, he is more handsome?”

“Not only more handsome, but also as eloquent as before!”

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“Sh*t, this style is also suitable for him. How can he control any style!”

“Obviously, he can rely on his appearance, but he has to rely on his eloquence to defeat others. God is too biassed!”

That’s right, Gao Zhuo thought as he looked at the hot search with his heart full of grievances. He had fought twice with Shen Qingshu and he was about to be tortured into developing a psychological shadow. He decided that he would not participate in the next episode!

Gao Zhuo sighed and ate a sad comfort meal with Zhao Xiaoyu.

When Han Cheng got up the next morning, he found that many people in Shen Qingshu’s support club were crazyil @ him again.

He didn’t pay attention, nor did he open it until he went to the company. As soon as he opened it, he saw the news that the program group of “Come and listen to me” unexpectedly released a series of figurines of a single person.

[Gege is so cute! I must grab it tomorrow morning!]

[Me too! Me too! Thanks to the local tyrant, we can unlock it now.]

[The more I look, the more lovely you are. I really want to buy it now!]

Han Cheng doubtfully clicked on the links in the group chat. The first thing that jumped into his eyes was the appearance of Shen Qingshu’s Q-version figurine.

This is obviously designed according to his first episode. It looks very cute with a white shirt, jeans and a microphone in hand.

He read the rules carefully before he understood what was going on.

The program group set a goal of 100,00 tickets to unlock the personal figurine series. A dollar reward is counted as ten tickets.The method to vote is by logging in and receiving flowers for free every day, which counts as one vote. If users refer new users to register on the video website then that will give another free vote. There are about five kinds of such methods.

Shen Qingshu is special. Han Cheng directly threw more than 100,000 in reward at him in the first episode, so Shen Qingshu has more than one million tickets at present. Therefore, his figurine directly appeared with this new section and his fans do not need to unlock it at all.

That’s why the group is full of @ Han Cheng today, thanking him.

Han Cheng thought the plan was quite clever. He glanced at tomorrow’s snap-up time, silently wrote it down and planned to buy one for himself when the time came.

When put in his bedroom, it will be so cute and lovely. It’s best that the program team can create one for each episode Shen Qingshu participates in, so that he can form a row. How satisfying that will be.

Han Cheng thought so, quit the webpage and started a new day’s work.

Shen Qingyuan saw his figure design earlier than Han Cheng and other fans. Director Wang really cared about him, so after reading the manuscript of Perfect Work, the director forwarded the design to him and asked him if it was okay? If not, they will continue to revise.

Shen Qingshu thinks it’s okay, not only okay, but super cute!

So he asked director Wang, “Can you give me one?”

With that, he thought of Han Cheng again and immediately changed his way, “Or, two?”

Director Wang is very forthright, “Give you ten!”

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Shen Qingshu was happy, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. No need for changes, follow this design?”

“Uh huh.” Shen Qingshu replied.

He didn’t tell Han Cheng about it and planned to surprise him at that time.

However, Han Cheng, who didn’t know his thoughts, opened the purchase page in high spirits the next day and was ready to buy.

Unfortunately, he went late. The 1000 presale released today has been robbed by fans early. Han Cheng desperately hit the grey button, but nothing happened.

Han Cheng: …

Han Cheng was so angry that he threw the mouse.

Other members of the fan club were also angry: [Why did it disappear so soon, I was only a little late!]

[1000? Why are they all gone!]

[Does the program team plan to release a second batch? I want to buy it!]

Many fans went to the microblog of the program group to express their strong desire to buy and hope that the program group can open another pre-sale.

The program team didn’t expect these fans to be so enthusiastic. Anyway, fans want to buy and they want to make money, it’s the best of both worlds. Why not push the boat with the current?

So the program team immediately sent a microblog to explain that 1000 figurines would be presold again at 10 a.m.

Fans shouted long live, while Han Cheng set himself a ten o’clock alarm silently.

He doesn’t believe he can’t buy it!

At ten o’clock the next morning, as soon as the alarm clock rang, Han Cheng opened the page for purchase. As soon as he opened the purchase page, he saw — [this treasure has been sold out ~].

Han Cheng: !!!!

Han Cheng was so angry that he threw the mouse again!

What is this? Wasn’t money everything? Why not let him spend money!

Han Cheng is very angry and depressed.

Shen Qingshu looked at him with a sullen expression and asked him, “What’s the matter with you?”

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Han Cheng: … Can I say I couldn’t grab your figurine? I can’t!

“Nothing.” Han Cheng said.

“But your frowning.” Shen Qingshu poked his eyebrows.

Han Cheng took his hand, held it and pinched it unhappily.

Shen Qingshu coaxed him when he saw him like this, “don’t be unhappy. I’ll give you a gift?”

“What?” Han Cheng said curiously.

“Close your eyes.”

Han Cheng silently closed his eyes and couldn’t help guessing in his heart.

Shen Qingshu pulled out the figurines he had just hidden in the drawer – it was delivered by director Wang to him last night. He said it was a sample. If there were no problems, it would be produced according to the sample.

Shen Qingshu has no opinion. The program team obviously doesn’t want this to be a one-off deal, so the sample is very delicate, as they want good word of mouth so that they can continue to sell.

“Here you are.” Shen Qingshu took his hand and put his little hand into his hand.

Han Cheng touched it suspiciously, then as if he realised something, opened his eyes and looked at the object in his hand in surprise.

——Isn’t this Shen Qingshu’s Q-version that he failed to grab for two days?

How could he have it!

And he gave it to me!

Han Cheng looked at Shen Qingshu, held his hand and said to him, “This is the gift you want to give me?”

Shen Qingshu nodded. “Don’t you like it?”

I love it so much!

Han Cheng unconsciously smiled and was embarrassed to admit it, so he squinted at him, “You’re very scheming. Giving yourself to me, do you want to stay with me so much?”

1 土神 Tu Shen = Tyrant Shen

土豪 Tu Hao = local tyrant

Why not Hao Shen then? Is referring to what to call their CP name. Conventionally the order of names is gong(Hao) x shou(Sheng)

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