Chapter 369: Chapter 366: Unusual Temple_1

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Cʘntinue reading on ΒƟXN0VEL.ϹʘM

Translator: 549690339

What are those high-level people thinking?

They thought that since Yang Chen is not from Beishan Main City, no matter how excellent his performance, it has nothing to do with Beishan Main City, and they should target him. They also said that Yang Chen had only reached this level and that Beishan Main City had geniuses in the past.

What kind of thinking is that?

He saw decay, he saw a series of arrogant remarks. He knew very well that these old fellows in Beishan Main City were still immersed in the past image of Beishan Main City being invincible. They didn’t know that Canghai Sect and Yuanshan Sect were gradually growing bigger.

From the beginning, these two forces had to look at Beishan Main City’s face, but now they are on par with Beishan Main City!

Yet they haven’t noticed it.

They even arrogantly believe that they are invincible, completely despising others.

Steward Xu’s heart was filled with resentment, but he still kindly said, “That’s very kind of you. If Yang Chen, my friend, needs to break through the Trial Tower again, just let me know. Now, let this old man take you to rest.”

Yang Chen saluted and immediately said, “Thank you, senior Xu.”

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“No need to be polite, polite…” Steward Xu had no idea how many times he had cursed Yang Chen in his heart, but on the surface, he was very courteous and hypocritical with Yang Chen.

In this way, under the guidance of Steward Xu, Yang Chen stays in a corner of Beishan Main City.

It indeed was a corner. The spiritual energy here is scarce, and it’s located in a remote area, which can be considered as a place where hardly anyone lives in Beishan Main City.

At least after Steward Xu left, Yang Chen stood in the courtyard, looked around, and found that there were no other people living nearby except him.

“Steward Xu is really good at taking revenge, ******* wants me to leave Beishan Main City, but I don’t. He arranged for me to be in such a place where there is no spiritual energy and no environment. Fortunately, I didn’t bring Ming Yue here. Otherwise, wouldn’t she have suffered with me?” Yang Chen looked at the messy surroundings and memorized Beishan Main City’s style of doing things.

He didn’t think it was solely Steward Xu’s decision. It was likely a decision made after discussing with Beishan Main City. Their narrow-minded approach, yet self-proclaimed orthodoxy, deeply disappointed Yang Chen.

The key point is that after Steward Xu brought him here, he left without mentioning when he would pick Yang Chen up to go to the Trial Tower again.

“Is this to make it harder for me to participate in the Trial Tower again?” Yang Chen shook his head, “It won’t be that easy.”

If Beishan Main City had a good discussion with him, he would give them some face to some extent.

After all, everyone deserves some respect.

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But now that Beishan Main City has played this game with him, they can’t blame him.

Yang Chen looked around at the environment, revealing a helpless smile. He then slightly tidied up the surroundings and dug a cave to rest in.

At the same time, Yang Chen suddenly heard voices from the Eight Extremities Flowing River Space.

“What did you say? I have reached the level of martial arts cultivation to learn Mountain God Roar?” Yang Chen raised his eyebrows, a look of joy on his face.

It was naturally transmitted by Bear Elder One and Bear Elder Two.

What is the Mountain God Roar?

It’s the second ultimate technique of Black Mountain Black Bear.

Yang Chen didn’t know how many ultimate techniques Black Mountain Black Bears had, but he had seen their power firsthand. The first was the Black Mountain Dark Cloud Palm and the second was the Mountain God Roar.

Yang Chen had the essence blood of Black Mountain Black Bears in his body, so he was able to learn their ultimate techniques. The Mountain God Roar was naturally the same. However, at the beginning, he couldn’t learn it due to the insufficient level of martial arts cultivation.

But now, when he came out of the Trial Tower, his martial arts cultivation had improved to Stage 8 of the Soul Martial Realm. Just as he was about to meditate and cultivate, Bear Elder One and Bear Elder Two told him that his martial arts cultivation was now enough to learn Mountain God Roar.

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How could Yang Chen not be overjoyed? He summoned Bear Elder One and Bear Elder Two from the Eight Extremities Flowing River Space, and called out Rainbow and a few girls from the Fishman Tribe, as well as the Golden Claw Python.

“Young Master!”


The Black Mountain Black Bears and the Fishmen Tribe all spoke to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen nodded and ordered, “Rainbow, take a few tribe elders from your tribe and patrol the surroundings, check if there’s anything suspicious. If there is, report back to me immediately. Brother Python, you go and protect the girls, remember to be careful in your actions. Although it is a remote place, it doesn’t mean it is completely safe.”

“Young Master, don’t worry.”

“Young Master, I’ll definitely protect these fish.” Golden Claw Python agreed.

Yang Chen didn’t feel particularly reassured, so he gave a few more instructions.

After the Golden Claw Python and a few girls from the Fishman Tribe left, Yang Chen looked at the Black Mountain Black Bear brothers, then called out a few more Fishman Tribe girls, “You, help me set up a soundproofing prohibition around here. Be rigorous about it. You know how loud these two big bears are.”

“Yes, Young Master!”

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Only after the soundproofing barrier was fully prepared did Yang Chen feel relieved.

Next, it’s about the Mountain God Roar…

Bear Elder One and Bear Elder Two were not very clever. Yang Chen treated them well, and supplied them with elixirs and food without sparing any effort. They naturally did their best to help Yang Chen, not hesitating to teach him the secrets of Mountain God Roar.

Yang Chen secretly appreciated the help of these two brothers. In fact, whether it’s the Golden Claw Python or the Fishpeople Tribe, the ones he was most familiar with and trusted were these two silly bears, because these two bears had no brains, and they were the first ones to follow him.

However, before he got a chance to practice Mountain God Roar, Yang Chen suddenly felt something and opened his eyes. He saw the Fishman Tribe and the Golden Claw Python hurry back.

“Young Master.”

“Young Master.”

Yang Chen looked at Rainbow’s strange expression and couldn’t help but ask, “Rainbow, what happened? Did you find anything suspicious around here?”

Upon hearing Yang Chen’s words, Rainbow hurriedly said, “Young Master, at first, Brother Python and I didn’t find anything nearby, but just as we thought there was no result, we found an old, broken temple in the east. I used my soul to inspect it and found something strange inside the temple. I didn’t dare to do anything, so I called for you, Young Master.”

Hearing this, Yang Chen was startled, “The temple is strange, what’s going on, take me to check it out! Brother Python, and you, all go inside the Eight Extremities Flowing River Space.”

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