At the bottom of the tower, a man’s body was sprawled on the ground in an awkward position, while blood spread out beneath his body.

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The system within her head had not yet noticed it, as it was still playing a celebratory song, as if celebrating her wonderful deeds.

Her grin widened.

Shao Yin had not intended to follow the script from the start.

When she first laid her eyes on the script, all she felt was disgust and rage. The innocent boy did nothing wrong, but he lost his status, lost his father’s protection, and even lost his healthy body.

He lost everything, but not even the child that he saved remembered his deeds.

What did he do wrong? Why is it that he was treated as such?

Shao Yin was upset, the story plot was not well written.

But when she arrived in this mission world, she was already married to Luo XuanMo, who was still a prince.

It would’ve been easier for her if the two of them were still single, as she could’ve tried another path. But since they were, there is only one choice for her to choose.

Still, this might not be a bad thing.

If her actions were too out of character, the system might’ve thrown her out and replace her with another soul.

And the other soul might not take pity on that child-like she did.

This was why she did her best in the past six years, just so that she can change the plot in one go at the last moment.

She took another amused look at the bloodied body below, before turning away from the edge and ran down the long path of the staircase.

“What did you do!!!” The system’s voice screamed within her mind with a sharp static voice, “Who allowed you to push the male protagonist down!!!”

Shao Yin’s face was filled with anxiety and worry as she ran, “It was a moment of carelessness.” She said apologetically.

“Carelessness!? Who allowed you to be careless!!” The system’s voice was shrill, “That is THE male protagonist! Do you even remember your role?!”

“You’re a cannon fodder! You’re supposed to be pushed by him! You’re supposed to die here! Did you forget!?”

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It could not believe its eyes, that the perfect and flawless Shao Yin would make such a mistake in such a crucial moment!!

Shao Yin ignored the screaming in her mind as she reached the end of the staircase, “No time to discuss now, stop worrying, we’ll talk later.” She said nonchalantly as she rushed over to Luo XuanMo’s body.

The area below the tower was already in a mess. Servants and guards were screaming and running around, and Shao Yin could vaguely hear someone screaming for the imperiAl doctors and someone screaming that there had been an assassination.

Ignoring his blood, she knelt down before his body, surprise flashing through her eyes when she realized that he was still breathing.

“Were the imperial doctors informed of this?” She asked with a shaky voice.

“Yes, Your Highness, we have sent servants to call for them.” Eunuch He replied in an even shakier tone.

It’s my loss… Shao Yin thought in regret.

But no matter, she’s the Queen, after all, so it’s normal for her to have a calmer temperament than the servants.

Gripping onto a silk handkerchief with her right hand, she held it over his head, as if wanting to wipe the blood off of him but hesitating as she did not want to worsen his injury, “Are the doctors here yet? Get them here quickly!” Her face was filled with worry and fear.

“Yes, Your Highness.” Eunuch He answered instantly, before rushing over to check.

The imperial doctors were already on their way, and before long, ten old men with a wooden medicine box behind their backs appeared.

“Move! Move away!” Shao Yin stood up suddenly before calling out to the servants around her, instantly clearing a path for the doctors.

Perhaps she stood up too suddenly, that she almost fell back to the ground from the sudden dizziness in her head. Thankfully, Eunuch He realized her state and held her steady instantly.

She turned her pale face towards Eunuch He, before nodding gratefully at him as she was too tired and anxious to say another word.

The surrounding became quiet as the imperial doctors checked the state of the emperor. Everyone was holding their breath, in fear that any noise would cause the emperor to lose his life.

Absolute silence.

“How is the emperor!?” After what felt like forever, a middle-aged woman came rushing to the scene.

It was the Queen Dowager.

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“Blood. The bleeding had been stopped.” The imperial doctor head answered in relief, “But his state is still unstable, we need to give it our all to save him!”

“So why don’t you!” The Queen Dowager snapped in return.

“It’s too breezy here……”

The emperor shouldn’t be allowed to lay on the ground like this, otherwise, when he wakes up and find out about this, all of them would be killed for shaming him.

The Queen Dowager understood instantly, “Quick, bring the emperor to his room!”

Thankfully, a sedan chair had been prepared beforehand, and after the approval of the Queen Dowager, they proceeded to lay Luo XuanMo carefully within the sedan chair and made their way back to the palace.

“May the Gods protect him.” The Queen Dowager prayed silently as she followed the sedan chair.

And of course, Shao Yin followed along too.

Not long after they reached his room, the concubines arrived hurriedly and gathered outside the room

“What happened?”
“Why did His Majesty fall from the tower?”

“Empress, what actually happened?” Finally remembering that Shao Yin was a witness at the scene, the Queen Dowager glanced over at her grimly.

Shao Yin lowered her eyes slightly, before answering softly, “His Majesty invited me for tea at the tower, and he stood at the edge of the tower and said that the scenery was beautiful.”

Her words ended abruptly here.

The Queen Dowager waited for a while, her brows furrowing tightly together, “After that?”

“After that…” Shao Yin hesitated for a second, before shaking her head in regret, “Imperial Mother should ask His Majesty when he wakes up.”

“I will definitely ask him when he wakes up.” She snapped instantly, “But I wish to hear it from you first.”

But no matter what she said, Shao Yin would only shake her head in response, refusing to say another word.

Noticing that she wouldn’t speak no matter what she says, the Queen Dowager turned her attention to the servants at the scene.

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“His Majesty did not allow us to tend to him, as he wanted to spend a day peacefully with Her Highness. We do not know what happened.” This was the servants’ reply.

“Please have mercy on us!” They cried out as they prostrated with their foreheads on the ground.

The Queen Dowager pursed her lips in annoyance, before landing her gaze back into Shao Yin, “Empress!” She snapped, “This is a major issue, you better tell me what happened!”

At the same time, Xi Er rushed here the moment he heard of this news.

The five-year-old boy was dressed in high-quality clothes and comfortable shoes. His puffy cheeks were red from the long run, and his short black hair was wet with sweat.

He noticed the intense atmosphere the moment he entered the room, and upon realizing that everyone’s gazes were on his mother, he immediately stood in front of her, protecting his mother even though he was but a small child.

Shao Yin’s heart warmed instantly at her son’s actions.

This is her cute and adorable son.

She held out the handkerchief from before, the one that she could not bear getting stained with her husband’s blood,

The handkerchief, the one that she could not bear getting stained with her husband’s blood previously, was taken out once again by Shao Yin, before she leaned down to wipe her son’s sweaty forehead.

Making sure that her sweet son is all cleaned up, Shao Yin turned her face towards the Queen Dowager slowly, “I said it just now, didn’t I?”

“When did you…” The Queen Dowager snapped, before halting as realization flashed across her eyes.

Oh. She finally realized what Shao Yin was trying to say.

“His Majesty invited me for tea at the tower, and he stood at the edge of the tower and said that the scenery was beautiful.”

The Queen Dowager ran the sentence through her mind once again, finally realizing that Shao Yin’s reply was not a mere brush-off.

It was a moment of total disbelief.

The empress meant to say that the emperor tripped and fell to his doom?!

But still, it’s highly possible, as the empress would never push him down the tower.

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Firstly, the couple had been extremely loving through the many years, to the point that their love and affection were rumored throughout the entire capital.

Secondly, there were no other princes in the palace, and Shao Yin’s son was already named the crown prince.

Their affections were deep, and their status was stable.

This is why the thought of Shao Yin attempting to murder the emperor would never cross her mind.

But most importantly, it’s highly unlikely for the empress to conspire against Luo XuanMo.

Though the emperor was not of her blood, he had indeed been raised by her, hence the Queen Dowager knew him well.

Luo XuanMo had always been an overly cautious person, so there was no way he would be tempted by anyone to go near an edge.

Unless he was the one who did so…

No wonder the empress refused to say the reason out loud, as it would’ve brought shame to the emperor, and all of them would’ve been punished severely.

But still, though the Queen Dowager understood, some people did not.

“So what actually happened?” A concubine asked, “This is a huge matter, Your Highness, it’s better to explain it clearly to everyone.”

“Did I not say it clear enough just now? Or are you trying to say that you’re suspecting anything?” Shao Yin’s sharp glare snapped to the concubine who raised up her voice.

True, she had been a grandkid for six long years, but it is under the control of the system, not anyone else.

She was afraid that the system would swap her out, hence she had tried her best to perform according to the script.

But that did not mean that anyone else could ride on top of her, nor was she a soft and gullible person.

She was the empress, and rightfully, the emperor’s women were under her control as she had the rights over all of them.

True, she had a gentle and considerate temperament, but without an iron fist and a sharp edge, there was no way she could lead an entire group of women without injury.

And now, though low, her voice was filled with a threatening presence, and the concubines quickly lowered their gazes in fear.

“I…I don’t mean that, I…I was just calling out everyone’s thoughts…” The concubine shuddered in fear, before stuttering to explain her actions.

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