Who would he trust, if not her? The Queen Dowager? The Ministers? The Nobles? No matter who he turned to, he was sure to be more suspicious and afraid of their true intentions as compared to her.

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Meanwhile, Shao Yin was his Empress and his wife, and one that was very much in love with him. As for what happened at the tower, he would eventually consider it a mere incident.

And this was where her plans would come into place. She would do such a great job at it that it triggered his wariness and anxiety, which will, in turn, cause him to take back his power of authority.

This will mean that he would have to start working hard to match up to her standards. However, as his body was not yet fully recovered, his actions would only exhaust his weakened body further.

This way, his body will become sickly and weak as time passed, she would make sure of it.

And in the future, when he finally met the love of his life, Shao Yin wanted to see how he would perform his ‘seven shots per night’ act, as he did in the original plot.

She was waiting to watch such a fun drama, but he would not wake up from the coma!

“He wouldn’t be stuck in a vegetative state from now on, right?” Shao Yin asked worriedly.

“How would I know?!” The system replied in a robotic flat tone, but it was obvious that he was extremely anxious about the current situation.

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As a system, it was not allowed to interfere with any part of the mission nor affect any of the main characters, in fact, the only person the system could affect was the host – Shao Yin, because both of them belonged to the same team in the Cannon Fodder department.

And seeing that the male protagonist was not waking up anytime soon, the system felt as if it was almost at a mental breakdown, “Think of a way! You created this mess and you need to solve it!”

“Hush, calm down.” Shao Yin comforted the system softly, “It’s still early, and it will take another three years before the original plot starts. He’ll surely wake up by then.”

The system thought about it silently, and there was nothing it could do except pray for a miracle to happen.

At this moment, only the Emperor and the Empress were in the room, as no one had the heart to disturb their bonding time. For some reason, this was an unspoken agreement between the servants from both the Emperor and the Empress’s palace1.

Eunich He and Lu Yi stood guard outside the room, and they could vaguely hear the woman’s gentle voice sounding from the room. And though they would not hear her voice clearly, the tenderness and love within the voice were not concealable at all.

“This must be true love!” Eunich He sighed emotionally. He was an incomplete man, and he would never be able to have children all his life, so naturally, no woman would follow him wholeheartedly. And so, the more he could not receive such dedicated feelings, the more he yearned for it.

“Yes, our Empress had always been a kind-hearted and wonderful person, but still, those black-hearted people are still talking nonsense behind Her Highness’s back.” By now, Lu Yi was already somewhat familiar with Eunich He, and she could not help but complain about the situation to him.

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“May I ask, who are you referring to?” Eunich He asked casually.

“Who else besides those people?” Lu Yi did not name any person, “They would not let go of the fact that Her Highness refused to speak of what happened that day, and they refuse to stop bothering Her Highness about this.”

Upon hearing her words, Eunich He frowned deeply as displeasure flashed across his eyes.

“His Royal Highness Qin arrives!” A voice announced from the entrance of the courtyard, causing Eunich He and Lu Yi to instantly straighten their backs in respect, before moving forward to greet the burly and tall man who was in the carriage. Meanwhile, a monk with a deceitful demeanor followed closely behind him.

The two hurriedly knelt down and bowed in respect, “Your Highness Qin.” And behind them, the other servants and maids in the courtyard, too, knelt down in respect.

The man with the resolute face and a fierce and murderous aura was Prince Qin.

He was not Luo XuanMo’s brother, but his uncle.

“How’s the Emperor?” Prince Qin asked.

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“The Emperor’s injuries are recovering, but His Majesty is still in a coma.” Eunich He answered honestly.

“Alright.” Prince Qin nodded and landed his gaze on the monk that he had brought over, “Go ahead.”

The monk bowed his head in response and proceeded to make his way into the room.

Eunuch He and Lu Yi hurriedly followed in the monk’s footsteps.

Shao Yin, who had also heard of the commotion outside the room, stood up from the bed and looked towards the door. 

However, the pupils in her eyes narrowed slightly as soon as she saw the burly and imposing man, who wore only a thin shirt in such cold weather.

“Isn’t this the farmer that you use to sleep with?!” The system raised its voice in disbelief.

Shao Yin was also in so much shock that she could hardly maintain her facial expressions.

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“Uncle Qin.” She stepped aside and bowed her head in greeting.

However, Prince Qin paid no heed to her, and instead, landed his eyes on the pale and unconscious man on the bed.

The monk sat down on the chair where Shao Yin had been and grabbed Luo XuanMo’s wrist and he inspected his pulse.

After that, the monk flipped open his eyelids before checking the injury on his head, even opening his mouth to check on the tongue coating.

Ever since finding out that the Emperor was in a coma, Prince Qin, who had always lived a common and hidden life, had invited an eminent monk to enter the palace and treat Luo XuanMo.

Meanwhile, Shao Yin’s heart was thumping against her chest as she could not help but glance at the tall and burly man, How could he possibly be the famous Prince Qin?


In ancient times, the Emperor and the Empress would have their own palace and huge af courtyards.

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