He listened to the words of the servants and automatically interpreted Shao Yin’s efforts over the past three years as guilt and remorse.

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It was her who caused him to fall from the imperial tower, suffering severe injuries and lying in bed for three years.

She owed him.

He conveniently forgot that he was the one who had struck first.

Moreover, even if he did strike first, he was the one who fell, wasn’t he?

He had remained unconscious for a long time, and his mind dulled and was sluggish. But he didn’t show it on his face, and instead, took a sip of tea and leaned back with his eyes closed.

The servants’ update had no main focus, as they said whatever came to their minds, so he had to carefully discern and extract any hint of clues of the events that happened while he was out of the picture.

In short, she did extremely well.

He had long recognized her talent. In fact, if it hadn’t been for him making his move first, he would have suspected her of plotting to murder him and seize the throne!

“Your Majesty!” At this exact moment, a choked voice full of emotions approached. Luo XuanMo abruptly opened his eyes and looked outside, only to see his empress running towards him while holding up the hem of her skirt.

Her fair and clear complexion, together with her rosy cheeks, instantly caught his eyes. Clad in a phoenix robe and a golden crown, she exuded an extraordinary grace, causing his pupils to constrict.

Something seemed different about his empress.

Luo XuanMo noticed it keenly, before quickly realizing the reason behind this change.

His fist clenched tightly, and a strong sense of vigilance surged in his heart.

He was certain that she was displaying joy and excitement now because he had just woken up, and they currently had no conflicts at hand.

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However, oonce he regained his strength and sought to reclaim his power, surely she would……

“Yin Yin!” Though he remained guarded internally, he still made an excited expression on his face as he stared at her with joy and gratitude. “I’m awake! I’ve heard about how you took care of me tirelessly these three years. Thank you for your hard work!”

As soon as Luo XuanMo began to speak, tears had already welled up in Shao Yin’s eyes, “Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It’s good that you’re awake! I’m so glad!” She choked as she threw herself into his arms. 

The two of them embraced each other, tears streaming down their faces.

The palace servants were also deeply moved. With moist eyes, they retreated simultaneously, leaving space for the couple.

As the palace fell silent again, the two of them gradually calmed down while still holding each other in embraces.

Shao Yin slowly released him and looked at his thin cheeks, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

“Your Majesty, you’ve suffered,” She choked.

This was where Luo XuanMo’s acting skills fell short, as his eyes did not even redden while he spoke, “You’ve suffered, too.”

Struggling to lift his hand, he attempted to gently tuck her dishevelled hair behind her ear.

Meanwhile, ignoring the man’s gesture, Shao Yin instantly covered his thin hand with her own, tears still streaming in large droplets, making her jet-black eyes bright and clear. “I didn’t suffer. It’s good that you’re awake, Your Majesty.”

Luo XuanMo turned his head away, unable to withstand her overwhelming affection.

To her, he had been unconscious for three years, absent from her life. But to him, it had been just a mere sleep.

And before that, they had been in an unpleasant fight.

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His gaze flickered as it landed on their intertwined hands.

Wasn’t this scene similar to three years ago? His eyes softened slightly at the thought as he held her hand tighter, “Yin Yin, three years ago…”

“I know!” Shao Yin interrupted him before he could finish, eagerly exclaiming, “I know Your Majesty’s intentions! Over these three years, I have been handling state affairs on your behalf and have purged the court of those who showed disrespect towards you!”

She spoke with joy, her eyes shining brightly, as if seeking recognition.

Luo XuanMo was taken aback.

That wasn’t what he meant.

He had intended to say that the dispute at the edge of the imperial tower was merely an accident, while he, too, had acted out of anger and negligence.

He had never intended any harm towards her, and he didn’t blame her for his fall, as he knew she hadn’t done it intentionally.

She had kept the incident to herself, and he was willing to continue hiding the truth, protecting her from the accusation of regicide.

And in return, she should willingly submit the military token to him.

That was his intention.

But who knew Shao Yin would start spewing such words!

He didn’t know whether to call her stubborn or truly loyal.

But regardless, it had worked to his advantage, somehow…

After pausing for a moment, he didn’t bring it up again. Instead, he smiled and said, “Yin Yin, I’ve known for a long time that you are capable. Thanks to you, the overall situation has been well managed.”

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After another pause, he continued, “Although I am awake, I am not yet able to attend court. During this period, I still need you to shoulder the burden.”

His eyes flickered with a hint of probing.

Skillfully donning the facade of a virtuous queen, Shao Yin replied in a gentle and considerate voice, “Your Majesty, why do we need to maintain formalities between us? I am delighted to share your worries. Besides, I prefer handling these matters rather than being bored all day in the palace.”

Luo XuanMo’s heart instantly skipped a beat as soon as he heard the last sentence.

With his internal vigilance instantly reaching its peak, he decided not to bring up that matter again, lest he inadvertently expose her stubbornness and make her aware of his intentions. Instead, he asked, “What about Xi Er?”

“He has left the palace,” Shao Yin smiled, her face filled with affection. “I can’t even begin to describe how happy he will be when he returns and learns that Your Majesty is awake.”

Luo XuanMo had no objections regarding their son, and there was even a hint of fondness on his face as he smiled and said, “He must have grown taller by now. I wonder how tall he is. By the way, for what reason did he have to leave the palace?”

It was common for couples to discuss about their children, so Shao Yin didn’t hide anything and replied honestly, “Xi Er has caught the attention of Prince Qin, who is now personally teaching him in martial arts skills…”

The image of a virtuous queen must not crumble, and the appearance of deep affection must remain intact, and so, Shao Yin spoke of Xi Er and Prince Qin fondly, while meticulously detailing her own accomplishments over the past few years. “I participated in the palace examination, and I have made changes to the taxation system…”

Of the number of corrupt officials that she had caught.

Of the number of influential families she had dealt with.

Of the roads, bridges, and river embankments repaired – how many projects in total.

Of implementing agricultural reforms in the military districts to address food shortages.

And so on.

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She had merely governed the country for three years, and yet, she had accomplished much more compared to any king before her.

As Luo XuanMo listened, his expression grew darker. Tumultuous emotions surged within him, and he couldn’t help but cover his mouth with a handkerchief to prevent the blood rising in his throat from spurting out!

He endured it forcefully and made sure to not show any signs of discomfort, before raising his hand to massage his forehead to reveal a hint of weariness. “I feel a bit tired. I’d like to rest now.”

“Alright, Your Majesty, please take a good rest,” Shao Yin immediately stopped and helped him lie down before quietly leaving the room.

Once her figure disappeared outside the hall, Luo XuanMo could no longer hold back. He quickly took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth, before spewing out a mouthful of blood!

The taste was metallic and sweet, and his chest felt constricted and painful.

Yet, the gentle voice of the woman seemed to echo in his ears.

Expanding the enrollment of scholars, which counties were selected as pilot projects, the increase in agricultural output…

“Ugh!” Another wave of metallic taste surged in his throat, and he pressed the handkerchief firmly against his mouth.

His eyes grew dark, filled with indescribable depth.

She had governed for merely three years, and her achievements surpassed his ever since he ascended the throne!

When he resumed his reign, if he couldn’t surpass her by a wide margin, how would his courtiers view him?

Damn it! She deserved to die!

As Shao Yin made her way back to the study, she could hear the voice of the system in her mind saying, “He’s awake. Shouldn’t you do your part and end it all as you promised?!”

The voice was sharp and filled with urgency.

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