C23 – Addiction

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“What the hell! Are you crazy? Why didn’t you say anything when you got hurt?” Xu Yangyi was livid, but he quickly tore off a piece of his skirt’s hem and used it to staunch Hee Jingyan’s bleeding arm.

Seeing Xu Yangyi’s concern, Hee Jingyan smirked and leaned in closer to him. He spoke in a rough tone, “Aww, my dear wife, it hurts. How about giving your husband a kiss to ease his pain?” With that, she leaned in for a kiss, but Xu Yangyi’s quick reflexes enabled him to slap her away. “Stop talking nonsense and fuck off,” he barked.

Hee Jingyan was a complete troublemaker! Even the sound of pain was enough to cause her agony. But since she was the one suffering, she couldn’t blame anyone else.

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Despite this, he wasn’t angry; in fact, his grin widened. “My wife can’t be shy now, can she? Look at that angry little face of hers. She’s so worked up that she can barely contain herself!” He then pinched Xu Yangyi’s cheek and laughed uproariously. But in the next moment, the barrel of a gun was pressed against his head, followed by the sound of a bullet being loaded.

“Do you want me to cripple your other arm too?” Xu Yangyi didn’t release Hee Jingyan’s hand but instead aimed his gun at her head and warned her.

In truth, Xu Yangyi wasn’t actually angry; he just wanted Hee Jingyan to be more truthful.

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However, even as he saw Xu Yangyi turn hostile, Hee Jingyan’s smile didn’t falter. The gun was pointed at her forehead? Nonetheless, she kept her composure and raised her hands in surrender. “I surrender. My dear wife, please lower the gun. You can’t just aim it at your husband’s head like that! How would you like it if I aimed it at you or Loong Shen’s head?” Loong Shen, who was lying unknowingly in the vicinity of the gun.

Upon hearing this, Loong Shen, who was driving, cast a sideways glance at Hee Jingyan. “Colonel, you should have let me know if you were still hungry. I could have sliced up Number Two for you and poured you a glass of wine.” It was a very menacing threat from the start. As expected, Loong Shen was not someone to be trifled with. A single word from him, and Hee Jingyan’s vital organs would be pulverized in seconds.

Xu Yangyi’s mouth twitched. This guy was seriously dangerous. If he dared to talk to his colonel in this manner, how would he cope if he got on his bad side?

Xu Yangyi had already added Loong Shen to his list of potential threats and reminded himself to be cautious at all times.

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Unlike Xu Yangyi, Hee Jingyan remained calm because he had become accustomed to Loong Shen’s threats. It was as if they didn’t faze him, and he said to Xu Yangyi, “Put the gun down, or else I’ll punish your wife.” Xu Yangyi was shocked by the threat, but he didn’t immediately comply with the demand to lower his gun. Instead, he looked at Hee Jingyan suspiciously and asked, “You really won’t do anything to me?” He couldn’t bring himself to believe that Hee Jingyan was being truthful.

“So now you’re questioning me!” Hee Jingyan smirked, throwing his hands up. “I won’t do anything, I promise.” His expression was full of confidence, but before Xu Yangyi could react, Hee Jingyan suddenly pushed him onto the backrest and kissed him aggressively.

Xu Yangyi’s eyes widened, and he immediately shoved Hee Jingyan away. Without hesitation, he slapped him across the face and angrily scolded, “Ah…! You liar.” He then grabbed his own head in frustration and shouted a few more times before glaring fiercely at Hee Jingyan, who still wore a smug expression despite being hit.

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“He’s completely insane.” How can someone be so shameless as to kiss another person without warning? Is he a kissing maniac?

Although Xu Yangyi disliked Hee Jingyan’s surprise attacks, he didn’t realize that he had never once objected to Hee Jingyan’s kisses.

He finally understood. Hee Jingyan no longer dared to play around with Xu Yangyi after receiving that slap. It was clear that it was no laughing matter.

As for Loong Shen, he appeared indifferent. Even if they were to fight to the death, it would have nothing to do with him.

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