C28 – Assistant Officer, Nan Xiao

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Outside the infirmary, Xu Yangyi felt like a spectacle under the scrutiny of Hee Jingyan’s subordinates. Even though the men avoided direct eye contact with him, they still sneakily glanced his way. The lack of women in the army made the situation slightly awkward, and their faces turned slightly red.

Although they did not whisper or exchange words, Xu Yangyi felt uneasy, as if he was on display for their amusement.

After waiting for a while without any sign of Hee Jingyan, Xu Yangyi grew frustrated. He raised his voice and shouted, “Hee Jingyan, are you okay? Come out here right now!”

“Damn it, I’m not a monkey or a dinosaur! I’m not some sort of exhibition!” Xu Yangyi seethed with anger as he glared at them coldly.

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The sudden outburst caught Hee Jingyan’s subordinates off guard, and they quickly averted their gaze. They thought to themselves:

“That’s the Colonel’s name! And he’s telling the Colonel to come out?”

“Was that a male voice? Wow, that’s bold! He used the word ‘scram’ too!”

“Is this our ‘sister-in-law’? Hey, she’s tough!”

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“No wonder he’s the son-in-law that our teacher took a liking to. It’s just that it’s different from what we expected. It’s a good thing that she’s not a fragile woman, or she would have had a hard time dealing with our formidable Colonel.”


Xu Yangyi’s subordinates were praising him, but Ji Guangming, who had already witnessed Xu Yangyi’s ferocity, found it unsurprising.

There was one man, however, whose gaze remained fixed on Xu Yangyi, tinged with a hint of sadness that went unnoticed by most.

Xu Yangyi, being a perceptive individual, noticed the man’s gaze directed towards him, but he didn’t say anything since the man didn’t appear hostile. Moreover, there was a trace of melancholy that he couldn’t quite understand.

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This piqued Xu Yangyi’s curiosity, so he looked up and observed the handsome man standing in front of Ji Guangming and his team, staring intently at them.

The man seemed taken aback when Xu Yangyi returned his gaze, quickly lowering his head and offering a greeting. Yet, a fleeting expression of guilt flashed across his face.

Xu Yangyi raised an eyebrow, noting to himself that the man had been looking at him. He’s not bad-looking, but what’s the meaning behind his gaze? I don’t even know him!

Perhaps feeling intimidated by Xu Yangyi’s presence, the man hastily tidied himself up and saluted Xu Yangyi. “My name is Nan Xiao, and I am the colonel’s aide. Please give me your guidance in the future, sister-in-law.” He concluded with a bow of his head.

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So this was Hee Jingyan’s aide, but what did he mean by calling me sister-in-law? Xu Yangyi’s expression darkened, but he knew it was pointless to be angry. He responded coldly, “I’m Xu Yangyi,” politely returning the greeting.

Yet, as soon as he uttered his name, Nan Xiao shuddered involuntarily. Xu Yangyi? Wasn’t the colonel’s wife called Xu Nuannuan?

A sudden realization dawned upon him, and Nan Xiao trembled again. The Xu family had a pair of twins who looked alike, could it be… is this my brother?

Nan Xiao had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it.

However, Xu Yangyi’s name elicited no reaction from the others, save for Nan Xiao’s surprise. They all greeted him with “Hello, sister-in-law.” Xu Yangyi couldn’t hide his annoyance, but he refrained from showing it since he was now Hee Jingyan’s wife, and it was customary for them to address him as such.

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