C42 – Xu Jing’s Decision

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“Yangyi! Or maybe you should try dating Hee Jingyan,” Xu Jing said through clenched teeth, mustering his courage. Naturally, he instantly braced himself for Xu Yangyi’s wrath. “Try it? What the hell are you talking about trying? If you like it so much, go ahead and try it, and I am out!”

If Xu Jing were standing beside him right now, Xu Yangyi would want to kick his ass.

However, Xu Jing, aware of how Xu Yangyi would respond, also found himself in a difficult position. If he were to truly push Xu Yangyi away, he would end up in jail—Hee Jingyan had warned him about it earlier that morning.

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Xu Jing pursed his lips and then brazenly asked, “Then what do you expect Dad to do? It’s the military we’re dealing with here. How could Dad get you out?” And the problem is, I can’t let you go! Your husband would have me thrown into jail along with Warmth.

This time, Xu Yangyi was confronted with the wrong question because he, too, was unable to do anything about it. Annoyed, he scratched his head and asked, “Then what about my sister? Get my sister to come back and take my place! You can’t seriously expect me to marry Hee Jingyan, can you? Are you playing a joke on me?” But this was different from what they had agreed upon.

“Look for your sister?” Xu Jing’s mouth twitched at the corner. Hee Jingyan had made it clear that he only wanted Xu Yangyi. Would Xu Yangyi still dare to go find Xu Nuannuan to replace him? Would we not be hitting the nail on the head? I absolutely cannot do that.

“Any news about my sister? Have you found anything?” Xu Yangyi was visibly restless and anxious as he didn’t hear any updates from Xu Jing. If they couldn’t locate Xu Nuannuan, according to the current circumstances, he would have no choice but to marry Hee Jingyan and become his spouse. Moreover, if he tried to escape, Xu Jing and Xu Nuannuan would be imprisoned. However, their top priority was finding Xu Nuannuan first.

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Xu Jing remained silent for a moment, then inquired, “Yangyi, do you despise Hee Jingyan to such an extent?” If that’s the case, you shouldn’t let your resentment ruin Yangyi’s happiness. Ultimately, this situation arose due to my negligence.

Xu Jing’s conscience troubled him this time, feeling as though he had let his son down.

When hearing Xu Jing’s question, Xu Yangyi’s immediate reaction was to angrily shout, “Of course, I detest him. He’s a man.” Yet, as he finished speaking, he was taken aback. Suddenly, his mind recalled instances when Hee Jingyan had restrained his own desires to avoid physical contact, as well as the tenderness he displayed while gently caressing Xu Yangyi’s hair. His heart skipped a beat.

I don’t actually hate him anymore. Despite his foul-mouthed nature and constant attempts at manipulation, even though he claimed not to harbor any ill intentions towards me, he never ceased his actions. Yet, until the very last moment, he never disregarded my feelings… So, it’s not bothersome!

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Xu Yangyi muttered within himself, feeling a mixture of awkwardness and embarrassment, though his brows furrowed once again.

However, it’s not the same as marrying him. If I marry him, I’ll have to spend my entire life with him and become a man’s spouse. How can I come to terms with that?

Xu Yangyi scratched his head once again. Overall, he didn’t dislike Hee Jingyan. He simply couldn’t reconcile himself to being a man’s spouse because, after all, Xu Yangyi himself was a man!

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At first, Xu Jing believed that Xu Yangyi must have harbored hatred towards Hee Jingyan, given his outburst about leaving. However, upon hearing Xu Yangyi express his dislike for Hee Jingyan, Xu Yangyi fell silent and eventually flashed a smile.

So it wasn’t because he hated Hee Jingyan. It seemed that Yangyi was simply not accustomed to their current situation. As long as they spent enough time together in the future, he naturally wouldn’t be so concerned about being a man’s spouse.

But when Xu Jing pondered on it, marrying Hee Jingyan seemed like a good idea for Yangyi! With Yangyi’s troublesome condition, having a supportive husband like Hee Jingyan would be beneficial.

Before long, Xu Jing unexpectedly entertained the thought of marrying her son to Hee Jingyan. No one would have expected such thoughts to cross her mind.

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