C45 – Cause A Furore

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After finishing his meal, Xu Yangyi stepped out of the room. Stretching his body, he cast a shocked gaze at the villa-style residential area and exclaimed, “Holy crap, this is way too luxurious!”

Xu Yangyi had arrived in a sour mood, so he hadn’t paid much attention to the surroundings. As he walked out of the residential area, he noticed the vast training grounds and the resounding sounds of soldiers training.

At this moment, a few teams were taking a break. Upon spotting Xu Yangyi, they became agitated.

“Huh? How could there be a woman on the training field? Oh, wait, that’s not right.”

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“Idiot! Do you expect us, men in the army, to be wearing skirts for your viewing pleasure?”

“Yeah, but honestly, she looks incredibly adorable! She’s the cutest girl I’ve ever seen.”

“Get out! How many women have you actually seen!? Weren’t you sent straight to the boys’ school?”

“What the hell! You’re asking for trouble.” The man laughed as he dodged the punch. Then, he proceeded to engage in unnecessary physical contact with his opponent, going overboard.

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Xu Yangyi glanced at them, his expression not too severe, as he walked past. However, in that moment, a man approached, seemingly intending to leave Xu Yangyi behind by placing a hand on his shoulder. Yet, in the next instant, the man was already airborne, crashing heavily onto the ground.

No one understood what had just happened. Just as they anticipated an entertaining spectacle, Xu Yangyi effortlessly threw the man over his shoulder. His movements were fluid and effortless, despite his petite stature being evident.

“Don’t touch me. Sweaty.” Xu Yangyi sat up, his gaze fixed on the floor. He grumbled with a sour mood as he glanced at his companion. Then he abruptly departed, leaving everyone in a state of shock.

Witnessing this, the other teams who were resting also began conversing amongst themselves.

“Wow, that’s incredible! Such a petite person effortlessly tossed away a guy from the 1900s.”

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“And she’s incredibly skilled. Is she really a girl? Though she does have a really cute appearance!”

However, as soon as the two individuals mentioned “cute” and “short,” they immediately met Xu Yangyi’s icy glare, which emanated a sense of danger that nobody dared to disregard.

Who’s fucking cute? I’m a man.

I’m so small, I’m so sorry!

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Xu Yangyi clenched his teeth and then cast another glance at the two men, causing the atmosphere to become frozen.

The two men being stared at couldn’t help but feel shocked. They dared not even breathe loudly as they wondered, “Who is this person?” This aura was too terrifying! It possessed a deterrent power similar to that of a colonel.

At that moment, the other captains who were engaged in discussions on the side noticed that their subordinates were being mistreated. Xu Yangyi, in his official uniform, strode towards the sacred training ground within his residence. Their dissatisfaction grew, and one of the captains swiftly approached Xu Yangyi, questioning, “Who are you? This is the training ground, not a place for you to be.” Sporting a disdainful expression, the captain attempted to push Xu Yangyi away, but Xu Yangyi coldly slapped his hand aside, saying, “Don’t touch me, you silly uncle.”

What’s wrong with the people here?! They always try to touch him.

Xu Yangyi detested it when others touched him. It was because many people mistook him for a girl and took advantage of the opportunity to harass him. That’s why he displayed such a disgusted expression and reacted instinctively when someone reached out towards him.

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