C48 – Poor Soldier

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“In that case, we shall punish ourselves by running a hundred laps. Can that suffice as our penance?” The soldiers were on the verge of tears. Despite their tough exteriors, they were feeling remorseful.

Ji Guangming asked in confusion, “Penance? What transgression have you committed?”

As soon as Ji Guangming finished speaking, they bit their lower lips, each wearing an expression of injustice. However, Xu Yangyi God silenced them with a gesture of his knife. “They all joined in teasing me just now.”

“Teasing?” Ji Guangming was momentarily stunned before growing frightened. “Eh? You guys are overly concerned about this. The Colonel will surely have your heads for this.”

As Hee Jingyan recalled the unintentional incident of stumbling onto Xu Yangyi the previous night, a mischievous smile formed on her face. Just the mere thought of it made Ji Guangming’s hair stand on end.

“Who dares to tease the Colonel’s wife? She doesn’t even know he’s her sister-in-law.”

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“Exactly! Don’t you dare imagine that I’d have the audacity to do so. If the Colonel discovers this, I’d truly meet my demise.”


Thinking of this, fear gripped the soldiers, causing their faces to turn pale as they clutched their heads.

Observing their reaction, Xu Yangyi rolled his eyes and remarked, “Is Hee Jingyan really that terrifying?” It was clear that he was just an uncle, so how could he be frightening?

However, the moment Xu Yangyi uttered those words, the startled soldiers immediately expressed their views.

“Terrifying? That’s an understatement. Merely looking into the colonel’s eyes is enough to make me feel like my life is about to end.”

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“Don’t even mention the eyes; merely standing in his presence makes me break out in a cold sweat.”

“I haven’t even spoken a word to the colonel, but merely seeing him makes my legs turn weak.”


It appeared that he had genuinely experienced the “care” of Hee Jingyan! Whenever they mentioned Hee Jingyan, fear would seize them all.

“Are you saying that the colonel you’re referring to is the same person as the Hee Jingyan I know?” Xu Yangyi questioned her, wearing a skeptical expression as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Certainly. We only have one colonel here, aside from being my sister-in-law’s husband, he is no one else,” the soldiers replied with seriousness.

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Xu Yangyi’s mouth twitched in response, “That shameless and cunning Hee Jingyan.” He confirmed it once again, leaving the soldiers dumbfounded by his choice of words.

Shameless? Who? A colonel? However, there was something wrong with the context. The issue wasn’t about that. Did his sister-in-law really say that the colonel was fine?

“Sister-in-law, you just got married to the colonel. You may not be aware of the colonel’s temperament, but he is known for being strict.”

“Who among us isn’t afraid of the colonel!”

“That’s not right, that’s not right. There should be some exceptions. One of them is Second Lieutenant Loong Shen, Silifa’s military doctor!”


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“Think about it.”

The soldiers suddenly changed their attitude. They were quite afraid of Hee Jingyan, but as they continued talking, they unexpectedly started discussing who wasn’t afraid of him anymore. They were all deeply engrossed in their thoughts, and then Xu Yangyi casually remarked, “In general, bad tempers and cunning deceitfulness, right? Your Colonel.”

The soldiers didn’t respond to Xu Yangyi’s remark; they simply laughed and nodded in agreement, saying, “Yeah!”

However, within the next moment, they started perspiring profusely. Oh no! What did we just say?

After then, Xu Yangyi cast a mischievous smile at the soldiers, who were clutching their heads. He proudly declared, “So, that’s how it is!”

The soldiers’ mouths twitched as they heard his words. Collectively, they whispered to themselves, “It must have been deliberate on Sister-in-law’s part.”

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