C5 – I AM A MAN!!!

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Xu Yangyi’s veins bulged as he struggled against the crushing grip, “Bastard, where are your hands going?” In a panic, the president kicked Hee Jingyan’s face with his leg, but Hee Jingyan wasn’t deterred. Instead, he turned and bit the president’s arm.

Xu Yangyi was stunned, blinking his eyes and gaping silently. It was unclear if he was frightened or shocked by Hee Jingyan’s reaction.

Relief flooded Xu Yangyi’s heart as he watched Hee Jingyan’s attention divert. But suddenly, someone grabbed his little brother, and he winced in pain as he was pulled. Infuriated, he bellowed, “Hee Jingyan, you damn pervert! You must want to die!” Calling Hee Jingyan by his full name.

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Hee Jingyan finally reacted, raising an eyebrow and remarking, “He really is a man.” His appearance was plain, unremarkable.

Hee Jingyan’s mind wandered as he recalled rumors of identical twins in the Xu family. It was intriguing, and now he was married to one of them. But his wife was a fierce stallion that defied gender labels.

Hee Jingyan’s smirk grew wider as he took advantage of the situation, reaching towards Xu Yangyi’s smooth and tender thighs. Leaning in close, he grinned wickedly, “I don’t swing that way, but my wife is so pretty. I could make an exception for her.”

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Xu Yangyi’s anger boiled over, losing all sense of reason as he shouted, “Look closely, I’m a man!” He glared daggers at Hee Jingyan, who knew the truth but still tried to take advantage of him.

Hee Jingyan’s large hand caressed Xu Yangyi’s face as he sneered, “A man, huh? Your face looks just like your sister’s. No matter, though. I rather like your personality, and your looks are just my type. Man or woman, I, Hee Jingyan, will take you all.”

“What? It doesn’t concern you if your mind is messed up, just leave me alone,” he feigned getting up, but Hee Jingyan, who was taller than him, effortlessly pushed him back onto the bed. “Your father gave you to me in marriage, so you belong to me. Run away? Where would you go?” The wolf bared his teeth, radiating danger.

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“Who said my father gave me to you? It was my sister who eloped with someone. I was forced to wear her wedding dress, so don’t you dare forget it. Get out of my way,” Xu Yangyi blurted out in anger without realizing what he was saying.

This made the wolf smile, “Ah, that’s how it is. Your sister eloped with someone!” His smile was ominous.

Xu Yangyi only then realized he had said something foolish. He gritted his teeth. “You idiot, did a donkey kick you in the head?!” He cursed himself, but it was too late to take back what he said.

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Seeing Xu Yangyi admit the truth, Hee Jingyan let out a soft chuckle and said, “Now that I know your sister eloped, what should I do if your brother comes looking for her to get married? Should I accuse your father of deceiving us and throw both of you in jail?” His smile was dazzling, but it was a smile that made people want to beat him up.

Xu Yangyi furrowed his brows and asked, “Are you threatening me?”

“No, I’m just proposing a deal,” he smirked again, an expression of arrogance.

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