The Sweet Little Fulang

Chapter 100.2

Lu Gu didn't know how to express his joy, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he stretched out his hand to gently tug at the corner of the lower hem of Shen Xuanqing's coat. There were many people on the street, so he could only tug it lightly twice to avoid being seen by others, and quickly let go.

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  Someone came leading the cow from the opposite side. The cow swung its tail while walking and pooping, suddenly the cow dung fell to the ground with a slap. The people on both sides quickly avoided it. Lu Gu and Shen Xuanqing avoided the cow dung on the ground, and then continued to find Shen Yaoqing.

  After returning home, the sun was setting and Li Wanyun was decocting the medicine again. The strong and bitter smell of the medicine wafted in the wind, and several nearby families could smell it.

  Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing sold the firewood, and each of them had half of the 60 copper coins, which was a clear calculation without so many twists and turns.

  As for the wild vegetables, some of them were dug by Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yan, so Shen Xuanqing made the decision. He gave Wei Lanxiang fifty copper coins of the seventy four copper coins from selling the wild vegetables, and the remaining twenty four copper coins was given to Lu Gu. Because Lu Gu suffered a disadvantage, so he gave Lu Gu all his Thirty copper coins from selling firewood.

  Because the winter and spring fish was from the fish cage that Shen Yaoqing set up, he didn't want the money from selling the fishes. However, tomorrow he would go to set up the fish cage, later he could sell the fishes and keep the money for himself.

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  The money from selling handkerchiefs and sachets made by Lu Gu didn't need to be divided. Because Lu Gu bought the needle and thread himself, and he also embroidered it himself. It had nothing to do with others. Shen Xuanqing asked him how much the things in his basket sold for on the way back, and he didn't touch the money Lu Gu earned when he came back to distribute the money.

  After dinner, Lu Gu went back to the room and lit the candle to count the money.

  The money from selling the wild vegetable was twenty-four copper coins, and Shen Xuanqing also gave him thirty copper coins. In addition to the one hundred and twenty six copper coins, he also sold five small laozis one after another in the town. When he wanted to come back, someone still bargained to buy his things, but he was in a hurry to go home, so the last two he sold for four copper coins, a total of twenty-three copper coins.

  Two hundred and three copper coins were piled up on the table, and they rattled when they moved, it sounded crisp and sweet.

  "Don't put it in the big bag?" Shen Xuanqing asked when he saw that he came over with a smaller money bag.

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  "No, I'll take these to Mrs. Gu to buy needles and threads tomorrow." Lu Gu grabbed a handful of copper coins and stuffed it in. He didn't have enough embroidery thread, so he had to make up for it. He also had to buy silk for handkerchiefs. He could buy more so it could be used for a long time.

  Due to the high price of the sachet, only one was sold today. So it was better to make more handkerchiefs and laozis.

  When he was thinking about earning money, Shen Yan shouted that the water was boiling in the kitchen, so he put away the money bag and went out to wash with Shen Xuanqing.

  The drizzle was like silk, and the mountains and forests were foggy.

  It was said that spring rain was as expensive as oil. They couldn't underestimate this rain, because after stay outside for a while, their bodies would be completely wet. Lu Gu came back from outside with a basket of shepherd's purse.

  He was wearing a bamboo hat but no raincoat, and his back and two sleeves were wet.

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  It had been raining for the past two days, Shen Xuanqing didn't let Lu Gu go to the town to sell wild vegetables, and the family didn't lack that little money. Today he dug these wild vegetables because he wanted to eat wild vegetables. If it was raining, he couldn't do anything else, therefore he dug some wild vegetables to eat.

  The machicai behind the house had popped up. When it rains, it would grow wildly in the future, and then it could be eaten as a mashicai stuffed bun, which was also fresh and delicious.

  When he ran back, he saw the puppy playing in the yard without fear of the wind and rain, his body was drenched, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. He didn't let the puppy follow him out just now, because he was afraid the puppy would get wet, but he still couldn't stop him from getting wet.

  The dog was not afraid of getting wet, but he was afraid that the puppy would run over and rub against him.

  "Go." Seeing the puppy running over excitedly, Lu Gu hurriedly chased him away.

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  Guaizi was often disobedient, like now, when he chased him away, he still ran over and rubbed his legs.

  The wind was quite cold when it blew, and Lu Gu couldn't stop it. Fortunately, the pants and clothes were already wet, so he didn't care too much because he would change them later.

  Unexpectedly, the puppy was about to shake his hair when he was standing next to him, and splashed the water all over his body. He wanted to run away but he couldn't, amidst Shen Yan's laughter, he was splashed by water.

  "Brother Guzi, it's your turn now." Shen Yan stood under the main room to watch the fun, the dog splashed the water all over her body yesterday afternoon, now she couldn't stop laughing when she saw other people "suffering".

  Lu Gu wiped the splashed water on his face with his sleeve, full of helplessness but he still smiled, he put down the basket and went to change into clean clothes first.

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