Rich people didn’t care if they ate fresh wild game at the price ten taels of silvers. The meaning was to show that it was rare. Besides, the young deer was delicious, juicy, tender and nourishing. With silver could be won.

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    Shen Xuanqing thought about it on the way here, if the price was suppressed too hard, as long as it was not lower than five taels, at least it would be enough for half of the debt he owed.


    Even though the middle-aged man was greedy for money, he didn't dare to go too far. He was greedy for two taels of ten taels, but he didn't dare to report sixteen taels for eight taels. It was a big deal to get this errand.


    In the rice shop, Shen Xuanqing  borrowed the scales to weigh the scattered silver from the middle-aged man. The rice shop was not far from the stall he and Lu Gu occupied, and Lu Gu was watching alone at the moment.


    He thanked the shopkeeper and was about to leave when the shopkeeper stopped him and asked how the rabbit was sold. Since he borrowed someone's scales, he said a cheap price. He got a lot of money today, and a little profit was nothing.


    Ever since Shen Xuanqing entered the rice shop, Lu Gu looked at there from time to time, and now he was relieved to see him came out.

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    "The shopkeeper needs to take a look, it's almost time to go back." Shen Xuanqing picked up the bamboo basket and the things on the ground as soon as he came over.


    Lu Gu obeyed his words and followed into the rice shop.


    In the end, these two small rabbits sold for fifty copper coins. On weekdays, it wouldn't be a problem for these two to sell for seventy or eighty copper coins. At least they were caught from the mountains, not common chickens and ducks.


    Seeing that he sold it so cheaply, the shopkeeper of the rice shop smiled a little more on his already friendly face, and said that if he got any other wild game in the future, he could visit him, and even if he didn't buy it, he could help and asked the shopkeepers of other shops. He would come over if he wanted to buy rice, it would be cheaper for him.


    Shen Xuanqing still knew how to talk in the scene, the two regarded each other as their customers, and it was not a disadvantage to be familiar with each other, and it was also an extra friendship, and he left with Lu Gu after a few words of hospitality.


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    With a whole eight taels of silver in his bosom, Shen Xuanqing let out a long sigh of relief silently. Only then did he truly feel at ease, and a sense of joy welled up immediately. It was the first time for him until he grew up so big like this to have this kind of good luck, and even the rest of the family, no one had ever made so much money in one go.


    When he picked up a young deer in the mountains yesterday, he knew he had hit luck this time, but he hadn't gotten any money at that time.


    When the money was not in his hands, he seldom showed it. Not only was he tight-lipped, but he didn't even have a happy mood. This stemmed from an experience he had when he was eleven years old.


    For ordinary people, if they got something valuable and wanted to sell it, they would definitely be overjoyed. Even if they knew that the wealth shouldn't be revealed and they tightly covered the news, they would be excited in private, and Shen Xuanqing was also like this before.


    He was still young at the time, and his stature and physique were not as good as now. He learned the skills from the old hunter and had a little boxing and kicking skills for a year or so. The first time the rabbit was shot with a bow and arrow.


    At the age of eleven, it was the first time that the bow and arrow hit the prey. He was naturally excited, and ran to the master with the rabbit. The old hunter was not a serious old man, but a kind old man with red cheeks. Seeing him hit the prey he also said he was great.

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    The hunter hunted something and wanted to sell it for money. After taking it back and showing it to his family, Shen Xuanqing decided to go to the town and sold the rabbit, counting it as the beginning of his career as a hunter.


    His family members said he could sell it for at least thirty copper coins, and he thought so, but when he arrived in the town, the rabbit buyer saw that he was just a kid, so he was only willing to pay twenty copper coins.


    He didn't want to sell it and wanted to leave, but the rogue man held the rabbit in his hand and insisted on buying and selling by force, and the two almost got into a fight. A few peddlers couldn't stand it anymore, and hurried forward to help, yelling that this was not bullying.


    The rogue was punished by everyone, and finally he was given five more copper coins.


    Shen Xuanqing thought that he could sell for thirty copper coins, but only got twenty-five copper coins, and went back with a sullen head and frowning. When the family asked, although he was relieved, they said that he was very promising if he could sell these things. Scoundrels were nothing but hooligans who only bully children and made them angry.

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    Because he was being bullied, Wei Lanxiang specially steamed egg custard for him to reassure him, and secretly gave him ten copper coins to buy preserved fruit and snacks.


    Fenggu Town was big, and they didn't know that rogue, even if they wanted to call back to ask for an explanation or vented their anger, they had nowhere to look.


    Shen Xuanqing later let go of this matter, but the comparison of joy and loss that day was so "tragedy", so that he had a long memory since then. When he went out in the morning, he didn't tell his family how much the deer could sell.


    In fact, he and that rogue met once two years ago, near the tofu shop. He was just passing by at first, and recognized the man with the big mole on his face. When he saw the rogue defrauding seven years-old child, he shook his head secretly, it turned out that he was really a wimp who only picked on the weak and easy to bully.


    The child was playing by the river and caught two big fish. He tied them with a straw rope and took them to go home. The rogue stopped the child and said that he wanted to buy them. Hearing that he could exchange them for money, the child’s eyes widened. He was willing, but the rogue only gave  him three copper coins.


    This price couldn't attract a seven years-old child. The child curled his mouth and bypassed him. Seeing that he couldn't be deceived, the rogue immediately snatched them.

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