The sweetness of Baiyun Cake made the Shen family smiled, and Lu Gu also ate a piece, the sweet taste made him felt better.

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    Shen Yan was very happy, with crooked smiles, she held Lu Gu's hand and said, "Brother Lu Gu, let's buy this next time when we earn money."


    "Yeah." Lu Gu responded with a small nod, but they knew in their hearts that they couldn't decide what to buy, because neither of them made any money.


    After lunch, everyone went to do their own work. Lu Gu washed the dishes and saw that there was nothing else to do at the moment, so he wanted to go back to his room for a rest, but when he went in, he saw half a piece of Baiyun Cake in the bowl on the table.


    He finished eating his own, and other people generally didn't enter this room, only Shen Xuanqing's.


    At this time, Shen Xuanqing was in Wei Lanxiang's room, talking about the eight taels of silver.


    Wei Lanxiang's eyes widened when she heard this. After receiving the seven taels of silver, she looked at the scattered silver and said to the Buddha: "Amitabha, Amitabha, if you lose, you gain. This was  true."


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    She said and couldn't stop muttering: "People often say don't do anything wrong, good luck will come, we will earn back the money we got scammed by the Lu family."


    "I just said, treat Lu Gu better, you still have to do good deeds, don't be as dark-hearted as that Du Hehua." She was rambling, and hurriedly hid the broken silver.


    A few taels more would be enough to repay the debt. As soon as the debt was paid off, all the money they earned in the future would be their own.


    Shen Xuanqing came out when she was hiding the money. The ten taels of silver was borrowed for his married husband, and he was supposed to pay it back, so he gave the money to Wei Lanxiang and handed it over to the public.


    When he got married, they not only spent the ten taels of silver, but half of the other expenses were from his private money, and the other half was paid by Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yaoqing. Since Shen Yaoqing paid all the money, he couldn't ask his elder brother to help him paid off the debt. Well, now that he had earned eight taels of silver, he had nothing to hide and had made it clear to his family.


    He kept the remaining silvers for himself, because he often went to the town to sell prey, and he bought most of the oil, salt and other things that were lacking at home, so he had some money in his hand.


    When he returned to his room, he saw Lu Gu holding the clothes he had changed last night and was about to go out to wash. The two met at the door, and Lu Gu quickly moved to the side.


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    Shen Xuanqing glanced at the baiyun cake on the table, lowered his voice and said, "I tasted it, it's not good, you can eat it."


    Shen Xuanqing kept his voice low so that no one else could hear him.


    Except for his own mother, no one left him something good to eat. Lu Gu felt an indescribable emotion, but this inexplicable feeling quickly dissipated. In his eyes, Shen Xuanqing was tall and cold. It must be really not delicious, otherwise how would there be leftovers.



Days passed quickly, Lu Gu Indigo's new clothes were ready, Wei Lanxiang followed him first, and made a new pair of shoes.


    Lu Gu, who worked with shoe soles, and Wei Lanxiang each had a shoe, and the two of them could do it quickly.


    The weather turned colder, the sun was no longer so hot, and he was free after dinner. He wore new shoes and new clothes, and was led by Wei Lanxiang to visit Aunt Gu's house in the east of the upper village.


    Shen's house was  close to the mountain, in the innermost part, going to the entrance of the village was  almost like walking around the village.

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    "Aunt Lanxiang, the clothes on the second family's body were really pretty."


    Grandma A Jin and the other mothers were chatting and working under the big tree at the entrance of the village, and they all praised Lu Gu who was wearing that indigo dress.


    "He's handsome too."


    Lu Gu was very embarrassed by such a compliment, but Wei Lanxiang smiled from ear to ear, went to Gu's house after chatting with them a few words.


    Aunt Gu’s son, Gu Sheng, was  a street peddler who sold all kinds of groceries. When there was not enough needlework at home, Wei Lanxiang came to buy some.


    When they entered, they saw Aunt Gu drying dried fish in the yard, and there was a smell of fish in the yard. She smiled and asked, "Sheng Zi's mother, do you have any cotton thread?" 


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Aunt Gu said quickly, wiped her hands with the apron tied around her waist, and went into the house to get it.


    Wei Lanxiang also bought some colored thread, saying that she would embroider a few flowers on the shoes that Lu Gu and Shen Yan made. They didn't wear gold and silver in the countryside like they did in the county town. A few flowers embroidered on their clothes were considered beautiful. 


    It was true that she came to buy thread, and it was true that she brought Lu Gu to show off in front of people.


    When Aunt Gu saw the new clothes and shoes on Lu Gu, she naturally wanted to praise him, besides, Lu Gu's appearance was indeed not bad, and he was pretty and fair, which was made even whiter by the indigo cloth.


    Recently, Lu Gu ate well and slept well at Shen's house, he recovered a little complexion, even the red mark between his eyebrows was a little red, white and rosy, wasn't he a handsome man.


    Wei Lanxiang took him around the village before returning satisfied.


    When the two of them arrived at home, Lu Gu looked at the colorful embroidery thread in the sewing basket, his expression slightly concentrated, as if he was thinking about something, but a few dogs barking outside the door interrupted his thoughts.


    Shen Xuanqing, who had been in the mountain for five days, came back and caught a few hares and pheasants. This was  not bad, they were common wild animals, but when he took out the cloth bag at the bottom of the bamboo basket, Lu Gu saw what was in the bag. The strip was moving, and he was startled, it looked like a snake no matter how it looked!

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