After the melon seeds were finished eating, the rice would be ready.

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    The rice wine was very refreshing, and the red wolfberry was also good-looking. The tofu was stewed until the tofu was brown. Let’s have another soft white flour steamed bun. The white flour was finer and much tastier than mixed flour. This meal was very satisfying.


    There was constant chatter and laughter in the yard, everyone in the Shen family had smiles on their faces, Lu Gu didn't have to wash the dishes after eating, Ji Qiuyue asked him to go back to his room to rest, after walking all the way.


    This day passed happily, and the next morning, Lu Gu followed Shen Xuanqing to the morning market.


    The official road was flat, much easier to walk than the mountain road. The cart was pushed forward. Lu Gu was used to running in the mountains for the past ten days. Walking on such a flat road suddenly felt easy. After all, it was better to go down the mountain.


    He was carrying a big bamboo basket, there was goji berries and wormwood, he also picked a lot of wild bath beads, which were much cheaper than fragrant bath beads, even people in the town often used them, so someone would buy them.


    As for the dried mushrooms, he thought there were not enough of them. He heard people said that they were good to eat, and they could eat them when they cooked soup or stew in late autumn and winter. Except for the ones he kept in the mountains, they also brought some for home. If they found more mushrooms in the future, it wouldn't be too late to sell them.


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    They got up early, and the flow of people coming and going increased after the morning set.


    Because he pushed the cart today, Shen Xuanqing brought two benches from home, so he could sit and rest his legs.


    Lu Gu's bamboo baskets were placed on the back of the cart, not occupying any other space, so he only had to pay a fee. He took out the bundle of mugwort leaves so that people could see them, and put the cloth bag containing the wild bath beads on the bamboo basket. Next to the basket, you could see it at glance.


    Shen Xuanqing yelled, he hesitated at the side, and when he saw the old lady passing by, he shouted: "The bath beads are cheaper, five copper coins, wolfberries are also available, three copper coins."


    Because it was a dry product, three copper coins referred to a catty, which was the market price of goji berries. Last night, Wei Lanxiang went to the village to borrow a scales, so that he could use it when selling things, so he didn’t have to go to the shop to borrow it from others. Yes, otherwise it depended on the face of others.


    "Auntie, look at this bath bead. It's big enough to wash your hands for two days." Shen Xuanqing heard his voice, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he helped him talked to people.


    Seeing the woman looking over, he said again: "The ones picked from the deep mountain forest are better, and you can keep the fragrance after washing your hair." 

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Hearing this, even the two passing couples and women came forward. Yes, grabbed a handful, looked and smelled it.


    Shen Xuanqing didn't lie, the tree that Lu Gu found was really good, it was what they used in the mountains, and they could smell it after washing their hair.


    "It doesn't smell as good as fragrant bath beads." A fulang picked it, and even glanced at the wolfberry in the bamboo basket, pinched two to taste.


    Shen Xuanqing was used to see it, and said gently: "How can wild bath beads compare with fragrant bath beads, ours is cheaper, and it's already more fragrant than the other bath beads."


"So, I will buy six for six copper coins." Fulang Bargained with him.


    "Fulang is just joking. The things are not expensive at all, and they are so good. My fulang walked on mountain roads for three hours for carrying them back. It's not cheap." Shen Xuanqing didn't agree.


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    This thing was sold at a low price,  a copper coin, and now one copper coin couldn't even buy a sesame seed cake, if the price was lowered, Lu Gu would be busy in the mountains these days for nothing.


    The fulang felt that he really wanted something, and seeing that Shen Xuanqing didn't let go, he said a lot in his mouth, and finally Shen Xuanqing said that if he bought six for twenty copper coins.


    Originally wanted to sell it for twenty copper coins, but when he heard that it was only fifteen copper coins, Shen Xuanqing became a little annoyed, and finally asked Lu Gu what he meant, as long as he bought it for fifteen copper coins, it would be six.


    It was Lu Gu's first time to sell things, he was nervous and didn't figure out how much he would give for fifteen copper coins, and he was quick to think, he memorized it silently, and counted it.


    When the Fulang left, he reached out to take two more, Shen Xuanqing pretended not to see it, this kind of person was quite common in business, and the most important thing was to make money with kindness, so there was no need to worry too much about it.


    As for Lu Gu, he also understood this truth, besides, he sold it for fifteen copper coins at once. Shen Xuanqing didn't pick up the money, the Fulang handed it to him.


    Fifteen copper coins were not light, and they were heavy in his hand, but he had no time to think about it, because there were two women who wanted to buy them, and they agreed with the Fulang to lower the price just now, and since there were six for fifteen copper coins, they both wanted it.

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    After Lu Gu finished counting the wild bath beads and collected the money, together with the fifteen copper coins on the cart, there would be a total of forty-five copper coins.


    Farmers were very happy to earn forty-five copper at a stroke, let alone Lu Gu, who hadn't touched many copper coins, the most that passed through his hands was ten copper coins, when his mother was around.


    This large handful of copper coins seemed to him like a dream, but dreams would wake up, so he reluctantly gave the money to Shen Xuanqing.


    Shen Xuanqing was puzzled, frowned lightly and asked in doubt: "What are you doing for me? Don't you bring a small cloth bag."


    Lu Gu thought that he was going to put everything in the cloth bag, and handed it in after the sale, so he hurriedly followed the order.


    While talking, someone came to see the wild things, so Shen Xuanqing had to stop talking, turned around and got busy.


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