The sweet little Fulang Chapter 27 Part 2

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 Lu Gu tried on the clothes, and they all fit well. The new shoes fit snugly. There was a thin layer of cotton on the upper and inside of the shoes, which was very warm and soft to step on. He seemed to be stepping on a cloud, and the earth was soft.


    Not to mention wearing it in the mountains in late autumn, such shoes were enough in winter.


    In previous winters, he didn't have thick shoes and cotton clothes to wear, so he shivered and had frostbite on his hands and feet every year.


    He knew that it was Shen Xuanqing's money, but Wei Lanxiang was the one who made the clothes, so his gratitude to the Shen family poured out again. There was so much gratitude that he didn't know what to say.


    It was Wei Lanxiang who saw him holding the shoes with wet eyes after taking off his cotton shoes, smiled and folded the new clothes, put them all into his arms, and said, "From now on, as long as you and Erqing live a good life, If you are harmonious and beautiful, our family life will be better, we have what we want to wear and eat, and we will not be hungry or cold."


    Lu Gu nodded heavily holding so many clothes and shoes, and there seemed to be something in his throat choking, unable to speak, he could only hum, with a muffled nasal sound.


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    After dinner, when Shen Yaoqing from the field came back, they ate a pot of stewed mutton, which was more nourishing with some medicinal herbs. Because it was hot, everyone's face was rosy after eating, and they seemed to have more strength.


    Gradually at night, the dogs took up a place in the yard to gnaw on their bones. There was no one in the yard, so they all washed up and went back to the house to rest. The days were getting better and better,  and they slept in a dream with a smile on their face.


    In Shen Xuanqing's room, a candle was lit, the doors and windows were closed, and the two of them sat at the table and counted the money.


    Lu Gu put the small cloth bag on the table, and took out five pieces of silver from his sleeve pocket and put it on the small pile of copper coins. He no longer thought about Shen Xuanqing giving him the copper coins, and pushed them all over.


    Shen Xuanqing was lowering his head to count the money, when suddenly these things appeared in front of his eyes, he subconsciously raised his head to look at Lu Gu, wondering, "What's wrong?"


Lu Gu didn't understand, and whispered, "The money is all inside."


    "Give it to me?" Only then did Shen Xuanqing understand, but this was Lu Gu's own hard-earned money, how could he want it, so he pushed it back, saying: "Just keep it for yourself, and you have money in your hand for whatever you want to buy."

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He said and put an ingot of five taels of silver into Lu Gu's hands, and said again: "Ask me if it's not enough, and you won't be short money."


    The money was collected. Blowing the light out, the room was plunged into darkness, not long after Shen Xuanqing came up, he rolled over and hugged Lu Gu.


    He was just happy today, except for the ten taels for Wei Lanxiang, what he kept and what he earned before made a total of twenty-nine taels. Moved and slowly accumulated wealth for yourself.


    The remaining five taels were given to Lu Gu, and he kept more than four taels for himself, and there were more than two hundred copper coins that were not included in the scattered silver, which could be spent on weekdays, and these were enough for a long time time to spend. 


    And this time he gave his mother a lot of money, so he didn’t need to give it again when he came back next time. The meat in the house was basically his prey, and the vegetables were grown by themself, so they didn’t need to spend much money to buy it. It was either he or Shen Yaoqing, Wei Lan Xiang could also save some money in her hands, kept some money for herself, and decided what she wanted to buy.


    The night was getting darker, people were living with enthusiasm to move forward, and the days were also rushing forward, which was the best thing in the world.

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   In the evening, when the farmers returned home, the village was full of smoke, and it was peaceful.


    Shen Xuanqing took a pheasant out in the afternoon, saying that he was going to have a few drinks with the village chief Chen and the others, but Lu Gu watched him went out without saying anything.


    After the meal, he and Wei Lanxiang went to Aunt Gu's house to buy cloth and colorful embroidery threads. This was the first time he said he wanted to buy something, and Wei Lanxiang agreed and came with him.


    Now that he had money in hand, Lu Gu picked better cloth and colored threads.


    "What did you buy these for?" Wei Lanxiang asked him casually on the way back.


    Lu Gu hesitated, and said in a low voice: "I think Erqing's purse is old, so I'll make him a new one. I also want to make some sachets, so that my family can wear them even if I don't sell them."

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    Erqing, he followed suit, but he had never yelled like this in front of Shen Xuanqing. Seeing that the purse Shen Xuanqing was using was old last night, he thought about it for a long time in the morning. Although he was still easy, he still wanted to help made one. It was always right to do more things.


    When Wei Lanxiang heard it, he was relieved and sighed that he was sensible, and asked in surprise that he could embroider sachets.


    "My mother taught me, but I didn't do it so well." He said honestly, fearing that he didn't make it clear, he added: "My mother."


    Mentioning this, Wei Lanxiang's eyes became more stressed, it was pitiful to see that his mother was gone, and he suffered such a big crime at the hands of the black heart. She had a son and a daughter. Just thinking about this kind of thing made her eyes sour. A child who lost his mother early had to suffer so much.


    She was afraid of making Lu Gu sad, so she said with a smile: "Okay, when it's ready, you will give one to  mother, she will wear it wherever she goes, and show it to others, our Guzi is good."


    "Yes." Lu Gu nodded, Wei Lanxiang was kind to him, not only Wei Lanxiang, but also the rest of the Shen family, so it was nothing to make a few sachets, he still had to work hard to repay the Shen family.


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