This time they didn't bring many things to the mountain, except for a larger bathtub, the others were food and drink, which wasn't as laborious as last time.

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    This bathtub was made by a carpenter before getting married. Although it was not as exquisite as the people in the town who carved flowers and birds, it was new anyway. It was only used by Shen Xuanqing and the new fulang, which was enough to see that the Shen family spent a lot of money and great effort on this marriage.

    But after arriving at Shen's house, neither Lu Gu nor Shen Xuanqing had ever used the bathtub. It was summer a while ago, just boiled some water for scrubbing. What's more, taking a bath with a bathtub required boiling a large pot of water. It was convenient to fetch water, but burning firewood like this was also costly, and firewood was not obtained out of thin air, and you had to go up the mountain to cut it. Except before the New Year's Day, how could the country people be willing to take such a big bath.

    Shen Xuanqing was scrubbing on the mountain a few days ago. It was colder in the mountain than outside the mountain at night. He was fine. If it went on, when even he couldn't stand it, Lu Gu would be let alone, so he moved the bathtub, if no one used it at home, it would also accumulate dust.

    In the kitchen, Lu Gu was busy cooking rice wine, which was faster than cooking rice porridge. Put some goji berries and boiled them. Shen Xuanqing moved things down, and when the meal was ready, he even swept the fallen leaves in the yard.

    It was past noon, and because their legs were tired from the journey, the two of them lay down on the bed to rest after eating, and took a nap for a while.

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    Lu Gu was used to be hugged while sleeping, but Shen Xuanqing was too tall, with a hard chest, long legs and long arms, so he felt coerced and frighted when he used a little strength.

Being able to eat enough and hugged his fulang who was comfortable, Shen Xuanqing slept peacefully for a while, and when he woke up, his spirit returned, and his eyes were radiant.     

He originally wanted to get up and go to work, but the little fulang in his arms made it hard for him to let go. He hadn't shared the same bed for several days, his Adam's apple rolled, and he couldn't help rubbing against Lu Gu's cheek. Lu Gu was lying on the bottom, his eyes were flustered, but he tried his best not to move, because outsiders would have no way of knowing what was going on under the quilt.

Fortunately, it was broad daylight, and Shen Xuanqing didn't really do it. After a while, he got up and said in a low hoarse voice that he was going to make the fence in the backyard.

Lu Gu's face was red and his ears were red, he clenched his underwear and sat up slowly.

    When that kind of thing happened at night, Shen Xuanqing was always different from usual, which made him even more fearful, he didn’t dare even to say a word, his heart was trembling, his throat seemed to be choked, he clenched his lips tightly and didn’t dare to say anything. He didn't dare to curl up his body even if there was no sound, and spread out his limbs and remained motionless.

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    If you put it on someone who understood people and understood fun, he was undoubtedly jerky and boring, but Shen Xuanqing was the same as him. How could he understand these things? With experience, he couldn't do those things for now, and right now, it was enough for him.

    The mountain wind blew through the hall, blowing away the heat and embarrassment, Lu Gu took a while to feel at ease.

    There was still a pile of dried bamboo and wooden sticks in the firewood room. Shen Xuanqing carried them directly to the backyard, cut them open, and surrounded two places against the wall.

    They mostly hatced the chickens and ducks in spring, and there were very few autumn chickens, so he spent a lot of effort when he went to the market that day to find them, but he didn't buy many, seven ducks and eight chickens, and the chicken coop and the duck coop didn't have to be too big.

    When he was working, Lu Gu was boiling water in the kitchen. After boiling, he brought a bowl and put it aside to let it cooler, and then helped Shen Xuanqing inserted the bamboo poles and sticks into the ground.

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    "Let the chickens out during the day, and they will look for food outside. The ducks can also enter the water. They can eat grass on the ground or fish, shrimp, and earthworms in the water. If you don't want to let them out, just grab some bran. They can be eaten after being soaked in water."

    Shen Xuanqing explained to Lu Gu, he thought for a while and then said: "It is better to fence the outside and enclose a large area, so as not to prevent the chickens from running far in the woods and encountering  something a little bigger and get taken away."

    Hearing this, Lu Gu nodded quickly and said, "I'll follow you."

    These were the chickens and ducks raised for him, and they were precious in his heart, and he must not let the things in the mountains took them away.

    After the fence was completed, Lu Gu drove the chicks and ducklings that were locked in the firewood house over, and put them into the fence separately.

    The chickens and ducklings made childish calls, which made him a little reluctant to leave. He squatted down and touched the chickens’ head, and the chickens twittered and chirped, and surrounded him.

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    When he looked up at the duck pen, Shen Xuanqing leveled the ground with a shovel inside, and when he was walking out, the ducklings lined up and followed behind him, step by step, as if following a mother duck.

    Ducklings were like this, if you put them in the water, they were much more attractive than chickens, Lu Gu smiled.

    Shen Xuanqing blocked the ducklings inside and closed the fence gate, and when he turned her head, he saw a smile on his face.

    At this time, the autumn air was refreshing, Lu Gu's face was a little rosy under the sun, his skin was no longer as white and bloodless as before, it had become radiant, and the red marks between his brows were as beautiful as flowers, but he was still thin.

    It would be better to be fatter, Shen Xuanqing couldn't help thinking this way, but he didn't say anything, even if he said it now, he wouldn't get fat immediately.  

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