It was just dawn, and there was movement in the house before the sun rose.

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    The first thing Lu Gu did when he came out of the room was to see the chickens and ducks. Because it was cold at night, he would drive the chickens and ducks to the main room to sleep at night. He made two shallow flat baskets with bamboo strips and spread hay inside. Before going to bed, he used two newly made small bamboo baskets to cover the grass nests of the chickens and ducks, and poked a wooden stick on the mouth of the upside-down bamboo baskets, leaving a gap.

    Shen Xuanqing was too tired these days, and he hadn't woken up yet. When Lu Gu woke up, he knew that it was sometimes like this when he woke up early. Lu Gu first boiled water to heat up steamed buns and pancakes, and then he slept for a while.

    Remove the bamboo baskets. Some chickens and ducks were awakened, fluttering their wings and chirping twice. Seeing that they were all well, Lu Gu covered the bamboo baskets and let them out after the sun came out.

    He opened the two doors of the main room, and the coldness came in. The three dogs sleeping in the corner of the room curled up even tighter. Dahui still glanced at him, but he didn't seem to get up.

    The flames at the bottom of the stove rose, and some fine firewood was added to it, and it quickly became hot. Lu Gu opened the lid and saw that there were still about ten steamed buns. Shen Xuanqing brought a few into the mountains as dry food.

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    He put a drawer in the pot and put four steamed buns on it to heat up. After covering the pot, he hesitated for a moment, then picked up a bowl and scooped up a bowl and a half from the bag of white flour.

    White flour didn't even weigh 30 catties, so naturally he should eat sparingly. Since he entered the mountain, he had only made scallion pancake with soup twice, and he was reluctant to eat more.

    The water boiled quickly, and the steamed buns became soft and hot after covering them for a while. He used a bowl to cover the hot steamed buns, otherwise the heat would escape. Listening to the movement in the room again, Shen Xuanqing was awake, the sky in the east had just turned white, and it was still early.

    Lu Gu scooped boiling water to heat the flour, so that the pancakes could be cooked faster, and you didn't have to wait for the flour to rise before making them. Having been in the mountains with Shen Xuanqing for so many days, he was more proficient at cooking and frying vegetables than before. He kneaded the dough very neatly. Five small dough cakes came out quickly. The fire at the bottom of the pot hadn’t been extinguished yet. Put the pancake dough on the pan and turned it over to bake.

    Shen Xuanqing finally got up, and the three dogs followed him out.

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    Dahui yawned, and the little dog stretched its four long legs in the yard, and stretched its waist.

    Shen Xuanqing was washing in the courtyard, and he was not afraid of the cold, so he washed with cold water. Lu Gu had just washed, he picked up the pickles, brought out the four steamed buns in a bowl, there were two bowls of water on the table in the main room, it was warm enough to drink now, the two of them sat at the table to eat and drink.

    Lu Gu ate less in the morning, one steamed bun was enough, and the remaining three belonged to Shen Xuanqing.

    "Want to look for the snails today?" Shen Xuanqing asked him, and after seeing him nodding, he said, "I will keep the Dahui for you, don't go too far, it's okay if you can't found it."

    "Yes." Lu Gu nodded in response.

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    he had been busy with fences and ponds for the past few days, and he didn’t go hunting in the mountains. He had to go out today. Shen Xuanqing packed up after eating. Seeing that the small cloth bag that usually hold dry food in the bamboo basket was shriveled, he went to the kitchen by himself and took the food.

    Lu Gu was washing the pickle bowl, saw him came in to remove the lid of the pot, took six steamed buns with mixed flour  and stuffed them into the cloth bag, Shen Xuanqing packed them before he could speak.

    He stood up so anxiously that he didn't even have time to wipe his wet hands. Shen Xuanqing walked out with a cloth bag, just in front of him. In a hurry, he reached out to grab the corner of Shen Xuanqing's clothes, and found that his hands were wet, leaving behind a little wet mark in the corners of his clothes. He was frightened and cowardly, quickly let go and said anxiously: "You wait."

    Shen Xuanqing had to stop, and for the first time, Lu Gu held the corner of his clothes and approached timidly, which made him smile a little meaning.

    The cloth bag in his hand was taken away by Lu Gu, he didn't know what to do, he saw Lu Gu lifted the lid of the pot and took out five white flour pancakes from it.

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    This thing was different. It was made for Shen Xuanqing alone. He bought chickens and ducklings for him and treated him so well. Embarrassed, he lowered his head and gave a short, shy smile, and said in a low voice, "Eat this for dry food in the mountains."

    white flour were better than miscellaneous flour, and Shen Xuanqing had to work hard to hunt, so he must eat better.

    After receiving the cloth bag, the white pancake inside was still hot, making Shen Xuanqing felt warm in his hands, and seeing Lu Gu smiled so shyly, the string in his heart seemed to be gently plucked, his own little fulang thought about himself so much that he didn't know how to express that joy, his handsome face was smiling a little silly.

    Lu Gu looked at him with such a smile, he became more and more shy and didn’t dare to raise his head. Finally, he heard the dog barking twice towards the courtyard gate, and Shen Xuanqing came back to his senses.

    Lu Gu escorted him to the door, he and Dahui watched him and the dog walk into the forest, and turned back to the yard to start a busy day when they could no longer see him.

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