The slippery loach was twisting in his hand, Lu Gu almost missed it, and quickly threw it into the bamboo basket. In a short time, the two of them had caught eight loaches, and they were all fat and big. 

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    "I'll make some soup tomorrow. It's easy to feed. It's not like fish. It turns over after being put in a bucket for a long time. It could survive for a while with mud and water. I used to raise it in a wooden bucket." Shen Xuanqing searched again. Talking to Lu Gu, stewing loach was indeed delicious and nourishing, so he had to make it for his fulang.

    While talking, the fish in the river gradually became drunk, no longer hiding at the bottom of the water, and swam to the surface to wag their tails, as if drunk, so this method of catching fish was called drunk fish, and some even turned white, it looked like a dead fish.

    Maybe there was no one to catch here, so there were quite a lot of fish. Lu Gu's eyes widened when he looked at the surface of the water. Surprise made his eyes brightened.

    This year's weather was so good and beautiful, even the aquatic plants were luxuriant, and the autumn fish ate and became fatter. This net was heavy to drag up, and even Shen Xuanqing had to put in a lot of effort.

    In the fishing net on the shore, the undrunk fish writhed and slapped their tails on the ground, but the drunk one didn’t respond, because the water area where the drug was poured was long, and catching fishes with the net was not finished yet, Shen Xuanqing asked Lu Gu to go back to take wooden barrels, bamboo baskets and deep bamboo baskets, he jumped into the river and caught fish and threw them on the bank.

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    Lu Gu ran back in a hurry, took the things and came back in a hurry, full of joy and busyness, the dog barked at the swaying fat fish, seeing so many fishes on the shore, the joy of harvesting a lot, unconsciously there was a smile on his face. for a while, he only felt the beauty of the mountains and rivers, and even the wind blowing by his ears while running was joyful and carefree.

    Shen Xuanqing scooped fishes in the water with a bamboo basket, and the river water seeped out from under the bamboo basket. Lu Gu also fished in the water with a larger, deeper bamboo basket. When one basket went into the water and then came out, there were several fishes fluttered in it.

    Today's harvest was beyond Shen Xuanqing's expectation. Hundreds of fish were thrown on the shore. Besides grass carp, there were also many more the expensive crucian carp and river eel, especially river eel, which was fattened in autumn, it could be stewed together with tofu, many people in the town liked to make this.

    He had never catched fishes this way in the mountains before. The journey was long, and the fishes were easy to die. On the way back, they had to be kept in water, which would only sink more. Besides, the Qingxi River flowed all the way down the mountain, and fish could be caught anywhere. He didn't expect to work hard to get a cart of fishes back to sell.

    Just now too many fishes appeared in front of him, he was still young after all, he got excited and jumped into the river and threw the fish on the bank.

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    Now that he calmed down and took a look at the fat fish on the shore, he only went to catch river eels that were better and more expensive. Such a lot could sell for a lot of money. It was still early in the morning, and he could go down the mountain directly.

    Lu Gu originally thought he would be back in two days, but now that he said he would go down the mountain today, as a subordinate he worked even harder.

    Shrimps and small fishes were caught in the dense net, and Lu Gu threw the small fishes back into the river. The remaining white-shelled river prawns were so big and plentiful that they filled more than half of the fish basket.

    In order not to waste so many fishes, they used all three wooden barrels and two bamboo baskets to put the fishes on the cart, locked the door and went down the mountain.

    River eels were as easy to feed as loaches, and they were put in the bamboo baskets. The cheapest grass carp was also in the bamboo basket, and the rest of the more expensive fishes were in buckets. Even if the grass carp died after going back to the mountain road for two hours, that was the same. Today's fresh fishes were not afraid of people saying that it was dead fish and stinky fish. Because of the large quantity, it could be sold for a lot of copper coins at a low price, so it was considered a hard-earned money.

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    Although they were in a hurry, both of them were inexplicably happy. Even if this carload of fishes couldn’t be sold for five or eight taels, it was enough for two taels. Two taels of silver was also very good.

    Although Shen Xuanqing made money from hunting, but when he was unlucky and couldn't get anything, he could only bring a few hares down the mountain to exchange for some copper coins, so two taels of silver was by no means a small amount. Earning two taels of silver was pretty good.

    To make it easier for Shen Xuanqing to walk, Lu Gu carried the fish basket and a bamboo basket on his back, and put the heavy bamboo basket on the cart after walking for a certain distance.

    The road was bumpy, and a lot of water in the wooden barrels swayed out. Fortunately, most of the roads they walked were not far from the river, and they could replenish some water while walking.

    This kind of astonishment like unexpected joy was with Lu Gu, and seeing his fulang’s eyes sparkling, seemed very happy, which made Shen Xuanqing felt good, tiredness was nothing, he still could move.

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    Eighteen years old was too young, full of drive, they just went down the mountain in such a reckless manner, and when they arrived at the door, even Wei Lanxiang was surprised to see the cart full of fishes, seeing that they were out of breath, they seemed urgent on their way, she was a little dumbfounded, she couldn't do it like this with great strength, the bucket was heavy, she hurriedly let them go home to rest.

    Seeing that there were so many fish, Ji Qiuyue hurriedly went to the field to sell the fishes while they were still fresh, and asked his husband to pull the cart to sell the fish in the town.

    The author has something to say:

    Note: In reality, it’s illegal to use hickory tree leaves to drug the fish, so don't do it.

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