Working as a thug in a brothel, what he saw and heard was all ugly, and Luo Biao had never studied. He didn't know how to hide his words, and Shen Xuanqing didn't feel anything when he heard it. He looked as usual and just said: "I came here today to entrust you with this matter. Since he likes to visit brothels, ask someone to take him go often, if you can make him rest in the building, it’s best not to go home for ten days and a half months."

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    He said, Shen Xuanqing pushed the money wrapped in red cloth over the table, which contained ten taels of silver, which was quite a lot.

    "Second Brother Shen, you are..." Luo Biao wanted to say no, but was interrupted.

    "Don’t you need to drink when you are looking for someone to do business? The girls in the building also buy rouge and gouache." Shen Xuanqing raised his eyes slightly, and then said quietly: "I beg you to do something, and I will naturally spend the money. There is no need to shirk, just deal with the matter, later, I have to find you again."

    "Since that's the case, don't worry, Second Brother Shen, I will definitely do it." Luo Biao put the money aside and poured the wine for both of them.

    After getting drunk, he asked one more question why he had to deal with Li Mingshan at this moment. He knew about Lu Wen. He went when Shen Xuanqing got married before. When he heard that Lu Wen threatened the Shen family with the government, he patted the table and cursed a few foul words, and then patted his chest to guarantee that Li Mingshan, this grandson would be too hungry (for sex) to walk around.

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    Shen Xuanqing didn't underestimate his words, and explained a few more words to him, asking to find out about how Lu Wen was with in the town, and then drank again.

    Speaking of which, there were quite a few wealthy merchants in Fenggu Town, and there were two surnamed Li. Li Mingshan's family opened a silk and satin shop in the town, and they had money, the power was also there.

    It was impossible for a countryman to go head-to-head with a rich man, so he could only find another way. Li Mingshan was worthless, and he could only deal with lust. If he lingerred in the flower house and didn't come home, who could blame others .

    After Shen Xuanqing left, Luo Biao was considered reliable, after sleeping in the afternoon, he went to drink with the regular customers who often came to the building to had fun and knew Li Mingshan. A man who ate, drank, prostituted and gambled was not a good thing. Luo Biao still intentionally or unintentionally talked about Lu Wen who had hooked up with Li Mingshan, thinking of that handsome appearance, the man surnamed Bu licked his lips and an evil light appeared in his eyes.

    The sun was setting, and just as it was getting dark, the lanterns in front of the brothel were lit up, and the inside was even brighter and more lively.

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    Luo Biao came in from the backyard, turned his eyes around the downstairs lobby, and saw that Bu Zicheng brought Li Mingshan, and the food was not in vain. He winked at Hong Yao, a familiar sister, Hong Yao understood, and went to pull Li Mingshan with a smile. Pressed him to sit down and drink a glass of wine.

    Li Mingshan's appearance was not bad, the silk clothes were noble and decent, and he looked like a gentleman who was studying when he shook his fan, but it was a pity that he just drank a glass of wine at this moment, smelling the fragrance of the powder on Hong Yao, he was intoxicated, and immediately embodying the prototype of lewdness, he caressed her waist lightly, and even pinched her buttocks when others were not paying attention, making Hong Yao laughed at him in her heart.

    The girl in the brothel just resorted some tricks to make Li Mingshan stayed for two nights. He usually only came for an hour or two before leaving to enjoy himself secretly.

    After returning home, his mother Zhang Shi blocked him at the door. Li Mingshan lied, saying that he was sleeping at a classmate's house. If you were superior, you would never go astray, so that's all.

    Speaking of which, most of Li Mingshan's cronies and friends who came and went in the daytime were the same as him, with a shell of a scholar, only they knew the dirty inside, and they would help each other to make excuses to cover up, thinking that visiting brothels and drinking flowers wine were nothing, what was wrong with men having fun, if the family didn't allow it, just didn't let the family know.

    How could Lu Wen, a Shuang'er from the countryside knew about it even Zhang Shi didn’t know? The Shuang'ers and girls of good people in the town, just like him, who hadn’t left the burdoir couldn’t easily know the dirty things of those men.

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    Two days later, before evening, Li Mingshan was thinking about the feeling in the middle of the afternoon, and found a pretense of looking for a classmate friend to leave the house. Even Lu Wen, he didn't bother to look at him, and went straight to the brothel.

    It was a coincidence that he met Bu Zicheng again, and the two sat at a table in the lobby to drink.

    While drinking, Bu Zicheng saw that Li Mingshan was holding the sister in his arms and was about to float away, so he couldn't suppress the evil thoughts in his heart, and said with a light smile: "Brother Li, if Brother Li doesn't dislike it, this shuang’er beside me will be happy with you for tonight. Treat you as a brother."

    As soon as he opened his mouth, Shuang'er beside him sat down beside Li Mingshan, which made Li Mingshan's eyes widened in surprise, there was such a good thing.

    Bu Zicheng didn't invite him for nothing, and when he saw him taking the bait, he lowered his voice and said, "I heard that Lu Wen live in the town recently, if Brother Li doesn't mind, how about we play for a while?"

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    Hearing this, Li Mingshan's expression changed after a while, and he sneered and said angrily, "What are they, they are going to be replaced? Brother Bu dares to speak."

    Li Mingshan also had a temper, not a little temper, immediately turned down his face and pushed sister HongYao away, but Bu Zicheng hit the wall, his sensuality failed, and he sat there holding his wine glass tightly with an ugly expression on his face.

    Besides, Li Mingshan and Lu Wen had been in love since they met, but because of the upright and noble person on the surface, they only held hands and never slept.

    Speaking of which, Lu Wen was really good-looking, otherwise, Li Mingshan, who was used to see beauties in the town, wouldn’t fall in love with him. He was handsome and beautiful, bright and charming when he smiled and frowning he was sad could make people's hearts soften. Sighed, with his pitiful and charming appearance, he gave everything he wanted.

    After leaving the brothel, he remembered that he hadn't visited Lu Wen in the past few days, so Li Mingshan passed by. He didn't notice that Luo Biao glanced at him from behind, and soon an inconspicuous short and thin boy followed.

    Lu Wen pretended to be studying, on the surface, it seemed that he was staying at the house of his classmate Shuang'er, but in fact, he entered a courtyard in the back street through the secret door in the backyard of that family. It was bought by Li Mingshan. Usually Lu Wen and the servant girl lived in the back street, and came through the secret door when he went out. His classmate's family took the money and favored him, and they naturally supported him and they didn't dare to reveal any words, so anyone couldn't find any fault on the surface.

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