He walked downstream along the river bank, the puppy was playing, but he was never too far away from him. After half an hour, the bamboo basket was filled with wild vegetables. Although the bamboo basket was full, it was very light after drying. .

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    Lu Gu washed the wild vegetables by the river, and returned to the yard with the bamboo basket still dripping with water on his back. He took out the mat and spread it under the sun, then poured all the wild vegetables in the basket on it, and after spreading it evenly, he carried the bamboo basket to pick purslane again.

    The weather was getting colder and colder, and even the purslane would wither in the future, and there would be even fewer other wild vegetables, so while there were still some, he would get more back. There were six people in total.

    At a place with lush grass by the river, Lu Gu picked up a very long branch and probed the half-leg-high grass to make sure that there was no snakes or insects inside before he dared to pass through.

    Another basket of wild vegetables was full, so he picked it up and planned to wash it at a familiar upstream, closer to the yard. After carrying the bamboo basket, he called the puppy, and the pup ran over.

    When he came here, he had been paying attention to the wild vegetables on the ground. Now he had the time to look around, and he saw a bunch of black grapes not far away. The thick vines were wrapped around the trunk. The mountain grapes hidden below couldn’t be seen.

    Lu Gu was overjoyed, there were very few mountain grapes, and it was cold recently, so he thought they were all gone.

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    Walking over to see, only this string was better, the others had fallen to the ground and rotten, and there was obviously a sour smell. The black grapes were not very big, so he picked them off and put them into the bamboo basket on his back, and walked back with the puppy.

    There was a stone by the river near the yard, which he often sat on. After washing the purslane, Lu Gu rinsed the bunches of mountain grapes in the clear river water. He didn’t dare to use too much force, or the grapes would fall off.


    Just like that, there were still some that fell, but fortunately, he was quick and stopped the two grapes in the water. The mountain grapes were small, but they were sweet, sour and full of moisture. After tasting it, Lu Gu was happy, and he would eat it together when Shen Xuanqing came back.

    In the morning, he ran outside four times alone, and then spreading the four big bamboo baskets of wild vegetables evenly at the mat.

    After all, he was not comfortable. Lu Gu didn’t do any other work. After eating and resting for a while, he drove the ducks out of the fence to go swimming. He sat by the pond basking in the sun with the puppy to have fun.

    Said it was for fun, he also mowing some tender grass by the way, some water plants that chickens and ducks love to eat. Except for his chickens and ducks, in case Shen Xuanqing came back today and catch live prey, like pheasants and rabbits, etc. , it had to be fed and raised, and it was always right to had more.

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    In the afternoon, he drove the ducks out of the pond and let them graze in the fence. After the gate of the fence was closed tightly, he was relieved and led the puppy back to the yard.

    First he moved the mat for drying wild vegetables to the sun, and then Lu Gu went to the room to get his sewing basket. Shen Xuanqing's handkerchief was old, so he had to embroider two new ones, and he would make them today while he had time.

    Unlike money bag and sachet, the handkerchiefs used by men were mostly made by their mothers or wives. It was common to embroider flowers on the corners and wouldn’t be laughed at.

    Lu Gu held the embroidery frame with focused look, shuttled the needle and thread, and the colored embroidery threads alternated. The red petals, green branches and leaves, and yellow stamens were embroidered delicately and beautifully. The flowers embroidered on the two handkerchiefs were different, so Shen Xuanqing could tell which one was used so that it was easy to change and wash.

    The sun gradually moved to west, and the sky changed a little.

    In the evening, Lu Gu finished frying the dishes, hesitating whether to wait at the door as usual, what happened last night and this morning made him a little afraid to see Shen Xuanqing, before he could make a decision, he heard a dog barking outside.

    When the person came back, he couldn't keep hiding. He was a little scared, embarrassed and felt really ashamed, so he lowered his eyes, held the corner of his clothes tightly with one hand, and walked towards the door.

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    Shen Xuanqing, who was tall and long-legged, soon approached. He was in a good mood. Even though he was unlucky today and only caught a rabbit, the smile on his face didn’t diminish.

    "You're back." Lu Gu said.

    "I'm back." Shen Xuanqing smiled brightly. He was already very handsome with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, but with this smile he became even more handsome, making Lu Gu didn’t dare to look at him more.


    "Today I caught a rabbit, and it was killed before I could take it out of the dog's mouth. I peeled the skin tonight, and tomorrow you will fry the rabbit meat with more spicy peppers." Shen Xuanqing said as he walked into the courtyard with a big bamboo basket on his back. .

    Lu Gu had always been obedient, so he nodded his head and whispered: "Okay, there are many dried chilies."

    After dinner, Shen Xuanqing and Lu Gu carried the mat for drying wild vegetables and moved it to the main room. It was gloomy as soon as it got dark, and it didn't look very good.

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    "It may rain tomorrow." Shen Xuanqing said with a glance at the sky.

    Following his words, Lu Gu looked up to the sky, and it may really rain, so he subconsciously said: "Then put away all the things in the yard."


There was nothing to dry in the yard, but the firewood, the ax and other tools were outside, so they had to put them away, in case it would rain in the middle of the night, you had to get up.

    Shen Xuanqing nodded in response, and didn’t need Lu Gu to do anything, he went to clean up by himself.

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