Two days ago they had eaten loach once at home, and he didn't know if Lu Gu would still want to eat it. Loach was easy to feed, but it also took up pots or wooden barrels. How could so many pots be occupied all the time to raise this thing? Sometimes in winter you could also dig loaches in the fields and rivers, but if itt was too cold, and it was not worth it if you got frostbite, so it was better to eat the dry ones.

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    Hearing what he said, Lu Gu hastily agreed. Previously, they only cared about drying fish and wild vegetables. Here they only paid attention to eat fresh loach, which was very nourishing. They never thought that loach could also be dried in the sun.

   The earthworms were wrapped in a large leaves, and there were a lot of loaches in the fish basket. Shen Xuanqing got rid the mud from his legs and washed in the river before going ashore.

    Anyway, he was going back to soak his legs, so he didn't wipe his legs at all, just put on his shoes, filled a bucket of water in the clear place, and walked back with Lu Gu with the fish basket.

    After returning home, Lu Gu went to the backyard to chop the earthworms first, and Shen Xuanqing ran a few times to fill the water tank, then poured a bucket of water into the pot, so that he could boil the water and soak his legs after killing the fish.

    He threw the loaches in the fish basket into a wooden basin. They would raise them for two days and let them spit out the sand, stewed them, and it wouldn’t be too late to cut the rest and dry them in the sun.

    There was no need for Lu Gu to kill the fish today, he only needed to throw the gut he took out for the chickens and ducks.

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    Seeing that he didn't need his help, Lu Gu went to the kitchen to boil water, and when Shen Xuanqing finished killing the fish, the water also boiled.

    He also put the dried mugwort leaves he had sun-dried in the tub, and soaked them in boiling water for a while, the color of the water became darker. Soaking the legs in the hot mugwort water could dispel the cold and dredge the meridians. How could Shen Xuanqing be so meticulous when he was alone on the mountain? His handsome face was full of smiles as his legs were soaked in the hot mugwort water.

    There was still a time before lunch, Lu Gu went to the kitchen to wash the new rice first, and planned to steam dry rice to eat. It took a little longer to steam the rice.

    After setting fire to the bottom of the pot, he had nothing to do, so he picked up a pile of sun-dried rushes from the woodshed to pick its grass core. The grass core he found not only could be used as wicks for oil lamps, but also for making soup and tea, and the grass core could also be sun-dried. When it was dry he could sell it to the medical clinic. It was used as a pillow, stuffed it into the pillow, and it was good for people to sleep on it.


[灯心草 dēng xīn cǎo: rush (botany); Juncaceae]

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    It was always a good idea to bring back more plants before they were dry, yellow and wilted, whether they were sold or eaten at home.

    Shen Xuanqing changed his shoes and pants and soaked his legs in the main room. Lu Gu sat next to him and pick the grass core. He reached out to take a straw of the rush and pick the core grass when he had nothing to do. Although the two of them talked less, they were very harmonious. .

    Lu Gu lowered his head slightly, he was always focused and serious when he was working, besides, when his hands were busy, it could distract himself from thinking about other things, it was a pity and distressed if the grass core would be broken, his mind was occupied, even Shen Xuan Qing, he didn't even notice him.

    Shen Xuanqing's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he looked at Lu Gu's side face in a daze, his skin was fair and smooth, his eyes were long and narrow, he blinked lightly from time to time, trembling timidly, as if passing through his heart, there was a burst of ripples.

    He suddenly wanted to stretch out his hand to cover Lu Gu's eyes, if Lu Gu blinked, his eyelashes would definitely sweep gently on his palm.

    The strange thought made his Adam's apple slide again, until Lu Gu turned his head and looked at the half dried rush in his hand.

    "Let me do it." Lu Gu said, he didn't see Shen Xuanqing put the pulled grass core at his feet for a long time, turned his head to look, and thought that Shen Xuanqing was tired and didn't want to do it, so he asked him carefully.

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    Don't look at such a pile of rushes, there were not so many grass cores that were pulled out, and they were lighter after drying, so Lu Gu cherished them.

    Shen Xuanqing recovered from the stupefaction, and handed the rush to Lu Gu, who would expect his fulang to see him absent-minded, he was a little embarrassed, as if evading, he didn’t dare to meet Lu Gu's eyes.

   At noon, according to what Shen Xuanqing said, Lu Gu fried the rabbit meat with spicy peppers, it smelled spicy, and he planned to stir-fry qiucai, so he had all the meat and vegetables.

    Shen Xuanqing was young, although at the age of eighteen he could take care of the family's money-making work, but he was still like a kid in other things, for example, he wanted to rely on Lu Gu when he had nothing to do right now.

    Usually he was always hunting outside, and only slept together at night. After going down the mountain, there were so many people at home, so he was too embarrassed to sit next to Lu Gu.

    It was embarrassing to follow him in and out openly, how could he be so dependent on Fulang's side as a man.

    Scratching his heart and lungs, Shen Xuanqing who always wanted to follow Lu Gu, took a look at the puppy. The puppy was wagging its tail happily, walking around sticking to Lu Gu's legs. He wouldn't be angry if he stumbled, instead he lowered his head and showed a very shallow smile, calling the Guaizi name in a low voice, letting him play by himself first.

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    The puppy was still young and couldn't understand human words, so he continued to "tangle" Lu Gu.

    How could a person compared with a puppy, Shen Xuanqing looked away, and when Lu Gu entered the kitchen to cook, he followed him in, looking for a reason to light the fire in a serious manner, which was really helpful.

    How could Lu Gu know the thoughts he was hiding, he was busy cooking, but occasionally turned his head to meet Shen Xuanqing's eyes, feeling a little embarrassed.

    Lu Gu quickly looked away, so he didn't know that Shen Xuanqing's eyes were also a little embarrassed.

    The tall and big man sat on the small bench in front of the stove to light the fire, and even he himself couldn't explain the reason for the feeling of anxiety and joy in his heart.


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