There were many coolies at the wharf who couldn’t afford to buy food from the stalls or shops, so they found a place to squat or sit while eating cold steamed buns and pancakes. It was very common for country people to eat on the street.

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    There were still three quarters of an hour to go back, and the roasted chicken would be cold on the way. It was not inedible if it was cold, but it was different after all when it came out of the oven. It was hot and fresh.

    Lu Gu took a bite of the chicken leg. The roasted chicken had a strong aroma. The meat was crispy and rotten but not scattered. It was easy to bite off the bone. It was clean after eating. Even the bone was crispy and delicious. At the end, you could still smell the meat on the bones.

    They usually had stewed chicken at home. If you wanted something spicy, add some chili peppers. There were not so many ingredients available. Roasted chicken made with spice brine like this had a special taste, no wonder it sold for 30 copper coins.

    Lu Gu ate two mouthfuls, and it was delicious, but he couldn't eat alone, how could he let Shen Xuanqing stand beside him.

    "You eat." He handed over the chicken leg.

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    Shen Xuanqing originally wanted to say no, but Lu Gu raised his eyes and looked at him so seriously that he couldn't say no even if he wanted to refuse, and he didn't answer. He lowered his head and took a bite, then pushed Lu Gu's hand back.

    "You eat, there is still in the oiled paper bag, go back and eat some with mother." Shen Xuanqing said with a smile.

    He wanted to buy one just now, but he thought that the thick chicken thighs were the most delicious. If he only bought one, the youngest in the family had Shen Yan, so she definitely wanted to eat chicken thighs. The rest, his mother ate it, Lu Gu wouldn't be able to eat it. Buying two, he and his elder brother didn't have to eat it, and the four women in the family each had a chicken leg, wouldn't it be beautiful.

    What's more, there were six people in the family, one roast chicken was not enough to eat, and he and Shen Yaoqing alone could share one meal.

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    After eating the hot and fragrant chicken leg, Lu Gu wiped the oil on his hands with a handkerchief, but he didn't clean it very well, and it would be fine when he went back and took the wild bath beads.

    The wheels of the cart turned again. Compared with the rush to the town early in the morning, Shen Xuanqing's footsteps were much more leisurely. Next to him was his fulang, who smiled so beautifully, which made him felt better. The sky was blue and broad, and the sun was bright. When the wind blew, not only was it not cold, but it made him felt refreshed and at ease in his heart.

    The two of them bought these good things when they came back from the early market. Wei Lanxiang touched the soft and warm cotton in the sack, and smiled until the creases at the corners of her eyes deepened.

    Even Ji Qiuyue was a little excited, because Shen Xuanqing said that she would make thick winter clothes for the family, including clothes and trousers, and even a pair of cotton shoes, which meant that she would also had them.

    They also bought Tang Pozi, so they didn’t freeze at night in winter. Shen Yan and Wei Lanxiang live together, and one was enough, not to mention Ji Qiuyue and Shen Yaoqing, who also slept in the same bed.

    "It’s cold in the mountain, and the cold water in the river seeps into the bones. Give it for Guzi to warm his hands during the day." Shen Xuanqing saw that Shen Yan was curious to touch the pattern on the small Tang Pozi, and casually said that it was bought for Lu Gu.

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    The cotton and roasted chicken, all at his expense, without asking anyone else to pay a copper coin, the rest of the Shen family naturally wouldn't say anything, Wei Lanxiang echoed his words, and said with a smile: "You should buy it. It’s time to buy it, what will happen if our Guzi is frozen.”

    The two of them just came back for lunch, Shen Yaoqing didn't go to work in the town today, so he warmed up the two roast chickens for the whole family to eat, and the two brothers also brought out wine and had a few drinks while eating the meat.

    Lu Gu had eaten chicken leg before, and now he didn't even touch the remaining three, which were reserved for his mother and the others, he knew about it.


    After the meal, the two went back to the room to rest. Lu Gu opened the box and took out a big money bag from the bottom of the box. It was the money he got from selling in the market before. After counting today's money, he put it in and continued to save it. Shen Xuanqing's big money bag was next to it. Today, Shen Xuanqing only sold eight wild animals, earning a little, and spent more than two taels.

    Shen Xuanqing, who was sitting at the table drinking water, saw him looking over, and said, "Take out mine too."

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    Lu Gu took out both money bags, and the copper coins inside clattered. He held them in his hand, they were heavy, and he couldn't help but smiled, thinking it was really nice.

    The two of them sat at the table and took out the money bags and purses in their arms, and poured out the broken silver and copper coins inside. Today Lu Gu's pile of copper coins was obviously more.

    Not too much, not too little, the wild bath beads were sold for exactly one hundred and ninety copper coins, and there were still some that were not sold out, and they were brought back. The goji berries were sold for three taels and eighty copper coins.

    Lu Gu opened the big money bag, inside it was an ingot of five taels of silver that Shen Xuanqing gave him before. It hadn’t been used so far. There were sixteen taels of silver and more than five hundred copper coins. There were not many cloth and embroidery threads now, and he had to buy them again when they ran out.

    Add today's copper coins, and the total was almost 800 copper coins, and the broken silver total was 19 taels.

    Sitting at the table, Lu Gu counted all the copper coins, whispered the number in his mouth, and laughed as he counted, he couldn't help it, the more he counted, the happier he was.

    Sitting across from him, Shen Xuanqing kept laughing, and finally found that he was short of five copper coins for total of 800 copper coins, so he took five from his purse and gave it to Lu Gu, and asked him to make up the whole amount.

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