After a while, they talked about the soles of Shen Xuanqing’s shoes. Wei Lanxiang talked about his son even more. He said that Shen Xuanqing used to wear shoes since he was a child. Running around, that made people like a dog, and a little girls and little Shuang'er of the same age ignored him, and dismissed him because he was too wild.

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    The new shoes that he just put on were dirty and torn within two days. Up to now, Wei Lanxiang couldn't figure out how Shen Xuanqing walked at that time. The new shoes were torn in two days. Even Shen Yaoqing didn't waste the shoes so much , She was angry and thought it was funny, she even grabbed Shen Xuanqing's ears, not only that, Shen Xuanqing was also very strong, when she was ten years old, she couldn't hold him.

    "At that time, Da Chen was also a bastard. He called Erqing to go out to play all day long. He either filled weasel holes or fished and poked honeycombs. When he played, he didn't care about anything. He was crazy. I wouldn't let Erqing go, he ran away in a hurry, and I let him run away without holding him back."

    Since arriving at Shen's house, Shen Xuanqing that Lu Gu saw was calm, never thought that he was so different when he was a child, he kept listening and forgot about chopping the wood.

    "The two of them went to play in the quagmire of Heqian Village. When they came back, they were covered in mud and dirt. They covered their face and head. Their hair was stuck to the mud. They couldn't wash it off. I was so angry that I beat him with a rolling pin. Da Chen even dragged Er Qing to his house to look for his mother, you don't know, Da Chen was beaten up that day and howled like ghosts and wolves, after a lesson, he was honest for the next half a year."

    Wei Lanxiang said about Shen Xuanqing , she couldn't help laughing when she talked about beating Da Chen, which showed how much she couldn't stand the two bastards back then.

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    Lu Gu also raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly. He still wanted to hear it, but Shen Yan drove the ducks out from the backyard after chopping the chicken grass, and took them to swim outside. The ducks quacked, and the puppy stood up and barked at them.

    At this time, Ji Qiuyue also took a sewing basket and sat next to Wei Lanxiang, intending to mend Shen Yaoqing's torn old clothes, but when she was distracted, she turned away and said something else to Ji Qiuyue.

    Lu Gu started to chop firewood again, he was still thinking about Wei Lanxiang's words, a slight smile appeared on his face as he thought about it.

   In the evening, Lu Gu and Ji Qiuyue walked around the paddy fields and dry land. When he came back, he kept looking around on the road to the town. The puppy ran back and forth with them. People in the village said that the dog was really strong when they saw it.

    The sun was about to sink, and Shen Xuanqing's figure was never seen, and he thought he wouldn’t come back tonight.

    Ji Qiuyue joked with him with a smile, and said, "Why, you miss Erqing after only going out for a day?"

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    These words made Lu Gu extremely embarrassed, she lowered his head and denied in a low voice: "No, no."

    Seeing his blushing, Ji Qiuyue smiled like a flower, but she knew that Lu Gu was thin-skinned, so she didn't  go on.


    The two of them walked through the village, meeting people in the village along the way, Ji Qiuyue spoke briskly, she could chat and laugh with everyone, and arrived home.

    As soon as Lu Gu entered the courtyard, he saw a young woman talking to Wei Lanxiang, and Wei Lanxiang handed her a bowl of white flour.

    "Go back quickly, and pay it back when you have it tomorrow." Wei Lanxiang said.

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    "Thank you aunt Lanxiang." The young woman thanked her, then turned and left.

    After she turned around, Lu Gu saw the bruises on her face, which looked like she had been beaten, and was a little startled in his heart, since he had been beaten, he naturally knew how painful it was.

    The woman was familiar with Ji Qiuyue, she put on a smile on her face and said something before leaving.

    "Old Zhang's family really committed crimes, and she beats the good daughter-in-law." Wei Lanxiang sighed after the woman left.

    Lu Gu often went up the mountain with Shen Xuanqing, so he was not that familiar with the affairs of the village. But he had seen that woman twice, she was Zhang Zhengzi's daughter-in-law, a few houses away from their house, Zhang Zhengzi's old lady was called old Zhang by the villagers, and he knew that.

    "That's it." Ji Qiuyue responded. When she said this, she felt very lucky. Fortunately, her mother found Shen Yaoqing and Wei Lanxiang for her back then, or she was afraid she would die of anger.

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    The old Zhang’s rules were strict. She ate in the room, and the daughter-in-law brought the food in without saying anything. She had to kneel down to pay her respects. She beats and scolds her if she doesn’t like it. .

    It was not uncommon to serve parents-in-law. There were other families who knelt down to greet, but there were not many people who were as strict as the old Zhang family. Everyone in their farming households had to work, and they would pick the daughter-in-law's spare time when they had nothing to do.

    Others in the village didn't say that Wei Lanxiang had never suffered this kind of anger at the hands of her mother-in-law. Although Shen Shunfu was a big bastard, he treated her well and protected her all the time, so she also treated Ji Qiuyue well. After Lu Gu came, he also didn’ beat or scold him, even the rules were not established.

    Besides, she had Shen Yan, and when she thought that her little daughter would be tortured by someone in the future, she felt uncomfortable.

    Not to mention the daughter-in-law of others, Ji Qiuyue was loved by her parents, and even Lu Gu was loved by her mother when she was a child. How could she treat others harshly when they came to their house? .

    Ji Qiuyue was in the kitchen boiling water for the family to wash. She said that there was not much firewood, so Lu Gu went in with the firewood and listened to her talk about the Zhang family.

    Gradually getting used to the Shen family, Lu Gu seldom thought about the days when he was beaten. After hearing this, he was panicked and at the same time he couldn't help but felt that he was lucky. He met Wei Lanxiang and the Shen family.

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