"Brother Guzi, look at the silk flowers on my head." Shen Yan approached Lu Gu and said with a smile.

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    There was a small light yellow silk flower next to the two buns on her head, which was quite beautiful. Lu Gu smiled slightly and said, "It's so pretty."

    Shen Yan was even happier when she heard Wei Lanxiang outside saying that there was a badger. Since Lu Gu only needed to light the fire to heat the meal, and he doesn't need help, so she went to the woodshed to see badger.

    The food was hot and served on the table. Shen Xuanqing and Lu Gu had nothing else to do, so they lit the brazier and sat beside them. He asked casually, "Sister-in-law is at home?"


Shen Yaoqing hadn't swallowed the food yet, so he couldn't speak, but he raised her head and smiled a little foolishly.

 Wei Lanxiang was even more delighted, and said, "Your sister-in-law is happy."

    "The mountain road is too far away, so she is not allowed to come up. "Shen Yaoqing laughed.

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    Shen Xuanqing was a little surprised, and then laughed. There would be a new member of the family, he was naturally happy, and said, "The few rabbits and pheasants won’t be sold, and they will be used to make up for my sister-in-law."


Naturally, you should eat better when you were pregnant.

    Shen Yan was still young, and she was only a half-grown child, but knowing that she was going to had a nephew or niece, she couldn't be unhappy.

    Lu Gu was no exception, Shen's family treated him well, Ji Qiuyue was pregnant, of course he was also happy, remembering that Ni'er called him Xiaoma, he thought that in the future there would be a little child in their family who would call him Xiaoma.

    It was not easy to build a house in the deep mountains. There were only two rooms where people could sleep. Because Shen Yaoqing came up, the brothers slept in the east room, and Lu Gu, Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yan stayed in the west room. One night passed.

    Early the next morning, the journey was not in a hurry, and the family didn’t get up to clean up until the sun came out.


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    Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yan were cooking and lighting the fire in the kitchen, while Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing were putting badgers in sacks in the woodshed.

    This things were not small, and they were so fat. After catching sixteen badgers, they put them on two sacks. There were still seven living badgers. These days, they had been tied with ropes to their front paws and mouths. If they didn’t tie the rope on the mouth, they would make a hole and escape, their teeth were too sharp.

    The puppy followed into the woodshed and barked at the fat badgers when they saw them on the ground. The live badgers kicked and rushed to bite. Shen Xuanqing dragged it away by the back of the neck when it tried to bite.

    The puppy was smart, he had seen Dahui chasing the rabbit, Shen Xuanqing had also trained him, he knew to let go. After being thrown out of the woodshed, when he heard Lu Gu's movement in the room, he wagged his tail and went in to rub his legs.

    After all the quilts were folded and rolled up and stuffed into the big box, Lu Gu folded his and Shen Xuanqing's thick winter clothes and put them on the bag, and they didn't need to take the two thin clothes with them in winter.

    As for the book in the box, Lu Gu hesitated for a while and didn’t dare to touch it. After Shen Xuanqing took care of the badgers and walked out of the woodshed. He saw Lu Gu standing there motionless from the window, so he went to the window and asked, "What's the matter?"

    Lu Gu turned around quickly, hesitating and speechless.

    Standing in front of the window, Shen Xuanqing saw the box and saw his posture, even his cheeks were a little red, and he immediately knew what was going on. There were so many people in the courtyard, he made a fake cough, pretending not to care, but he lowered his voice and said, "Take it."

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    "Erqing, do you want to take this basket of grass?" Shen Yaoqing asked in the woodshed.

    "Take it." After Shen Xuanqing finished speaking, he didn't dare to look at Lu Gu's face, and went to the backyard to catch the chickens and ducks, so that they could be put into the chicken coop and taken down the mountain.

    The igniter grass was saved by Lu Gu, besides this basket, there was a small pile in the corner of the woodshed, which would be useful for lighting the fire next year.

    The bundle was packed, and only the two of them knew the books hidden in the clothes.

    After eating and drinking, Lu Gu tidied up the kitchen neatly. After a round of inspection, there was nothing else to bring, and a group of five people went out the door with each carrying basket on their backs.

    The bundle was originally meant to be carried by Shen Yan, which was lighter than the bamboo basket, but now that there was something that coudn’t be seen in it, Lu Gu didn’t dare to let others carry it.

    Shen Yan carried a basket of igniter grass, Wei Lanxiang carried a basket of dried mushrooms, black mushrooms, and Lu Gu's sewing basket inside.

    The basket containing medicinal materials was relatively heavy, and Shen Yaoqing carried it on his back. He and Shen Xuanqing took turns to pull the cart, and Shen Xuanqing puled the cart first.

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    Lu Gu closed all the doors that should be closed, and bolted the windows. When he locked the courtyard door, he saw that there were still some qiucai left in the courtyard.

    This kind of vegetable could live until early winter.

If it was planted in the ground and didn’t dig it, sometimes you coud still see some greenery after the snow.


Dug it out and removed the frozen rotten leaves. The thick stems were usually not eaten, but the older ones grew thicker in the early winter. After being frozen, it wouldn’t be so astringent. Peeled off the outer skin, cut into slices and blanched it in water, and you could also make stir-fry fresh vegetables.

    There were a lot of plants in the house in the foot of the mountain, in front of the yard and behind the house. Although these qiucais were a bit of a pity, Lu Gu didn't dig them.

    After he locked the door, he turned around and walked down the mountain with Shen Xuanqing and the others. Dahei was running ahead, and the puppy was chasing the big dogs and barking, his ears were shaking as he ran, and his body seemed to be bouncing. He was excited when there were so many people, and the barking of the dogs echoed in the bleak mountain forest.

    The wind was rustling, the ground was full of dead leaves, it was time to go home.

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