Shen Xuanqing thought about it, and when he saw Lu Gu coming over with a broom, he asked.

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    Lu Gu didn't understand why he asked this suddenly, but he still said truthfully: "It's been too long."

    Shen Xuanqing frowned slightly, and said: "Then pay more attention this year, since we have Tang Pozi, use it often, don't look at these few days are not very cold, but you still can't be careless, it will become colder, and you must make sure that your body is warm."

    Lu Gu has suffered from frostbite for several years, and he knew this truth, he nodded when he heard this, and because of Shen Xuanqing's concern, he pursed his lips and showed a very shallow smile.

    "Isn't there cotton at home, you sew thick tube sleeves these two days, and you must boil water for cooking and washing vegetables." Shen Xuanqing said again.

    "Yes." Lu Gu agreed, and began to sweep the sawdust on the ground into a pile, so as not to pile up too much later.

    Shen Xuanqing started sawing wood again, neither fast nor slow, after that he took the long axe, picked up a log to the side and stood it on the ground, swung the ax down, and with the weight of the long axe, the wood was split neatly in half.

    "After washing your feet at night, you dry your legs, and then you can apply some badger oil to prevent them from drying out." Shen Xuanqing thought of this again, and said while his hands were constantly working.

    Without waiting for Lu Gu to speak, he said again: "I'll look for the old badger oil later. I left some last year and still have some left over. The old oil is better than the new oil. There is not much left but it still can be used for a while."

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    "Okay." Lu Gu nodded, bent down and erected another log.

    The two of them sawed the wood and the other split the wood, and talked a few words from time to time. After one afternoon, there were only three big logs left.

    Lu Gu was cooking dinner, and Shen Xuanqing put more effort into sawing these three sticks into long pieces. A year ago, the steamed buns, stewed meat and steamed meat were directly placed on stove with a large firewood, so that it would be easy to burn it up.

    It got dark early, because sawing the wood, the dinner was delayed for a while, and it was completely dark when they had dinner. Shen Yan lit the candle with the fire the bottom of the stove, and the main room slowly lit up. The wick was short, and the sewing basket was just on the high table. She picked up a long needle and began to work.

    After Shen Xuanqing sawed the last piece of wood, Shen Yaoqing carried three long pieces of firewood into the woodshed.


    After a busy afternoon, his body was inevitably covered with dust and sawdust. Shen Xuanqing went into the main room and took the cloth strip hanging on the wall. When he came out, he went to the kitchen door to wash his hands.

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    Lu Gu and Shen Yan put the food on the table one after another, and when they cleaned up, the food was ready.

    A little candle flickered slightly, although it was dim, but it was enough to see the things on the table clearly.

    Each person had a bowl of hot soup with pancakes. The pancakes were baked by Wei Lanxiang two days ago. They were long lasting, so she baked a little more.


Cut the pancakes into thin slices, cut the white cabbage into shreds, and then cut the soaked dipicai and black mushrooms into thin slices.

    Lu Gu dug up qiucai with green leaves in the yard, chopped it up, and heated the oil in a pan. He poured so many vegetables into it and stir-fried them with a little oil, then poured water and strips of pancakes to boil in one pan. The family loved spicy food, so he put chili oil in the pan, which was bright red, which was also made it became more beautiful.

    There were rice and vegetables in one bowl, and they usually didn’t stir fry vegetables in the countryside. They cook more tonight, since one person could eat at least two bowls.


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   The big pot was occupied, and Lu Gu had no place to cook, but he still took the sour cowpea, Wei Lanxiang put hot and sour water when marinating it, it tasted a little spicy, very appetizing.

    Lu Gu ate one and a half bowls, but the second bowl was almost a bowl, so it could be said that he ate two bowls. He had chopped firewood in the afternoon, and it took a lot of effort. Beside, when eating this kind of hot rice in winter, with the chili oil and salt were just right. There were still several dishes, which were appetizing.

    After eating, the whole body was hot, and the hands and feet were not cold at all. The person who ate was comfortable and satisfied.

    Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing ate more than the rest of the family, and in the end Lu Gu scooped up the rice for the two of them, and even scraped the bottom of the pot clean, there was nothing left.

    When cleaning the pot after eating, Shen Yan helped him to add some firewood to the bottom of the stove, otherwise the water for cleaning the pot would become cold. She also said: "Brother Guzi, your cooking skills are getting better and better. Tonight's soup pacakes are even better than my mother's."

    "It's just that there are many variant vegetables." Lu Gu was a little embarrassed by the praise, but his eyes were slightly bent and he was obviously happy.

    He made soup pancakes for Shen Xuanqing once when he was on the mountain. Shen Xuanqing said that it was delicious, and today he also added several vegetables. They usually ate soup pancakes in summer in the countryside, but sometimes they also ate it in winter. Usually you only used white cabbage to make the soup pancakes, not to mention monotonous, sometimes you were reluctant to fry it with oil, but it would not be so fragrant when you boiled it in white water only.

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    At this time, Shen Xuanqing already found the last year's badger oil in the low house, he took it to the kitchen, and heard Shen Yan's words from outside, he said: "When you have time, you can also learn to cook from your brother Guzi, just start with cutting vegetables or something.”

    Shen Yan was the youngest in the family, Wei Lanxiang used to cook, and when Shen Yaoqing got married, Ji Qiuyue was the one who cooked, and now that she was pregnant there was still Lu Gu, so she didn’t have to do it.

    But she was going to get married in the future, so it didn't matter if she didn't have good embroidery skill. Many wive and fulangs of peasant house in the countryside could only make shoes and sew clothes. Not many could embroider, but they must be able to cook. Otherwise, they could only make do with it in the future.

    "I know second brother." Shen Yan sighed slightly, the two brothers and mother had to say a word or two to her from time to time, she just learned it.

    Seeing his sister like this, Shen Xuanqing was a little helpless, he put the candlestick on the chopping board, lifted the small clay pot in his hand and said to Lu Gu: "This is badger oil from last year, after washing up tonight, wipe it on your hands and feet, it's okay to wipe more.”

    He said to Shen Yan again: “You too, didn’t you get frostbite last year?, you have to take precautions this year too, don’t take it lightly, lest you cry when you get frostbite.”


    Thinking of the pain and itching of frostbite last year, which made her cry, Shen Yan felt lingering fear, and hurriedly nodded and agreed: "Okay."

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