After half a morning of reading and writing, Shen Yaoqing who wandered around the village came back, he called Shen Xuanqing to go out to look at the fields because the boss of the Lu family wanted to sell the land.

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    The sky was getting more and more gloomy, after his brothers went out, Lu Gu packed up his brush and ink, washed the ink off his hands, and went into the kitchen to prepare for lunch.

    It didn't take much effort to look at the land. Shen Xuanqing was willing to buy it when he saw it was a fertile land, but it needed to be bought by him completely, and the other party couldn't redeem it in the future. They were all acquaintances in Qingxi Village. Boss Lu was in a hurry for money, so he thought about it for a while and he agreed, and the five acres of fertile land was sold to Shen Xuanqing at the price of five taels for one acre.

    Boss Lu was also quick, and immediately asked the writer of the same village to write the land deed. The relatives of the Lu family, the neighbors, and the people in the village all came to be the witness. Shen Xuanqing gave the money and the land deed of the five acres of fertile land belonged to Shen Xuanqing.

    Snowflakes were falling outside, Shen Xuanqing folded the land deed and stuffed it into his bosom, he looked up at Boss Lu, before he could speak, Boss Lu said: "I know what you want to say, it's not easy to go to Fucheng when it's snowing today. After the weather clears, I will go with you to get the official seal."

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    "In that case, I will call you when the time comes." Shen Xuanqing promised.

    "Allright." Shen Xuanqing gave the twenty-five taels happily, unlike other people who had to bargain for a long time, and things might not be settled for a long time. With the money in his arms, Boss Lu relieved his urgent need, heaved a sigh of relief, and gave his land away with a smile.

    The land deed was a red deed after paying the farm tax and then stamping the official seal. Otherwise, it was just a white deed, not to mention other deeds, the land deeds was very important to the imperial court, and the government only recognized the red deed, so naturally everything had to be done properly.

    After coming out, Shen Yaoqing looked at the falling snowflakes, turned his head and said: "Meng Dayue slaughtered pigs today, and last night your sister-in-law said that she wanted to eat fresh pork, so I will go to buy some.

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    Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing remembered that he wanted to give Lu Gu some bone sticks, but he didn't buy them when he came back, so he opened his mouth and said: "It's better to buy some bone sticks and stew with the medicine stove. The more you eat the warmer it will be. The bones are also full of fresh meat."

    “That’s good, you don’t have to go out when it’s snowing today, it’s beautiful to eat meat and bones at home.” Shen Yaoqing clapped his hands and praised him, and then said: “Go back and tell mother that you bought the land, and show her the land deed. I'm going to buy the meat."

    "Yes." Shen Xuanqing didn't argue with him, and called Dahui who came out to go home first.

    There was less meat on the bone sticks, which was cheaper than the meat. There were many people in the family and there were dogs, and the bones could still be eaten by the dogs, so Shen Yaoqing bought more.

    It was already noon after when he bought it, and the steamed buns and rice porridge in the pot were all hot, and Lu Gu was cooking in the kitchen. When he heard that Ji Qiuyue wanted to eat fried pork slices, he couldn't move his hands and called Shen Yan to cut the meat, because Ji Qiuyue liked to eat spicy food , he planned to fry the pork slices with dried chili, the dried chili was so spicy, just put less and it would have a spicy taste.

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    When frying the meat slices, Lu Gu stuffed a lot of firewood into the stove. His original intention was to stir fry them in high heat so that the family could eat as soon as possible. But it was the first time for him to use a youzhong ladle today, so the firewood he added was too much. He didn't control the heat, and he accidentally fried the sliced ​​meat a little dry, the lean meat couldn't be seen, and the white fat meat could obviously be seen browned, but fortunately, the meat they bought was leaner and fatter.

    The meat was much more expensive than vegetables, so he went into the kitchen with a youzhong ladle, poured the sliced ​​meat into a bowl, and hesitated to take it out.

    When Shen Xuanqing came to help him served the dishes, he saw that he was embarrassed, and he knew what was going on just by looking at the bowl of charred meat on the bowl.

    "You can eat it if it's not black, and it's not fried." Shen Xuanqing said, in order to prove his words, he even pinched a piece of meat and tasted it, and he raised his brows slightly and said: "The fat meat looks like the dried pot meat I ate in Brother Yang Xian's tavern before. The dried pot meat is fat but not greasy and delicious. "

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    Lu Gu's stir-fried vegetables and fried meat were all taught by Ji Qiuyue and Wei Lanxiang. Both of them rarely cook the dishes like those eaten in taverns in the city. Unexpectedly, this time when Lu Gu cooked the meat, not only the meat not spoiled, but also delicious.

    After it was served on the table, other people looked at it and thought it was something scorched, but Wei Lanxiang didn't say anything. She had cooked and burned several times in the past few years. Shen Yaoqing still remembered it when he was so old, and sometimes joked with her. After a while, she remembered the black food she cooked back then, also she was not a harsh person, so she had no words, and she could eat the food as long as it was not black.

    Who knew that the taste would be good after she tasted it, even Ji Qiuyue, who didn't want to eat fat meat at first, ate several slices. She had been pregnant for more than a month, and she occasionally felt sick, and she didn't like fat meat, so the meat Shen Yaoqing bought today was leaner.

    Seeing that everyone said it was delicious, Lu Gu felt relieved, even if everyone had the charred meat in their hands, they didn't say anything, just ate it if they could, it would be a pity to throw it away.

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