Lu Gu glanced at Shen Yaoqing and Wei Lanxiang, and he knew from their expressions that the family didn't want to have anything to do with the Zhang family, so he didn't dare to tell his family about the steamed buns for a while, at most, at most, he would tell Shen Xuanqing when he came back.

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    As for the two steamed buns, he secretly gave them to Xiao Zhang, as long as the Zhang family didn't know about it.

    With only two steamed buns, Shen Xuanqing probably wouldn't scold him. Even he thought so, Lu Gu was still a little apprehensive.

    Everyone in the village cleared the snow in front of their gates, but the mountain roads were not cleaned up. He deliberately went around behind the house and walked up the mountain, for fear of being seen by the villagers. While walking, he couldn't help thinking, the snow was so thick, but Xiao Zhang was beaten and ran so fast, she must be terrified.


    The puppy came out with him, and his limbs fell into the snow. He wanted to let the puppy go back, but when he looked ahead and saw the white snow on the mountain, he was a little afraid to go to Xiao Zhang alone, so he called out Guaizi and let him follow.

    It was convenient to find people in the snow, as long as you could see the traces Xiao Zhang stepped on.

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    Lu Gu climbed up the gentle slope. The forest was too quiet, which made him a little scared, but he glanced at the puppy next to his legs, and moved forward vigorously, trying to find the path that Xiao Zhang had walked. He didn't take a few steps, the puppy suddenly barked at a few trees next to him.

    The traces in the snow over there were originally going up, but he found that there was someone behind those trees, who else could it be if it wasn’t Xiao Zhang. She probably ran up and then turned back, he hid behind the trees and didn’t dare to go downhill.     


     He often lived in the deep mountains with Shen Xuanqing, and didn't have much contact with the villagers. When he saw Xiao Zhang, he recalled how Wei Lanxiang called her, and then he said cautiously: "Wanyun, it's me, Guzi, not someone else"

     There was snow under his feet, but fortunately Lu Gu was wearing cotton shoes, so it wasn't that cold. He took out the two steamed buns from his arms and said in low voice, "I'll give you two steamed buns, not hot but soft."

    Li Wanyun slowly poked her head out from behind the tree, the first one she looked at was not Lu Gu, but behind him, and she wiped the tears off her face when she saw that Zhang Zhengzi was nowhere to be seen.

    It was too cold, she was wearing thin clothes, she was not warm enough, the tears on her eyelashes had turned to hoarfrost, her hair was messed up due to the beating, her hair was disheveled, and her face was stained with tears and blood.

    Shen Xuanqing and Zhang Zhengzi were the same age and generation, so even if Zhang Zhengzi got married first, Lu Gu didn't need to call Li Wanyun sister-in-law or anything.

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    "Woof!" The puppy barked, causing Li Wanyun to shrink back in fright, Lu Gu hurriedly imitated Shen Xuanqing and stopped the puppy.

    The dogs also knew how to understand words and expressions. When facing Zhang Zhengzi, the puppy kept biting, but when he was facing Li Wanyun now, he sensed her weakness, so he stopped barking.

    Lu Gu waited at the same spot for a while before Li Wanyun came out. Li Wanyun took the two steamed buns in his hand and devoured them quickly. After being choked, she didn't care about anything else, she grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into her mouth.


    "Don't tell people that I gave you steamed buns, or..." Lu Gu frowned, and said in low voice , "Otherwise, I might suffer too."

     Li Wanyun's mouth was full of food, she nodded desperately when she heard the words, her eyes were not sure whether she was choking or something, and she shed tears.

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    Lu Gu didn't dare to stay longer in the mountain, for fear of being seen by others, he couldn't hold back and said when he was about to leave: "Then do you want to go back? It's too cold on the mountain."

    After hearing Lu Gu’s words, her face was full of sorrow, so what could she do when she went back, if things didn't go his way, he would hit her again.

    Li Wanyun ate very quickly, she swallowed the last gulp, and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know, if he doesn't calm down, I will get beaten again when I go back."

    Who didn't want to live if they could live, why starved to death and froze to death in the mountains, she ran away and went up the mountain, she saw that Zhang Zhengzi didn't chase her because he didn't want to freeze to death on the mountain. Zhang Zhengzi often beat her, knowing that she was timid and afraid of death, so he went back without looking for her.

    But even if she went back now, Zhang Zhengzi and Lao Zhang’s temperament were not good, and if they wanted to beat and scold her, what should she do.

    It was not that she hadn't returned to her natal home after being beaten, but every time Zhang Zhengzi went to pick her up, her parents said that since she was married, so they couldn't care about her anymore. At most, they just scolded Zhang Zhengzi. When she was beaten back to her natal home for the first time, her natal family beat Zhang Zhengzi, but in the end it was still useless.

    Every time when he was at her mother's house, Zhang Zhengzi looked like a human being. He apologized with a smile on his face and said that he didn't dare to do it anymore. But when they came back to his home to live in peace for a few days, once his mother had a fit, he would beat her again

. So many times that even her parents was tired, and she gradually resigned to her fate.    

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     Aunt Miao once wanted to help her, but she was bullied and abused by Lao Zhang. Seeing Lu Gu now, Li Wanyun didn't dare to ask him to take her in. Beside, Lu Gu was a new fulang and he couldn't talk in the Shen family.     

     If he just left like this, leaving Xiao Zhang alone in the mountain, Lu Gu felt uneasy, he was stupid and couldn't think of a good way, he gritted his teeth and said: "Why don't you hide behind the house, don't stay in the mountain, I will find you at noon and give you some food."

     Li Wanyun looked at him, wiped away her tears and nodded, “Okay, I think I will go back at night when they have calmed down. It’s quiet at night, and he won’t hit me, afraid that the villagers will hear their joke. "     

      After it was decided, Lu Gu would take the puppy down the mountain first, and Xiao Zhang waited until she couldn’t see him before carefully going back to the village.     

      Lu Gu was also very cautious when he came back. When the Shen family built the house, there was no back door to guard against thieves, so he could only walk around to the front yard from the back of the house. As soon as he came out, he had a face-to-face meeting with Shen Xuanqing, he was so frightened that he stopped immediately and his eyes widened.

     Shen Xuanqing, who was carrying a basket, came back from buying tofu. He never expected to see Lu Gu coming back from the back of the house before entering the door, he asked, "What are you doing behind the house?"     

     "I, I..." Lu Gu was not good at lying, he hesitated and didn't speak for a long time.

    Shen Xuanqing frowned slightly, not knowing what happened to him, but seeing that he was not dirty or injured, he asked again: "Can't you tell me what happened?”

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