Quanzi’s fulang came out from the next door, he saw Wei Lanxiang was holding a lantern and said, "Aunt Lanxiang, why don't you go in and have a look."

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    "Your baby doesn’t sleep?" Wei Lanxiang asked as he walked.

    "No, he is awoken up by such a big commotion and kept crying. I asked Quanzi to coax him." Quanzi's fulang was a chubby shuang’er. He was pungent, but his heart was good, and he had a good relationship with his neighbors, except Lao Zhang.

    Quanzi's parents were good people, because they lived next door to Zhang's family, they had more contact with each other. It was okay when Lao Zhangtou (Lao Zhang’s husband) was around, but since his death, no one could control Lao Zhang's family.


    Quanzi’s fulang couldn't understand Lao Zhang's villainous behavior, she beat Li Wanyun into badly. She liked to  take advantage of his parents-in-law's kindness and love to take advantage of their family, if he hadn't stopped and scolded her, many things would have been taken away.

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    Li Wanyun lit the candlestick with the lantern in Quanzi’s mother ‘s hand, Zhang Zhengzi lay motionless on the bed, breathing very weakly. Seeing the blood on the back of his head, Quan Zi's father was shocked. Lao Zhang was also carried into this bright room, and after a while, she slowly woke up among the crowd.

    "Hurry up and invite langzhong, hurry up!" Lao Zhang cried as soon as she woke up, but few people moved after hearing her words.

    Although the people from the Miao family came in, they were all stayed far away and only watched from the outside. Aunt Miao was so angry with the Zhang family that when his husband wanted to lift someone up, she grabbed his arm and stopped him.

    Lao Zhang had always been bad-mouthed, and she swore and cursed all day long. It was considered good that these people could bring her and her son in, and there was no need to save her.

    As for inviting a langzhong, it was still okay during the day, langzhong was in Anjia Village, which was three villages away. How could it be so easy to walk on this snowy night? they couldn't see clearly. What if they accidentally fell heavily?, and if they had bad luck, their legs would be broken, and if they fell on the halfway, they tried to call someone for help but no one passed by to rescue them, so they would lose their lives.

    If it was placed in someone else's house, a few young men would help go to langzhong, and there was no need to say anything superfluous, but this was Lao Zhang, with a vicious mouth and heart, and she could even sell his own daughter. If you helped her, maybe you would get a bad name in her mouth in the future, it was not like this kind of thing never happened before.


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When Wei Lanxiang came in, she saw Shen Xuanqing, who was the tallest, and she was relieved to see that he and Shen Yaoqing didn’t interfere, but seeing Lao Zhang and Zhang Zhengzi who was lying on the bed reminded her of Shen Shunfu, and she felt a little uncomfortable. It would be best to help out, but it was Lao Zhang, alas.

    In the end, it was Quanzi's father who committed the crime with good intentions. He felt that he couldn't just leave them alone, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will..."

    "Father." Quanzi fulang interrupted him from behind the crowd, and said loudly: "Father, you are old, your legs are bad, and the snow is slippery. Who will save you when you fall?"


"Quanzi is coaxing the baby at home. I usually cook and do laundry. If you have a broken leg, who will take care of you? My mother is also getting old. In such a cold day, do you still let mother take care of you?"

    "It costs money to buy medicine, our family wants to raise a baby, how can we spend so much money, or are you willing to let your grandson eat bran and vegetables only in the future? If you have money, you can go, and I will never stop you."

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    Quanzi fulang's mouth was very sharp, and he was not afraid that his words would be unpleasant, and sometimes if he didn't speak harshly, his parents-in-law would be confused.


    What he said made Quanzi’s father patted his head in embarrassment and he didn’t dare to speak again.

    The son didn't move at all, and Lao Zhang was so resentful that he couldn't careless about scolding Quanzi’s fulang. She woke up when she heard the word "money", she took out Zhang Zhengzi's rough jade pendant in her hand, and said hastily "This jade pendant is worth three hundred copper coins at least. If anyone goes, I will give it to him. I beg you to help me."

    Shen Xuanqing looked down on the rough jade pendant and kept silent, but he knew that someone would definitely go.

    Three hundred copper coins was a lot for other people in the village and it was enough to live for a while. Some young people looked at each other, but they were too afraid about walking on the snowy road in winter nights alone. Langzhong was also old, and the snowy road was not easy to walk, they still had to help him so that langzhong didn’t have an accident on the road. It was better for the three young men to help each other, of course, they took the jade pendant in their hands before leaving, they couldn’t let Lao Zhang regretted it later.

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    There were many people in the room. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yuanqing found that Wei Lanxiang came over with a lantern and they thought about going back. No one wanted to get involved in the affairs of Zhang Zhengzi's house, and everyone was not a langzhong, and they couldn't help when they stayed here, so they went out one after another.

    "Father, you can’t help with anything here, and Quanzi can't coax the baby alone. You also know that your eldest grandson has to be hugged by several people when he cries. In this way, you go to find Musheng's parents, at least they are Zhengzi's second uncle, let them help, aunt Zhang also has someone to take care of her."


Quanzi’s fulang was afraid of being taken advantage by the Zhang family, and besides, it was not that the Zhang family had no relatives from the same clan in the village. If there was anything, Lao Zhang could discuss it with their relatives, why should they meddle here?.

    "Sure, I'll tell them." Quanzi's father also knew this truth, he took the lantern from Quanzi’s mother’s hand and went out.

    Lao Zhang half leaned on the small bed, and she snorted lightly with her nose when she heard Quanzi fulang's words, her eyes were also squinted. She hated Quanzi fulang, but from the beginning to end she never flared up.

    It was indeed time to find the second room. She was the eldest sister-in-law, and she helped him marry his wife. As the saying goes, the eldest sister-in-law was like a mother, she could use her identity to suppress the second room. Now she was injured, so the second room had to come and take care of her no matter what.

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