Lin Zhongcai nodded, and Zhang Zhengzi's mother said that he was indeed going out to drink, so the matter became clear, and even Lao Zhang was speechless when she smelled his urine.

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    He walked over to take a look at Zhang Zhengzi on the bed. He found that his breath was extremely weak, and there were bloodstains spreading on the pillow, which flowed quite quickly, and he was shocked.

    "Hurry up and get some medicine to stop the bleeding!" Lin Zhongcai withdrew his hand and said immediately.


    Seeing that his expression was not right, Lao Zhang started to cry for a moment, she patted her left leg while crying and cursing.

    Lin Zhongcai was disturbed by her cry, and he stopped and said: "Shut up!"

    "There is no medicine at home." Li Wanyun was at a loss, her eyes were dull.

    Shen Xuanqing didn't want to take care of the Zhang family's affairs at first, but when he saw the back of Zhang Zhengzi's head bleeding, he looked better just now when he was carried in, but now he looked even paler, so he said: "I have a small thistle root (

小蓟根), I'll go get it. "

    Jinchuang medicine (

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金创药) was the best to stop bleeding, but it was expensive. Ordinary people didn't have spare money to buy it. Shen Xuanqing thought about buying some when he had money. Going to the mountains to hunt was dangerous, but because he went down the mountain in the winter, he couldn't use Jinchuang medicine at home, he thought wait for spring to buy it.

    At this time, Quanzi's father called Zhang Musheng's family over, and soon there were too many people came. They were all asking, and the room became chaotic, and Lao Zhang was still crying for a while and wailing because of the pain in her leg.


    Wei Lanxiang and Lin Zhongcai said that they went back with Shen Yaoqing first, they were just outsiders, at most they could give some medicinal materials, but they couldn't help with anything else.

    Small thistle root was good to stop bleeding, and it was good at least they could do something right now. The chaos in the Zhang family had nothing to do with him. Shen Xuanqing didn’t stay long, he gave the medicine and left.

    Early the next morning, the news about Zhang Zhengzi's family spread in the village.

    The snow stopped, and Lu Gu was cooking in the kitchen around noon. Their house was only three houses away from the Zhang family, so he could hear the movement from there, with many people coming in and out.

    Last night, Shen Xuanqing told him that Zhang Zhengzi was drunk, he stepped on the urine and slipped, fell and hit his head.


Lu Gu was stunned, Shen Xuanqing told him that all kinds of strange things happened to people who were drunk. Some people lay down to sleep after drinking, died of drunkenness with something in their stomach, and some choked to death when they couldn't spit it out.

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    After listening to what Shen Xuanqing said, Lu Gu thought it was really not a good thing to get drunk.

    "Brother Guzi, here you go." Shen Yan came in and handed him two red dates, then sat down in front of the stove and lit the fire.

    Dried dates were sweet, and Lu Gu cut the cabbage while eating it. There were few vegetables in winter, so you couldn’t eat this everyday. Once it was fried and stewed with tofu, sometimes it was stewed with some meat.

    Shen Yan added some firewood to the stove, she looked outside and said, "The sun is out, Brother Guzi, if it clears tomorrow, can we make steamed buns and eat them?"


She craved steamed buns all day long.

    Lu Gu turned his head and said: "That's fine, there are not many steamed buns left, make some more dough for  tomorrow, we will eat baozi and mantou together."


[包子   bāo zi: steamed stuffed bun]

[馒头  mán tou: steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread]

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    Shen Xuanqing brushed off the snow from the trees in front of and behind the house outside the courtyard, to avoid breaking the branches, especially the persimmon tree, when he came back and heard them talking about steamed buns, he suggested: "There are two catties of meat, which have been stored for three days, why not cut it into large slices and make steaming bowls (

蒸 碗), put some fried tofu in them. If you want to eat hot meat, you can just heat it up, and if you want to eat fresh meat, go buy more."

    Ji Qiuyue sat in the main room and made a net, and laughed when she heard his words: "This is good, steamed meat was soft and delicious, and it can be sandwiched in steamed buns. If you feel it’s greasy, add some chili oil, and sour cowpea."

    "Okay, let's steam them together tomorrow." Lu Gu smiled slightly.

    While they were talking, Wei Lanxiang came back. Everyone went to the Zhang family, so she had to go and see if something happened to Zhang's family. Lao Zhang usually had a bad mouth and was stingy many things, but at least he was close to the dozen or so families behind the village.


There was a relationship, but  they were reluctant to part with eggs and meat. After all, Lao Zhang had never given it to others, and no one else needed to bring it to her, but no matter what, you had to scoop some rice flour over, and it was enough to give something.

    "Mother, how's it going?" Shen Xuanqing asked.

    Wei Lanxiang sighed, and said, "Zhengzi hasn't woken up, and he can't even drink the medicine. Langzhong didn't say anything, but..."

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    She shut up when she said this. If someone heard her, it would mean that she was not saying good things behind someone else’s back and cursing Zhang Zhengzi to death.

    Seeing Ji Qiuyue making a net, she walked over and said, "Don't go out these few days, there are so many people outside, what should you do if you bump into each other."

    "Understood, mother." Ji Qiuyue replied.

    Lu Gu's chopping hands slowed down, he understood Wei Lanxiang's meaning, Zhang Zhengzi's ferocious appearance of beating Li Wanyun yesterday was still lingering in his mind, but now he was lying on the bed all night and couldn't even drink the medicine.

    In case...

    What should Li Wanyun do at that time, but his worries were quickly interrupted.

    "Brother Guzi, let's also make some stuffed machicai. I will soak some in a wooden basin at night, otherwise it will only become cabbage buns." Shen Yan was still thinking about her buns.

    It was not that she was heartless, Zhang Zhengzi always beat people, she had seen it several times, Shen Yaoqing said that a man who beat his wife or fulang to vent his anger was not a man.


She didn't like him, Lao Zhang also scolded his daughter-in-law all day long, she also didn't like her , she usually far away from the Zhang family, she wouldn’t come forward, and now something happened, she didn't want to pay more attention to it, their family had just had a good life, beside, she didn't understand those things.

    "Okay." Lu Gu agreed, cutting the vegetables a little faster, there were so many machicai for the family to eat, and the buns with it were also delicious.

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