Three days was not long, and soon it would be time to lift and bury the dead in the soil.

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    The snow had melted, and it was flowing from the eaves like rain. The snow in the yard and the road outside was also melting, and the ground was muddy.

    There was a lot of crying and shouting outside, it was a mess, Lu Gu sat in the room with Ji Qiuyue and didn't go out, even the door was closed.


    They here paid particular attention to eat lunch before lifting the coffin, and those men who were full of food would have strength, so today Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing ate at Zhang’s house. The meal was a vegetarian feast, there were not many dishes in winter, and the more expensive one on the table was tofu. The others were nothing but cabbage, radish, and a wild vegetable, a total of four bowls.

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    "Sister-in-law, it's done, now you can use it." Lu Gu handed over the embroidered tiger pattern purse.

    Lion and tiger could ward off evil spirits. Wei Lanxiang felt that the red belt was not enough, so she asked him to sew a purse with a tiger pattern on it. She went to the temple yesterday to ask for an amulet, and she hung it around Ji Qiuyue's neck as soon as she came back.

    "It's so beautiful." Ji Qiuyue took it. It happened that her purse was old. It was made of rags and had no embroidery. Now that she had a new purse, her face was full of joy.

    They were talking in the room, and after a while, they heard Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing coming back. Unlike the death of the elderly, there was no need to wail, blow wind instruments and hit the drums in the grave today, just bury it.


[哭丧 kū sāng: formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed]

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    Wei Lanxiang prepared the brazier early in the morning, and when they saw the two of them came back, she hurriedly brought the brazier to the gate of the courtyard, so that they could only come in after they stepped over it.

    Their family had a pregnan woman, which was different from other families. People in the village knew what was going on when they passed by, and they didn't know how they would chew their tongues.

    After the two of them finished stepping over the brazier, Wei Lanxiang asked her two sons to wash their hands well, and gave each of them a new red belt to change into. Only after changing their belt they could see Ji Qiuyue.

    In the past few days, Shen Yaoqing didn't sleep with Ji Qiuyue at night because he was digging a new grave, so he set up a wooden bed for himself in the main room for a few nights.

    Everyone in the village came back, and Zhang's relatives were no exception.

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    After putting in order her two sons, Wei Lanxiang went to Quan Zi's house. Not long after, there was a noise from the next door, and when she heard the sound, her heart both raised and fell. Sure enough, as she thought, these people had no good intentions.

    Fortunately, Lin Zhongcai was at Zhang's house, with him, even people from other villages had to give him some face, and didn’t dare to loot Zhang's house at will. But even if he was here, Zhang Zhengzi had no heirs, and there was nothing he could  do if the relatives of the Zhang family came to divide the family property, this kind of thing was the way of the world.

    In the past few days, Lao Zhang cried so much that she passed out several times. Her only son was gone, and her heart was dug out. In addition, her right leg was broken, and she became much older in just a few days.

    At this moment, Li Wanyun was surrounded by many people, who said they wanted to discuss with her how to divide the property and land. She, a weak woman, had never seen such a battle before.

    There was a lot of noise in the yard, and everything was forced to reach this point. The Li family scolded the relatives of the Zhang family for not being human, they still bullied widows, and Lao Zhang's natal family also came.

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    As soon as they talked about it, the relatives of the Zhang family took the issue of having no heir, and the two parties scolded while talking, and some people said that if the family property was not divided, Li Wanyun had to adopt one of Zhang Zhengzi's nephew, so as not to let the Zhang family's property fall into the hands of outsiders like her Li family, Otherwise, it would be said that Li family stole the other family’s property, and his Li family would not even think about being human anymore.


    When it was the time to bury Zhang Zhengzi, Lao Zhang passed out and was carried into the room and fell asleep. After the burial, no one thought of her, and she only woke up when she heard the noise.

    Although her leg was broken and her expression was sluggish, but when she heard that those people disregarded her life and wanted to divide her property and fields, anger ignited in her heart, well, everyone treated her old woman as a dead person, and she immediately yelled and scolded in the room.

    Lin Zhongcai got a headache from this group of people quarreling, and when he heard Lao Zhang who was yelling and scolding in the room, he quickly got her carried out.

    Lao Zhang's son was gone, and relatives who hadn't seen each other for many years threatened her. She was in great pain and cried, and she didn't forgive anyone.

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