In the afternoon, Li Wanyun decocted the medicine and brought it to Lao Zhang's room, she had to kneel down to pay her respects before getting up and handing over the medicine.

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    Unexpectedly, the medicine was a bit hot, Lao Zhang didn't pay attention when she drank it, and her mouth was scalded with the first sip, so she picked up her crutches and beat her.

    Li Wanyun didn't dare to resist, so she endured it silently, but fortunately, Lao Zhang's strength was weak, and because of her injury, she couldn't even yell and scold her as vigorously as before.

    The cold wind was howling, and the night was getting colder and colder, but Li Wanyun was sleeping on the ground with a thin mattress and a thin quilt. She didn't dare to take off her clothes, she wrapped her body and slept.

    It was inconvenient for Lao Zhang to go to latrine at night, so she called her to sleep in her room, but she was not even allowed to sleep on the small plank bed.

    In the dark, Lao Zhang's snoring continued, Li Wanyun couldn't sleep with her eyes open, she was hungry. She could still eat enough when she first came to the Zhang's house, but gradually she couldn't even eat food.


    Hungry and cold, it made her feel colder, she was dizzy for a while, and her mind was thinking wildly, and the silver bracelet on Lu Gu's wrist appeared before her eyes again.

    She and Zhang Zhengzi got married earlier than Shen Xuanqing. Their houses were so close, the matter of the second room of the Shen family was clear to her, of course she knew how Lu Gu got here.


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    After he suffered all kinds of bullying at Lu's house, when he arrived at Shen's house, he changed his luck. He was well fed and clothed without being beaten, and even had jewelry.

    Lu Gu was lucky and he met good people.

    She used to think this way too, but tonight, for some reason, this idea became stronger and stronger. Others had their own’s blessings, only her fate was not good.

    She was getting more and more hungry, but she didn't seem to notice it. She curled up in the thin quilt and opened her eyes numbly.

    Her eyes went black for a while, she felt dizzy and terrified when she looked at the darkness. There seemed to be a big black mouth in the darkness, trying to swallow her in one gulp.


    Suddenly, Lao Zhang on the bed woke up from her dream, she coughed and shouted: "The chamber pot!"

    Li Wanyun was awakened, and when she got up, she staggered. She took out the chamber pot from under the bed when she was stable. She helped Lao Zhang to sit up and wait for her to pee.

    The smell of fishy urine filled the air, and Li Wanyun's eyes were dull, as if she hadn't smelled it. After urinating, Lao Zhang spat and said, "Pour it out."

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The purpose of preparing a chamber pot in winter was to not go out. Most people pour it out early the next morning. Lao Zhang was not particular about cleanliness, but deliberately tossing her. Her son and Li Wanyun hadn't even been married for two years before he died, so she poured out all her resentment and hatred on Li Wanyun, she believed that she had killed Zhang Zhengzi.

    Li Wanyun went out to pour the thing in the chamber pot, the cold wind blew and she shuddered several times, there was no moon in the sky, and even the stars were few and far between.

    Snowflakes floated up and were blown onto her eyelids by the wind, and quickly turned into drops of cold water flowing down. She blinked subconsciously, only to realize that she had stood outside for a long time.

    The cold wind was piercing outside, every time Lao Zhang moved in the room, she felt that there was a heavy weight on her heart, invisible and intangible, and it made her breathless.

    In a dilemma, the snowflakes were getting bigger and bigger, blown wildly by the wind, and rushing towards her face.

    The snow fell on the top of her head and shoulders, and it was so cold that Li Wanyun seemed to have no heat in her chest. Her feet seemed to have taken root, and she didn't move. Once she turned around, she would go back to the hell on earth, where the man eating evil spirit would swallow her up.


    It was better, it was better to die outside in the snow.

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    There was no trace of vitality in her eyes, and the three immortal souls and seven mortal forms seemed to be gradually leaving her body, and she turned around and floated towards the sky, getting higher and lighter, without any restraint. The small body left the world, fell to the ground, and no one knew it.

    Hunger and cold together were the most deadly.

    However, the young people had more internal heat than the older ones.


The whistling sound of the wind and snow was getting louder, and the people sleeping in the bed heard it in a daze, and they all wrapped up their bodies with the quilt tightly.

    Li Wanyun opened her eyes, her whole body was cold and stiff, it took her a long time to sit up on the ground, and a lot of snowflakes fell from her body.

    She looked at the vast wind and snow, and there seemed to be a fire in her throat that was about to flare up, but she couldn't even make a sound with her mouth open. When she regained her senses, she found a foreign object in her pants. After she lost consciousness, she became incontinent. She thought it was dirty and smelly, like the dead dog corpse she had seen in the ravine, rotten and disgusting, covered with dirty flies and rotten maggots.

    Her heart seemed to be squeezed hard, it was painful.


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    The tears formed into icicles on her face. No matter how she was when she was a child, no one ever told her that she was dirty. No matter how hard she was beaten, she would always tidy up her hair and clothes. She never suffered such a filthy crime like this.

    Li Wanyun got up, ignored the dirty thing all over her body, and staggered into the room.

    Lao Zhang fell into a deep sleep, and didn't even hear the sound of the door opening and closing, and she didn't notice Li Wanyun stood beside the bed staring at her in a daze, her face was pale and her eyes were red, and she looked like a ghost in the night.


    The night wind blew, and Lao Zhang was wrapped tightly in a thick quilt.

    Li Wanyun was standing beside the bed, she looked at her raised hand, and through the dim light, she suddenly grabbed the quilt on Lao Zhang's body, covered Lao Zhang's face tightly, pressed down with both hands.

    She died once, and this time she came back to the world with the evil spirits.

    Under the quilt,  Lao Zhang kept making a muffled sound wu wu, and even the broken leg kept kicking.

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