The sweet little Fulang Chapter 90 Part 3

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 Both Li Wanyun and Lao Zhang were carried into the room. Lu Gu came over and picked up the small piece of meat on the ground. It was a pity to throw it away, so he took it to the kitchen, washed it with water and put it in a basket for Li Wanyun.

    He entered the room and looked at Li Wanyun, when he saw that she was fine, the wound on her neck was bandaged, he said that the meat was put in the basket before going home with Wei Lanxiang.

    After the neighbors left, Li Wanyun calmed down for a while, wiped away her tears and went to the kitchen.

    Lu Gu sat in a daze in front of the stove. Shen Xuanqing came in, he sighed softly and stroked his hair, he said that Li Wanyun really determined to injure herself today, but it was not a bad thing.

     Ordinary people didn't dare to bear the crime of killing people to death, especially today when the people in their village saw everything. In the future, those relatives of the Zhang family wouldn't dare to come and grab things easily.

    Lu Gu always believed in what he said.He breathed a sigh of relief after hearing it,  and he also thought that it was true. will freeze after overnight

    After the skin jelly was boiled, let it cool down, and it would freeze  overnight.

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    The next day, Lu Gu lifted the cloth on the wooden basin and took a look. The crystal clear skin jelly looked good and delicious, but it was a bit cold, so it had to be eaten with hot dishes.

    Seing that Shen Yaoqing was going to catch and slaughter the chickens in the backyard, Wei Lanxiang stopped him and said, "The eldest child, kill two more ducks, prepare them in advance today."

    Normally, the chickens were slaughtered on 27th and the ducks were slaughtered on 28th to leaven dough, but these days they were very busy, so why didn't kill them in the same day, so there was no need to use the pot to boil water again tomorrow.

    The skin jelly was frozen, Shen Xuanqing came in and saw it. He cut a piece with a knife, pinched it with his fingers and fed it to Lu Gu, he said with a smile: "Try it, you made it yourself."

    He didn't know what happened these days, he felt that teasing his fulang was really interesting. When Lu Gu opened his mouth to bite, he quickly stuffed the skin jelly into his mouth, and then laughed at the silly Lu Gu.

    Lu Gu closed his mouth and was a little embarrassed at first, but Shen Xuanqing was still laughing, it was obvious that he did it on purpose, and there was an unexplainable feeling in his heart.

    He didn't feel angry at all, just wondering why did Shen Xuanqing  laugh like this...

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    Lu Gu couldn't figure it out, he pursed his lips and wanted to pick the firewood to boil the water. They wanted to kill the chickens and ducks, and the hot water was needed to scald their feathers later.

    "Angry?" Seeing that he was about to leave, Shen Xuanqing quickly stopped him, he said with a smile: "I didn't mean it, I'll give you something to eat."

    Then he took a knife and cut a slice of skin jelly, Lu Gu wanted to say that he  wasn't angry, but he couldn't speak with food stuffed into his mouth.

    The crystal skin jelly was cold and chewy. Apart from being a bit cold, it was still delicious, and when he thought that he boiled it himself, Lu Gu smiled lightly.

    "Er Qing, you will kill the ducks with your elder brother later." Wei Lanxiang shouted from outside.

    "Understood, mother." Shen Xuanqing agreed, seeing that there was not much firewood beside the stove, he said, "I'm going to pick the firewood, you light the fire first."

"Um. " Lu Gu was chewing something in his mouth, so he could only nod his head.

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    After Shen Xuanqing went out, Lu Gu sat down in front of the stove, and suddenly remembered Ji Qiuyue.

   Sometimes Brother Daqing deliberately made sister-in-law angry, and he would get beaten every time, and sister-in-law would scold him for being too deficient. Just now Shen Xuanqing laughed at him, as if he was also really deficient, and made people  want to beat him.

    As soon as the word "beat" came out, Lu Gu himself was taken aback. He had never done anything like beating someone, let alone beating Shen Xuanqing.

    Sparks burst from the flint, and the grass was quickly ignited. Shen Xuanqing and Wei Lanxiang, who were carrying firewood, came in one after the other.

    "Let's make noodles today, tomorrow is 28th, so the noodles will be ready for tomorrow. Steam the steamed buns and steamed stuffed buns. On 29th the day after tomorrow, we will have fried chicken, fried duck and meatballs." Wei Lanxiang said while holding a bowl to scoop the flour.

    The few days before the New Year's Eve were very busy since they needed to prepare all kinds of food for the New Year, and Lu Gu couldn't take care of those things alone.

    Killing chickens and ducks, chopping the meat that should be cut into pieces, this kind of work was mostly done by men. During the Chinese New Year, there must be chicken, duck and fish.

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   The surface of Qingxi River was frozen, and some places were frozen solid, but there were still some places that were not. In the winter, parents were most afraid when their children wandering blindly on the frozen river and then fell into it.

    Shen Yaoqing brought the dead chickens and ducks to the front yard. While waiting for Lu Gu to boil the water, he asked Shen Yan if she wanted to eat fresh fish. After getting the answer, he took the fishing rod and led Shen Yan to the back of the house. He moved the stone and smashed it to the frozen river to make a hole. He set the fishing rod and asked Shen Yan to wait for the fish to take the bait.

    "Don't worry, Dahui is here. When I go back, I'll let your Guzi brother come over too." Shen Yaoqing patted her on the head and smiled.

    "Then you must remember." Shen Yan tucked his hands and a small piece of fishing rod into her sleeves, so that she would not feel cold.

    This place was close to home, just behind the house, Da Hui and Gouzai also followed, so they could rest assured. Before leaving Shen Yaoqing said: "Remember, don't go into the river, just stand here."

    Not long after Lu Gu came over with  Tang pozi in his arms, and he also carried a small bench, the two of them sat by the river to fish.

    It was good to have Tang pozi, it could warm their hands when they fished in the snow, and both of them were dressed thickly so they wouldn't feel too cold.

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