It was past midnight, and most people had already fallen into a deep sleep. Under the bed tent, Lu Gu was panting lightly to calm down. In just a few months, he got used to Shen Xuanqing's embrace, and when he was about to sneak in sideways, Shen Xuanqing hugged him suddenly, and his other hand touched his cheek.

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    Touching the face and pinching the earlobe were what they often did when they were alone.

    But this time it was a bit different, Shen Xuanqing actually bit his cheek, didn't know if it hurt or not, but Lu Gu's eyes widened in an instant, how could he bite him?

    In the dark, he couldn't see Shen Xuanqing's expression clearly, but Shen Xuanqing seemed to see through his mind, so he whispered: "It's soft, like Fuyuanzi."

    Lu Gu was even more puzzled, how could he be like Fuyuanzi.

    Just when he was about to ask, who knew that Shen Xuanqing's big hand moved down, caressing his skin inch by inch, the calluses on the warm palm were rough, but that big hand was so powerful that he immediately blushed like a drop of blood, and he couldn't speak.

    He hid the secret joy in his heart and didn't dare to show it, otherwise if people knew that he liked being touched and comforted by Shen Xuanqing like this, he would be ashamed.

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    However, after such joy, he suddenly realized that Shen Xuanqing kept pinching the most fleshy part of his body, and then Lu Gu's eyes widened in fright.

    "What are you doing?" His voice was still trembling, and he subconsciously wanted to back off.

    Shen Xuanqing paused, and then he pulled Lu Gu back. The two of them were so close together, he almost wanted to let out a sigh of satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

    He hugged Lu Gu tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Fat."

    Shen Xuanqing just hugged Lu Gu and didn't do anything else, which made Lu Gu feel relieved, just now he thought Shen Xuanqing was about to do it again.

    As for whether he was fat or not, he pursed his lips slightly and began to worry about this matter in his heart. He was not sure whether it was better to lose weight or gain weight, if Shen Xuanqing didn't like him being fat...

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    His body became slightly stiff, and he was annoyed with himself that he had eaten too much on weekdays.

    "Get fatter, so we can have children in the future." It was the first time for Shen Xuanqing to mention the matter of childbirth in front of Lu Gu. He was just thinking about it before, but now he suddenly realized that it was Lu Gu who would give birth to his children, and his heart throbbed slightly.

    It was good to be fat, he couldn't let the skinny Lu Gu have a big belly and give birth to cubs.

    "How many do you want?" He hugged Lu Gu tightly, but after a short while, his thoughts had drifted far away, and he said to himself: "Whether it's a Shuang'er or a daughter, there must be one at least. When they grow up, I will send them to school, learn how to read and write, and if they want to practice martial arts, they can also do it."

    Lu Gu listened to his words without interrupting, and opened his eyes in the dark, he seemed to be immersed in the deep voice.


    He was actually at a loss because he never thought about it.

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    "It's good to practice martial arts. I don't need to worry that they will be bullied by anyone in the future." Shen Xuanqing kept talking about his little Shuang'er and little daughter, whom he didn't even see their shadows. When he mentioned this, he felt that it was really necessary to practice martial arts.

     If they really have a little Shuang'er in the future, wouldn't he be very similar to Lu Gu?

    He had never seen Lu Gu when he was a child, but there was a timid and small Lu Gu in his mind. The first time he saw Lu Gu was on the day of his marriage. When he took off the red veil, he saw a Shuang'er with his eyes holding back the tears, he was timid and trembling pitifully, and he didn't even dare to let out a sound when he cried.

    His heart was tight and sore, but still he couldn't help but think about Lu Gu when he was a child, whether he also liked to cry. He was a man himself, and he knew how much he was hated when he was a child. He would pull the girls' or Shuang'er's braids, or scare and bully them. Most girls and Shuang'er were timid and they would cry when they were bullied.

    "Did anyone bully you when you were young?" He suddenly asked.

    Lu Gu was thinking about giving birth to a baby, it was Shen Xuanqing's, he couldn't refuse, and he didn't want to refuse. Suddenly, when he heard this sentence, he opened his mouth and said: "Yes, Ji'an pulled my hair, but he was beaten back by brother Liu Fang, later I avoided the boys and often played with Chen ge'er and Ah Cao."

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    He thought for a while and then said: “That happened when I was young, and when I got older, no one  pull my hair anymore.”

    “Brother Liu Fang?" Shen Xuanqing's ears moved, and he only grasped this part among all the words.

    Lu Gu didn't notice it, and he said truthfully: "Yes, brother Liu Fang, the elder brother of the neighbor. He is older than me, he gave me sweets when I was young, and then his family moved to the town." 

    Helped to beat the bullies, the big brother nextdoor, shared the sweets.

    Saying this sentence word by word, two words popped up in Shen Xuanqing's mind - childhood sweetheart!

    He gritted his teeth secretly, but tried his best to make his voice sound the same, and asked, "He treats you well?

    "That's right, before their family moved to the town, Brother Liu Fang would take me out to play. I played with the grasshoppers he caught at that time. He caught the grasshoppers, brought them back and weaved a grass cage for me. Brother Liu Fang's hands are good."

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