Zhang Zhengzi was a bastard, but he hadn't reached to the point of idleness back then, and he still took care of the plowing field even if he was not so proficient, so he didn't waste their family's fertile lands.

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    Because they were in the same village, the second room of the Shen family's paddy fields happened to be next the Zhang family's, so Shen Xuanqing knew better about the situation of the Zhang family's paddy fields.

    It was confirmed that the land deed would be handed over to Lin Zhongcai, the head of the village, and when the land deed was stamped with the official seal, after passing through the official road, even if the relatives of the Zhang family wanted to make trouble, they could do nothing. Shen Xuanqing agreed.

   Li Wanyun was a woman, so Shen Xuanqing would go to Fucheng by himself to get the official seal. When he arrived at the Fucheng, he only needed to say a few more words. As long as the land tax was paid, it could be done well. Those who could go to pay the tax were honest farmers. How could he not do it, he asked Boss Lu to go there with him before, just to avoid the government's inquiries and save trouble.

    A total of eleven acres of land, from Li Wanyun's point of view, there would be no hatred with Lao Zhang's family. Shen Xuanqing bought all the lands at the price of five taels of silver per acre. The five acres of paddy fields had nothing to grow in winter, but the winter wheat had already been planted in the six acres of dry land. It was enough to give water and fertilizer, and the winter wheat could be harvested in May.

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    When handing the fifty five taels of silver to Li Wanyun, Shen Xuanqing glanced at her.

    Since his hunting skills became more proficient, his intuition also became more acute. When he followed Wei Lanxiang to see Lao Zhang, he felt that the condition of the other party was no longer good.

    Unlike his close relatives, Lao Zhang had beaten and scolded Li Wanyun in the past two years. He felt that buying medicine for her was a waste of money, so he thought that Li Wanyun should try to break out of the quagmire of the Zhang family.

    But when he thought about it again, if Li Wanyun wanted to save someone, that would be her own business, how could it was his turn to be talkative, or he would get the bad reputation of not rescuing and giving medical treatment for the injured and ill people.

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    Besides, when he wanted to cure his father back then, he never let go of any chance. Now, if he persuaded others to give up medical treatment, wouldn't it be unconscionable, so he didn't say anything in the end.

    The field was the foundation of a farmer. Now he had 11 acres of dry land and 5 acres of paddy fields in his hands, plus the original few acres of land at home. As long as the land was well taken care of, even with farming only, it was enough to take care of the food and clothing throughout the year.

    Even though half of the money in his hand had gone, he spent a total of eighty taels for buying land, and he also spent a lot for preparing the new year's goods before the New Year's festival. Now he only had a little over one hundred taels of silver left in his hand.

    As he was thinking about money, Shen Xuanqing split another piece of firewood and said: "The ice in the river has melted, tomorrow I will see if I can catch winter and spring fishes (冬春鱼). After I chop some firewood later, I will go to catch the fishes, and I will take them to the town to sell together. "

    Winter and spring fish were as long as an adult’s finger, about two fingers wide, and the meat was tender, with few small thorns. It could be stewed and fried, and children could grow taller after eating it. But the river was cold like ice in the early spring, so it was not easy to wade into the water and cast a dense net.

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    But there was another way, they could use bamboo to weave fish cages, and then put them into the water. If the bamboo fish cage was too light, they could press the fish cage with stones, so as not to float up and run along the water.

    The Shen family had a fish cage they made before, and Shen Xuanqing dug it out from the utility room after chopping the firewood.

    Lu Gu hadn't been to the town to sell things for a long time. When he thought of the colorful laozi he made in his free time after the Chinese New Year, he stopped the stone pestle in his hand, raised his head and said, "Then I'll go with you and sell some spice bags and laozis."

    He also embroidered some handkerchiefs, the brand-new handkerchiefs were embroidered with flowers, even if they were sold cheaply, they were still three copper coins per piece, which was still a gain.

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    "Okay." Shen Xuanqing patted the fish cage, and the layer of dust that covered it immediately rose up, so he didn't pat it anymore. This thing didn't need to be washed, the dirt would be washed away in the river tomorrow.

    After the beginning of spring, the ice and snow melted, everything came back to life. Wanting to earn more money than in the winter, everyone in the second room of the Shen family was busy.

    The river was cold, so Shen Yaoqing rowed a wooden boat in the river in order to put some fish cages in. Ji Qiuyue and Shen Yan were releasing ducks in the pond behind the house, she kept looking up from time to time to see her husband who put the fish cages.

    The matter of catching fishes was left to Shen Yaoqing, while Lu Gu and Shen Xuanqing went up the mountain to collect firewood.

    Lu Gu carried a small bamboo basket on his back and planned to dig some wild vegetables on the mountain. Even though the wild vegetables were everywhere after mid-spring, but he only gnawed cabbage and radishes all winter. Now even the people in the town were rare for this fresh green wild vegetables, so the price was definitely good.

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