The Sweetest Marriage

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 – The Truth Revealed

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The night grew darker, and the bitter cold wind howled through the night. Bare tree branches struggled in the cold wind, causing the accumulated snow to fall to the ground and blend with the snow underneath, concealing the footprints of passersby.

By midnight, the snow and wind had ceased, and the entire world fell into stillness. The tree branches stopped their struggle, and moonlight emerged, casting a silvery white hue over the world. The weather forecast predicted a good day for tomorrow, even with the winter sun shining down to dispel the bone-chilling cold.

While the lights in many homes went out, the living room of Wei Chen’s house remained brightly lit.

Chen Li was fast asleep in the bedroom, while Wei Chen, wearing headphones, meticulously sifted through recorded phone conversations. He tirelessly transferred the audio files containing crucial evidence to his computer and listened to each one attentively, from beginning to end, not missing any details.

Perhaps Lu Xiuran never anticipated that a hacker would uncover his recorded phone conversations. When he talked to the person from a province in the southeast, he used his own phone.

After Wei Chen paused for a moment, he had already found the important evidence. It was a conspiracy targeting Chen Li, copying Chen Li’s paintings and submitting them before Chen Li, leaving Chen Li shocked and unable to express his grievances.

The entire process of this conspiracy’s conception and execution was contained in Lu Xiuran’s recorded phone conversations, leaving no detail overlooked. This included how they framed Chen Li, tarnishing Zhuge Yu’s reputation, everything was there in those recorded conversations.

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Initially, Wei Chen had doubts. Chen Li and Lu Xiuran had no grievances with each other, so why would Lu Xiuran go to such lengths driven by mere jealousy?

The answer to this question was revealed when Wei Chen listened to the recording of Lu Xiuran talking to a familiar number.

This phone number was engraved in Wei Chen’s mind from his past life. He could recite those eleven digits even backward. However, in this life, Wei Chen had been reborn, and he had gained clarity and let go of many things. Consequently, he gradually ignored this phone number. But now, as soon as he saw it, Wei Chen immediately recognized that it belonged to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing knew Lu Xiuran!

As soon as this thought flashed through Wei Chen’s mind, his hand instinctively clicked on the recording.

Chen Qing: “I heard there’s a new auditor in your class? A young man with mental illness?” There was no temptation in the tone, and there was even no hint of disdain when referring to this auditor.

Lu Xiuran: “Your information is always up-to-date. The Academy’s Professor Zhuge brought this student in through the back door.”

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Chen Qing: “What do you think of this auditor?”

“He’s dumb, like a fool. What else can he be?” There was a hint of jealousy in Lu Xiuran’s tone because he knew Chen Li was Zhuge Yu’s student, and despite his father’s connections, he couldn’t become Zhuge Yu’s student. “He really is a fool,” Lu Xiuran sneered, making his mockery more evident.

At this time, Lu Xiuran grasped the crucial point and asked, “Why do you care so much about this auditor?”

Chen Qing did not answer, but Lu Xiuran suddenly understood and said, “Your surname is Chen, and this auditor’s surname is Chen. You two must have some connection, right?”

“What connection could I have with a fool like him?” Chen Qing denied. He had never acknowledged any connection between him and Chen Li; the latter was just a bastard in his eyes.

Lu Xiuran understood Chen Qing’s intention and laughed, saying, “I understand what you mean. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that bastard well.”

Chen Qing smiled.

Their subsequent conversation became trivial and irrelevant. It was all about trivial matters.

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Wei Chen listened but had the impulse to take off his headphones and throw the computer out the window. He was furious, furious at how Chen Li was being treated, called a fool and a bastard. The anger inside Wei Chen surged, and if Chen Qing or Lu Xiuran were in front of him right now, Wei Chen couldn’t control himself and would give them a painful lesson.

Wei Chen walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of cold water, gulping it down to suppress the raging fire in his heart. He returned to the living room and organized the evidence that needed to be sorted out, his dark eyes filled with deep seriousness.

By midnight, Wei Chen had finished organizing the evidence, most of which were audio recordings, along with a small portion of chat records between Lu Xiuran and the other person. Once these pieces of evidence were submitted, Chen Li would be immediately vindicated.

After sending the evidence to Zhuge Yu’s email, Wei Chen stood up and looked at the dense darkness outside the window. He took a deep breath, his eyes pitch black, as cold as the icy wind outside.

The next day, the weather was indeed as the weather forecast predicted. When the first ray of light pierced through the darkness, the sun slowly rose from the east.

Although Wei Chen had stayed up until dawn the previous night, his super precise biological clock woke him up on time.

At this moment, Chen Li was still sound asleep, eyes closed, breathing long and steady. Chen Li had really long eyelashes, and with his eyes closed, Wei Chen could clearly see the dense and curled lashes trembling slightly.

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Wei Chen had thought more than once about how beautiful and captivating Chen Li’s eyes would be if the dullness in them could disappear and all the joy could be reflected in those big eyes. Therefore, when Wei Chen’s email arrived and Zhuge Yu listened to the audio and viewed the chat screenshots, Zhuge Yu felt as if countless lights had suddenly emerged in a world of darkness, making his head dizzy.

God knows how much willpower Zhuge Yu exerted to resist the urge to call Wei Chen. He happily rolled around in bed all night, and when it was dawn, estimating the time when Wei Chen would wake up, he couldn’t wait any longer and made this call, wanting to know how Wei Chen collected such evidence.

At that moment, Zhuge Yu, like a child in his fifties, was ecstatic.

Naturally, Wei Chen didn’t mention the existence of Cookie to Zhuge Yu. He didn’t think it was necessary. However, Zhuge Yu calling at this moment aligned perfectly with Wei Chen’s intentions.

Wei Chen walked to the balcony and explained his plans to Zhuge Yu one by one.

As Zhuge Yu listened, he was stunned, but he felt that after implementing these plans, it would be satisfying, very satisfying!

“Wei Chen, I underestimated you,” Zhuge Yu said.

“We have to give those who are arrogant and use despicable methods a lesson,” Wei Chen ignored Zhuge Yu’s praise and said in a deep and cold tone.

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