The Sweetest Marriage

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 – Not a Hype

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The exhibition in the Dream Cup capital division, though not as grand as the finals, still attracted the attention of many collectors and artists. Some judges even appeared at the exhibition in the capital division.

Today was the first day of the exhibition of excellent works in the Dream Cup capital division, and it immediately attracted a prominent figure in the world of art, Sylvester, a legendary painter hailed as the father of modern abstract art.

Sylvester’s presence astonished the organizing committee, and the person in charge of the Beijing division even personally went to greet him.

Several professors from Q University, upon hearing that Sylvester was personally visiting, also went up to greet him. Professor Wang Ming from the Q University School of Fine Arts was among them.

Professor Wang Ming and Lu Xiuran’s father were good friends, and he had the intention of connecting Lu Xiuran with Sylvester. After all, Lu Xiuran had considerable talent, and if he caught Sylvester’s attention, it would be a tremendous help on his artistic path.

When Lu Xiuran found Wang Ming, he became excited when Wang Ming mentioned introducing him to Sylvester. Lu Xiuran’s face turned red with excitement.

Both Lu Xiuran’s father and Wang Ming had told him that he was suited for the abstract art movement. However, Lu Xiuran didn’t like abstract art and hadn’t pursued that path.

But if Sylvester could become his teacher, he would definitely be willing to give up the current faction he was studying and join the abstract art faction.

“Professor Wang, is it okay for me to meet Mr. Sylvester like this?” Lu Xiuran was somewhat excited, feeling that it was inappropriate for him to meet Sylvester while dressed as a volunteer.

Wang Ming shook his head and said, “No need to change, this will do.” He wanted the meeting to appear more coincidental rather than deliberate.

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Lu Xiuran immediately understood Wang Ming’s intention and said, “Thank you, Professor Wang.”

“No need to thank me. Your father and I are friends, so it’s just a small favor to help you,” Wang Ming said with a smile.

Lu Xiuran nodded, appreciating the gesture.

Afterwards, Wang Ming led Lu Xiuran towards the direction of Sylvester’s group.

Perhaps Sylvester really had the intention of finding an apprentice this time. When he looked at the paintings, he didn’t seem to have a specific goal. He looked at each one, starting from the end, without commenting. However, he would stand in front of a painting for a long time.

When Wang Ming brought Lu Xiuran over, Sylvester happened to be looking at Lu Xiuran’s painting.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xiuran’s eyes brightened, but he didn’t rush forward. He suppressed his excitement and waited for Wang Ming’s action.

While Sylvester was examining the painting, there would be someone next to him providing explanations, such as the artist’s name and achievements.

Before the person providing the explanation could speak, Wang Ming preemptively spoke up.

“Mr. Sylvester, this painting is from a just-turned-adult student who is only eighteen years old this year. Perhaps he hasn’t achieved much yet, but with guidance and time, he will surely shake the art world.” Wang Ming believed his assessment was fair since Lu Xiuran was the youngest participant in the competition.

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Sylvester continued to look at the painting, but he didn’t comment on Wang Ming’s words.

Sylvester’s silence made Wang Ming feel somewhat awkward, but he didn’t want to disturb Sylvester at this moment. He stood aside, waiting for another opportunity to introduce Lu Xiuran to Sylvester.

“He does indeed have talent,” Sylvester finally spoke after a long time of observation, but there was little praise in his tone. “Perhaps due to his young age, his mind is too restless.”

Skilled collectors or painters could see many things through a painting. Sylvester’s words hit the mark, exposing Lu Xiuran’s restless inner world.

Lu Xiuran, at the back of the crowd, froze for a moment, and his expression became somewhat unnatural. Why did they always judge his art based on this reason? Just like when Zhuge Yu refused to take him as a disciple.

But his mind wasn’t restless at all. Every time he painted, he devoted himself entirely. Why were they able to determine his art based on a single sentence?

Lu Xiuran felt a sense of injustice, but he knew it wasn’t the time to show it.

After Sylvester made that comment, he moved on to the next painting. Wang Ming saw that Sylvester wasn’t particularly interested in Lu Xiuran’s painting, so he refrained from speaking further, knowing that being too eager in recommending someone could create a negative impression. This was Lu Xiuran’s only chance to show himself in front of Sylvester. From then on, Lu Xiuran just followed behind the group, and Sylvester never noticed his presence, considering him a regular volunteer.

Over thirty paintings, it took Sylvester over two hours to finish viewing them. If he found one he was satisfied with, Sylvester would make a few comments, but none of the paintings captured his full attention and immersion.

Located at the center of the exhibition area was the most outstanding painting of the capital division. However, when Sylvester approached, he noticed an empty frame instead of a painting that should have been displayed there.

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“Why is this?” Sylvester looked puzzledly at the person in charge of the capital division.

The person in charge immediately explained, “Considering that this entry is exceptionally outstanding and shocking, our organizing committee has decided to showcase this piece at the final exhibition. We have temporarily replaced it with an empty frame to preserve the honor it deserves.”

In fact, there was an explanation below the empty frame, but Sylvester didn’t understand the Chinese characters, so he remained unaware.

This explanation had already been spread through many mouths. While many people became curious about the painting, they also doubted the explanation.

Sylvester was also intrigued by this painting. He could accept the explanation. If he were a member of the organizing committee and came across a remarkably breathtaking artwork, he would also want to save it for the grand finale, to shock the world at the end.

“Because of this, I originally planned to visit this exhibition and then return to my country. But now, seeing this empty frame and your explanation, I don’t want to leave. I want to stay and see what kind of artwork it is that can disrupt the rules of the Dream Cup and delay its exhibition.” Sylvester spoke with curiosity and interest shining in his eyes.

At this moment, Lu Xiuran, who was at the back of the crowd, turned pale. He could guess whose work was directly promoted to the national finals. After all, he had seen this piece before and experienced its impact firsthand.

Lu Xiuran had to admit that among the thirty-plus works exhibited today, none could compare to Chen Li’s piece. Chen Li’s painting rightfully took the top spot and was well-deserved!

However, he was unwilling. Why should that fool’s artwork attract everyone’s attention while his own painting was relegated to a secluded corner?

Nevertheless, this could be for the best. With the final exhibition, Chen Li would reach the pinnacle, basking in the spotlight. But at that time, if it were revealed that the artwork that had stunned the world was plagiarized, Chen Li would come crashing down from that height, losing all fame and fortune, without any hope of turning things around.

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With these thoughts in mind, Lu Xiuran’s facial expression gradually relaxed. Let’s wait and see. Who laughs last, laughs best.

The exhibition in the capital division stirred up quite a stir in the art world, especially with the appearance of the empty frame. It sparked a wave of discussion and curiosity.

A prominent critic even wrote an article criticizing the Dream Cup organizing committee without commenting on any of the exhibited paintings. The article sharply pointed out that the Dream Cup was gradually becoming commercialized, resorting to gimmicks and publicity stunts, and the empty frame was the best proof.

This article caused a considerable reaction within the art circle. Many people agreed with the critic’s words and sent numerous complaint letters to the Dream Cup organizing committee, hoping that they would publicly unveil the painting that won the top spot in the capital division instead of engaging in such publicity for the Dream Cup. They desired a pure competition.

However, it was unknown how many of those who wrote the complaint letters were participants in the Dream Cup. When one’s skills fell short, they always managed to find excuses for why they were not selected. This time, the excuse was that the Dream Cup had lost its purity, becoming increasingly commercialized, and had damaged their dreams!

Of course, there were also those who disagreed with the critic, believing that it was premature to judge. Perhaps there really was an extraordinary genius that prompted the Dream Cup to make such changes. Whether it was a publicity stunt or not, it would only be determined after the national finals when the mysterious work was unveiled.

With both sides unable to reach a consensus, the dispute over the empty frame escalated further.

In response, the national organizing committee of the Dream Cup released a statement on their official website. The statement clearly stated that it was not a publicity stunt but a result of careful consideration and overnight discussions by the organizing committee. The work should be displayed at the end because it was worthy of that position.

As soon as this statement was released, many people realized that the mysterious work hidden away was indeed the winner of the Dream Cup’s national finals.

As a result, while questioning the alleged behind-the-scenes manipulations of the Dream Cup, people couldn’t help but be curious about what kind of painting it was and who the person behind it was. How could the Dream Cup, which had adhered to principles of openness and transparency since its inception, make such a move?

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