The Sweetest Marriage

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 – Oh, New World

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Chen Li stared blankly at the closed elevator. Wei Chen walked over and ruffled Chen Li’s hair, saying, “Let’s go in.”

Chen Li nodded and held Wei Chen’s outstretched hand. Wei Chen swiped the key card, opened the door, and they entered together.

Wei Chen organized the art supplies that Chen Li had taken out today. Chen Li sat on the sofa, gazing at the gift bag Huang Zhenzhen had given him, still in a daze.

During the last auction, when everyone learned that he had donated “Light” to the National Art Museum, there was thunderous applause. Chen Li felt the same way at that moment, that he was needed and valued.

Today, hearing Huang Zhenzhen say that she pursued her dream because of his “Light,” he felt a warm sensation in his chest. In this small way, he was still needed by someone.

Chen Li lifted his right hand and gazed at it, lost in thought. To him, this hand could create art, something he considered ordinary, but the paintings it produced had a profound impact on many people, something Chen Li couldn’t have imagined.

He kept painting because of something Wei Chen had said when they were kids, “You’ll definitely become an artist when you grow up.”

Now, he was referred to as an artist by others, yet he had no intention of giving up painting. Why was that? Was it because of his love for it? Or was there another reason?

Looking at the gift bag quietly placed on the coffee table, Chen Li’s heart started to find an answer.

Perhaps, he would continue to persist.

Not only because of his passion, not just because of what Wei Chen had said in childhood, but also because of this sense of worth.

After Wei Chen tidied up Chen Li’s art supplies, he saw Chen Li staring at his own hand in a daze as he came out. Instead of disturbing Chen Li, Wei Chen leaned against the side and quietly observed the changes in Chen Li’s eyes.

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Slowly, a smile filled Wei Chen’s eyes. Yes, Li Li had found his worth. With his own worth, Li Li was no longer a rootless driftwood. He was now a young sapling, just beginning to take root. Perhaps still fragile, but given time, his Li Li would definitely grow into a towering tree, with a complex network of roots, standing strong against any wind!

At this moment, Wei Chen was filled with pride. His Li Li was becoming better and better.

Chen Li had figured things out. He seemed to sense Wei Chen’s presence, turned to look at him, and couldn’t help but smile, his eyebrows and eyes relaxed.

Wei Chen gave Chen Li a thumbs up, gently and resolutely saying, “Li Li, you’re amazing!”

Chen Li’s smile grew even deeper. If Achen said he was amazing, then he truly was amazing!

“Achen,” Chen Li called out Wei Chen’s name. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say to Wei Chen at this moment, he just wanted to say his name.

“Yeah,” Wei Chen answered, getting closer to Chen Li.

“Achen,” Chen Li called again, his big eyes shining as if there were a flickering light within them. His long and thick eyelashes framed a look of reliance and deep affection as he gazed at Wei Chen.

Wei Chen didn’t respond; he took a big step towards Chen Li, pressing him onto the sofa and giving him a passionate, wet kiss. When it ended, Wei Chen rested his forehead against Chen Li’s, his voice a bit hoarse as he said, “Li Li, I’m here, I’ve always been here.”

“Achen,” Chen Li seemed almost addicted to saying the name, his smile widening as he called out again.

Wei Chen lowered his head, capturing Chen Li’s lips once more, his hands exploring Chen Li’s body without restraint.

Just as things were getting intense, Wei Chen suddenly hit the brakes, gently nibbled on Chen Li’s mouth, and said, “Li Li, I’ll go take a shower first.” Then, like a startled wolf, he hurriedly fled into the bathroom.

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Chen Li looked somewhat bewildered at Wei Chen’s departing figure. He had just felt something swelling and heating up beneath Achen’s abdomen, even through his pants. What on earth was that? Chen Li couldn’t quite grasp it.

Wei Chen took quite a long time in the shower this time. Chen Li sat on the living room sofa, feeling a bit bored, so he reached into the gift bag and took out a comic book.

On the cover marked “1,” there were two men kissing passionately, with intertwined bodies and their tongues visible.

Chen Li didn’t think much of it; after all, the way he and Wei Chen kissed was just like that. He didn’t find it strange. However, he was curious about what story this comic book told.

China had implemented a content rating system two years ago, and this comic book was classified for ages 18 and above. The first image depicted a large truck driving non-stop without brakes.

Curiously, Chen Li flipped through the pages. As the two main characters progressed, he felt nothing unusual. But as he continued flipping, his eyebrows gradually furrowed. These two characters actually stripped each other completely!

While reading the comic, Chen Li mentally inserted himself and Wei Chen into the story. When he saw the two characters lying on the bed intimately, he felt like he and Wei Chen had never done that. Could there be things they hadn’t done yet?

Carrying this curiosity, Chen Li flipped through the pages, and a new world unfolded before him. Apparently, during intimate moments, two people could go to such extents. Did that mean he and Wei Chen were just at the beginning?

After Chen Li finished reading a scene involving a car, Wei Chen emerged from his shower. Seeing Chen Li engrossed in the comic, he decided not to disturb him.

However, the moment Wei Chen appeared, Chen Li immediately called him over, wanting to share his newfound world with him.

Wei Chen had just asked Five Finger Brothers for a favor, so his throat was still dry. He poured a glass of water and sat beside Chen Li, curious about why he had been summoned.

“Achen, look, can’t we also do this?” Chen Li pointed to one of the scenes and asked Wei Chen, his big eyes sparkling with a curious and eager light.

As Wei Chen’s gaze fell on the scene, he choked on the water he had just sipped, spurting it out immediately. The image depicted inserting a car key into the ignition, and it was a full-color page, uncensored. Every detail was meticulously illustrated.

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What were today’s college students even thinking? How could they create something so astonishingly explicit?

Wei Chen coughed repeatedly as he struggled to recover from being waterlogged. “Achen, what’s wrong? Can’t we do this?” Chen Li asked, his tone tinged with disappointment.

Wei Chen caught his breath, and then realized that it might be wise to prepare Chen Li for this idea first. He organized his thoughts and then said, “Li Li, do you know what they’re doing?”

Chen Li nodded without embarrassment, “Being intimate.” The comic depicted it, but Chen Li didn’t exactly know what being intimate entailed.

Wei Chen almost choked on his own drink from Chen Li’s blunt honesty. He ruffled Chen Li’s hair before saying, “Being intimate is something normal between lovers. Because I love you, I desire you. It’s a natural thing. But Li Li, you have to remember, this is something that should only be done with someone you truly love.”

Chen Li nodded in understanding and then asked, “Was what you did just now desire?”

Without needing further explanation, Wei Chen knew what Chen Li was referring to. After their kiss earlier, Wei Chen had indeed felt that desire. He admitted this openly, “Yes.”

“Then why didn’t you do it with me? You said it’s a natural thing,” Chen Li expressed his slight frustration. To him, if it was natural and they were lovers, why wouldn’t Achen do it?

Wei Chen found himself in a bit of a bind. He gently tapped Chen Li’s forehead and explained, “Li Li, while it’s natural, it doesn’t mean it’s necessary. Because I love you, I can suppress my desires for your sake. But you’re still too fragile right now, not yet ready for this.”

Chen Li seemed to grasp the message vaguely and looked up earnestly, “But I feel hot now.”

His big eyes were slightly watery as he gazed at Wei Chen. The heat that Wei Chen had managed to subside due to Five Finger Brothers’ help flared up again at Chen Li’s expression.

“Achen, I’m hot, and it seems like I’m swelling here,” Chen Li continued, his words innocent and direct. He wasn’t shy or teasing; he was just stating his true feelings.

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Ironically, this unconscious teasing was the most fatal. Wei Chen’s whole body heated up, and his gaze grew increasingly intense.

Chen Li noticed Wei Chen’s change, and he lightly touched him, saying, “Look, you’re also swollen. So, Achen, let’s do it.”

“Achen, let’s do it.”

“Achen, let’s do it.”

These words echoed like a spell in Wei Chen’s mind. Ultimately, Wei Chen couldn’t control himself anymore. He lifted Chen Li into his arms and carried him into the bedroom.

Even though Wei Chen’s thread of restraint called “reason” had snapped, he gently placed Chen Li on the bed.

“Achen, do we need to undress?” Chen Li asked, his eyes glistening with enthusiasm. He took off his clothes proactively, soon lying naked on the bed, living up to his earlier statement that his body was indeed responding.

In the heat of the moment, Wei Chen couldn’t hold back. He stripped himself as quickly as possible, pressed Chen Li onto the bed, and initiated a passionate encounter.

And so, the long and bewildering night began.

The night passed by in the blink of an eye, and dawn arrived.

Chen Li still hugged Wei Chen to sleep in a domineering posture. But unlike before, they were now intertwined beneath the covers, skin against skin, their warmth merging into an extremely comfortable sensation.

Due to Chen Li’s sleeping posture, a corner of the blanket had been discreetly pushed aside. On Chen Li’s fair skin, faint red marks could be seen—marks that weren’t too deep, a testament to Wei Chen’s restraint.

When Wei Chen woke up and saw Chen Li’s peaceful sleeping face, there was a satisfied and gentle smile in his eyes.

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