The Sweetest Marriage

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 – Divine Assistance

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After parting ways with Wei Chen, Wei Hua hailed a taxi right at the restaurant’s entrance and headed straight to the nearest high-speed train station.

Upon arriving at the train station, without even asking for the fare, Wei Hua handed over two red banknotes, then briskly headed to the ticket inspection hall. Back in the taxi, he had already purchased a ticket for the next available high-speed train, departing in half an hour, and arriving at the capital’s train station in three hours. This was the quickest way Wei Hua could think of to return to the capital in the shortest time possible.

Ten minutes later, the ticket inspection began. Wei Hua hadn’t even picked up his ticket yet, as he turned his ID card in his hands, staring at the long queue ahead of him at the ticket checkpoint. His brows slightly furrowed with impatience.

A “beep” sounded. Perhaps due to Wei Hua’s impatience, he had stood too close to the sensor, causing the red light to flash. Wei Hua stepped back involuntarily and then placed his ID card in the sensor’s zone once again.

A second “beep” followed, and the green light finally illuminated. The automatic gate swung open, allowing Wei Hua to step through.

When Wei Hua stood on the platform, there were still fifteen minutes left until the high-speed train departed. This station was an intermediate stop, and the train hadn’t even entered the platform yet.

Once again, Wei Hua checked his wristwatch. Although his face didn’t reveal any emotions, his finger tapped nervously against the seam of his pants, betraying his anxiety.

Finally, the high-speed train pulled into the station. Wei Hua patiently waited for the passengers to disembark before quickly entering the carriage, as if doing so could expedite his return to the capital.

Due to buying his ticket late, Wei Hua ended up with a second-class seat, and it was a seat in the middle (B), with passengers on both sides. But Wei Hua wasn’t concerned about that now. He found his seat, sat down, wiped his face, and slowly cleared his mind. How did things end up like this? His thoughts drifted back to last night.

It could be said that Wei Hua kept his distance from Lena. After all, during his years in the United States, he had deeply experienced Lena’s terrifying aspects.

So when he encountered Lena at the W Ancient Town hotel, Wei Hua already had a bad feeling. He instinctively avoided her. Some people wouldn’t stop bothering you unless you were frank and clear with them. Lena was exactly that kind of person. If Lena could listen to what he said, she wouldn’t have pestered him for the past few years.

In the evening, Wei Hua, Cookie, and Little Biscuit had dinner together. Perhaps Little Biscuit was exhausted from the day, as he fell asleep midway through the meal. Slowly but surely, his little head drooped, and he ended up asleep in his chair.

Cookie couldn’t bear to watch and quickly ate a few bites before scooping Little Biscuit up. “I’ll take Biscuit to bed. You take your time.”

Wei Hua nodded. Little Biscuit, in his drowsy state, managed to say goodbye to Wei Hua.

Wei Hua originally wanted to go upstairs with Cookie and Little Biscuit, but when he glanced at Cookie’s half-eaten plate of food, he decided to pack some of it to take upstairs. And it was this slight delay that led Wei Hua to get caught by Lena.

Lena was having dinner with Mr. Moray at this very restaurant. When Wei Hua stood up, Lena noticed.

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“Daddy, I see my prince charming.” Lena’s eyes lit up as she looked at Wei Hua, and she gracefully stood up.

Mr. Moray smiled affectionately, “Daddy doesn’t mind if you leave daddy alone and have dinner with your prince charming.”

Lena planted a kiss on Mr. Moray’s cheek before lifting her tall wine glass and walking toward the table where Wei Hua was sitting.

A melodious “Tree” sounded behind Wei Hua, making him tense up. Considering pretending he hadn’t heard, he was about to walk away when Lena was already standing in front of him.

Wei Hua was genuinely afraid of Lena’s persistence. He awkwardly smiled at Lena and said, “Miss Moray, I’m sorry, but I have something to attend to right now.”

Lena seemed oblivious to Wei Hua’s resistance. She pouted her red lips and playfully said, “Tree, I finally see you, and you don’t even want to talk to me. Do you know how much I’ve missed you in the United States?” After saying this, she tried to get closer to Wei Hua.

It had to be said that Lena was truly beautiful, and her cute pout and coquettish demeanor were quite endearing. However, because it was Wei Hua she was dealing with, her charms were wasted on him.

“Miss Moray, please show some restraint. I don’t want unnecessary suspicions to arise with my partner,” Wei Hua took a step back, putting some distance between himself and Lena, and said firmly.

“I don’t know what there is to be suspicious about. We’re just old classmates catching up, isn’t that right? Tree, your partner is overly possessive and suspicious,” Lena frowned, even going so far as to stomp on Wei Hua’s foot a few times, emphasizing the word “partner.”

Wei Hua obviously didn’t appreciate Lena’s words. His brows furrowed, and his tone grew firmer, “I maintain my partner’s trust out of respect for him and as my responsibility. Please understand, Miss Moray.”

Lena hesitated for a moment, her hazel eyes scanning around before she put on a charming smile and said, “Since that’s the case, Tree, you should drink this glass of wine. Surely, you wouldn’t be too timid to even have a drink, right?”

Wei Hua stared at Lena skeptically for a while, trying to discern any hint of difference in her face, any departure from her smile and seductive expression. However, Lena just continued to smile, leaving no clue for Wei Hua to grasp.

“Afraid to drink? Tree, when did you become so timid?” Lena continued, clearly skilled in the art of provocation.

“Fine, I’ll drink,” Wei Hua took the tall glass from Lena’s hand and downed the red wine in one gulp.

It wasn’t that he succumbed to Lena’s provocation; he knew that if he didn’t drink this glass, Lena wouldn’t allow him to leave. Furthermore, Wei Hua believed that in such a public setting, Lena wouldn’t resort to any drastic measures.

However, Wei Hua underestimated Lena and her determination to achieve her goals with him.

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As the wine coursed through his stomach, Wei Hua began to feel something was wrong. He looked at Lena in astonishment. He never expected that in a hotel restaurant where people came and went, Lena would dare to do such a bold thing.

Lena wore an innocent smile. “Tree, are you feeling unwell? Let me help you to your room.”

Wei Hua felt a fiery sensation roaring within him, yet Lena’s proximity made him utterly repulsed.

“Get the hell away from me!” At this point, Wei Hua no longer cared about maintaining his gentlemanly demeanor. He pushed Lena away with a single palm. This abrupt movement naturally caught the attention of others in the restaurant. Wei Hua paid them no mind; his body was consumed by the intensifying fire, his strength drained in an instant. He slumped into a chair, his eyes reddened, fixed on Lena as if staring at an archenemy from a blood feud.

“Tree, let me help you back to your room.” But Lena was persistent, still trying to pull Wei Hua back to the room.

Mr. Moray had caught wind of the commotion and arrived. He calmly observed the interaction between his daughter and this gentleman. It didn’t take him long to sense the issue. The gentleman seemed to be resisting his daughter.


As Lena approached again, wanting to assist the gentleman but being pushed away by him, Mr. Moray couldn’t hold back any longer and stepped forward.

“Daddy,” Lena looked at Mr. Moray with some trepidation but still persisted, saying, “My prince is drunk. I want to help him rest.”

Mr. Moray furrowed his brows slightly, “But it seems he doesn’t want you to help him.”

“He’s drunk, isn’t he?” Lena defended herself cunningly. In her eyes, Wei Hua was like a piece of meat within her grasp; she couldn’t let him slip away.

Wei Hua was currently exerting an immense amount of self-control to manage the raging fire within him. His eyes were bloodshot, the veins on his hand were bulging, and he was on the brink of exploding.

Mr. Moray sensed that something was amiss. He positioned himself between Lena and Wei Hua, his voice tinged with concern. “Sir, are you alright? Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?”

Wei Hua shook his head and bluntly retorted, “Taking care of your daughter is the biggest favor you can do for me!” With a trembling hand, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed Cookie’s number.

The phone rang for a while before it was answered. Cookie had been busy putting Little Biscuit to sleep.

“Hello, what’s up? Spit it out!” Cookie feigned impatience.

“Xiao Qi Qi…” Wei Hua’s voice was hoarse and low, as if he was struggling with something.

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Cookie could tell from Wei Hua’s voice that something was wrong. Overwhelmed by worry, his emotions overflowed, “Wei Hua, what’s happened? Where are you?”

“I’m… at the restaurant just now. Please… come and get me…” Wei Hua’s words were fragmented, his consciousness growing hazier.

Cookie didn’t waste a second. He grabbed his room key and rushed out.

By the time Cookie arrived at the restaurant, a crowd had already gathered. Pushing through the people, he saw Wei Hua, his face flushed, slumped in a chair.

Considering the time it took from hanging up the phone to his appearance in the restaurant, it hadn’t even been four minutes, yet Cookie was already panting.

However, he didn’t have time to catch his breath. He swiftly approached Wei Hua, covering the distance in just a couple of steps. But as soon as he touched Wei Hua’s skin, he recoiled at the intense heat emanating from it.

“Wei Hua, what’s wrong?” Cookie asked anxiously, his tone urgent.

“Xiao Qi Qi, you’re here?” Wei Hua’s tense expression relaxed upon seeing Cookie. He swayed unsteadily, trying to get up.

Cookie hurriedly moved to support Wei Hua, not hesitating at all. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“No need,” Wei Hua immediately refused, whispering in Cookie’s ear, “I’ve been drugged. Just help me back to the room for a cold shower.”

Cookie’s face reddened instantly, but he managed to reply with a quiet “Okay.”

Cookie assisted Wei Hua towards their suite on the top floor. However, Lena wouldn’t allow Wei Hua to leave. She stood in their path and declared, “You can’t take him away! He’s mine!”

Mr. Moray quickly pulled Lena back, not wanting his daughter to make a scene here.

“Daddy!” Lena stamped her foot in anger and declared with an air of righteousness, “I don’t know who he is. He took Tree away. What if something happens to Tree?”

Cookie, supporting Wei Hua, who was a head taller than him and quite struggling, heard Lena’s words. For some reason, he misinterpreted the situation and, in fluent American English, said to Lena, “I’m his partner. You needn’t worry.” Translated into plain language, it was something like, “This is about my partner, not your business!”

Having said this, Cookie guided Wei Hua out of the restaurant.

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Although Wei Hua’s rationality had been partially eroded by the drugs, Cookie’s words had truly sunk into his ears, each word clear and distinct.

Due to the accelerated heartbeat induced by the drugs, his heart was pounding even more intensely now. He understood that Cookie was trying to help him out, yet those words made his heart swell and bloom.

So much so that as Cookie supported him into the elevator, Wei Hua was still grinning foolishly.

“Why are you smiling like an idiot?” Cookie nudged Wei Hua with his elbow, blushing himself.

Wei Hua didn’t reply, still smiling foolishly.

“Jeez!” Cookie muttered under his breath, but he still dutifully assisted Wei Hua back to their suite on the top floor.

“Lower your voice, Little Biscuit is asleep,” Cookie couldn’t help but remind Wei Hua when they entered the room.

Wei Hua didn’t respond, a large swollen bump was forming below, rubbing against Cookie. This caused Cookie to blush intensely. He quickly dragged Wei Hua into the bathroom.

Upon entering the bathroom, Cookie turned on the showerhead, and icy-cold water came pouring down, chilling Wei Hua to the core. But how could a little cold water extinguish the blazing fire within Wei Hua’s body? He even disregarded Cookie’s presence and immediately took off his pants, getting a bit naughty.

“Xiao Qi Qi… Xiao Qi Qi…” Wei Hua’s mind was filled with images of Cookie. Memories of their intimate moments caused him to unconsciously call out Cookie’s name.

Cookie stood to the side, feeling a surge of heat in his blood, yet unable to tear his gaze away from Wei Hua. Seeing Wei Hua’s pained expression, his heart ached.

For reasons he couldn’t entirely understand, perhaps due to the intense atmosphere, or maybe he just didn’t want to see Wei Hua in too much pain, Cookie acted on an inexplicable impulse. He tiptoed and, as if entranced, pressed his lips to Wei Hua’s.

Wei Hua was taken aback and initially tried to push Cookie away, but as soon as his hand touched Cookie’s skin, everything spiraled out of control.

Let it be this way. Let himself give in just once. As for how to face Cookie after this, he could figure it out tomorrow.

All the suppressed heat erupted at this moment. Wei Hua held the back of Cookie’s head, deepening the kiss.

The one string called polarity completely collapsed.

Steam began to fill the bathroom, and the night turned into a misty, fiery scene.

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