Chapter 62 – The Psychiatrist

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“Dad, I…” Wei Zhenxiong hesitated, clearly unsatisfied with the arrangement.

“You don’t want to go?” Old Master Wei raised an eyebrow and looked at Wei Zhenxiong. “I have already informed the Chen family. You can rest assured about the situation in the capital.”

Wei Zhenxiong swallowed the refusal that was about to come out. He knew the status of the Chen family in the capital. If the Wei family had their support there, it would save them a lot of trouble. This was probably the reason why his father agreed to Wei Chen marrying that autistic boy from the Chen family.

“Then I will get ready,” Wei Zhenxiong said.

“Good,” Old Master Wei nodded in satisfaction. “You can go now.”

Upon hearing this, Wei Zhenxiong left the study. As soon as the door closed, Wei Zhenxiong’s expression sank.

Inside the study, Old Master Wei shook his head with a sigh. Only Wei Chen truly understood his ambitions. However, this boy had been too smooth sailing all along. If he didn’t experience some hardships, he wouldn’t appreciate the value of the family business.

“Sir,” the butler entered with a cup of hot milk. He placed it in front of Old Master Wei and bowed respectfully.

Old Master Wei had been having trouble sleeping lately, and drinking hot milk before bed helped with sleep. The butler always took meticulous care of Old Master Wei.

“Sir, Miss Xu just called,” the butler said.

“What did she say?” Old Master Wei rubbed his temples, feeling a slight headache.

“Miss Xu said that Young Master Chen hasn’t gone to see her yet,” the butler replied, moving behind Old Master Wei and taking over the task of massaging his temples with just the right amount of pressure.

“I see,” Old Master Wei said, leaning back in his chair. He asked, “Old Zhang, tell me, does Achen really treat Chen Li well, or is it just an act for us?”

“I believe Young Master Chen genuinely cares for Young Master Li,” the butler said. “Some things can’t be faked.” The way Young Master Chen looked at Young Master Chen Li, was an emotion that emanated from the heart and could not be acted out. The old master could naturally see it, or else he wouldn’t have asked. What can be hidden from the old man’s eyes?

Old Man Wei tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair. “Give Achen a call.”

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“I’ll do it right away.”

When Wei Chen received his grandfather’s call, he had just returned home with Chen Li and set down his briefcase.

As soon as the phone rang, Wei Chen answered it.

Old Master Wei asked about Wei Chen’s work and personal life, just like any caring grandfather would.

It was the first time Old Master Wei and Wei Chen had a casual conversation over the phone, but neither of them were accustomed to discussing everyday matters. After a few sentences, the conversation couldn’t continue. Old Master Wei changed the subject and asked about Chen Li. Wei Chen hadn’t expected his grandfather to care about Chen Li and briefly explained Chen Li’s situation.

Apart from work-related matters, Wei Chen and Old Master Wei didn’t have much to talk about. The phone call ended in less than five minutes, providing relief for both sides.

After hanging up, Wei Chen couldn’t figure out the purpose of his grandfather’s call, but one sentence from the call reminded him.

It was time to take Chen Li to see a psychiatrist.

A doctor would have professional knowledge, and with the intervention of a psychiatrist, Chen Li might get better faster.

With this in mind, Wei Chen found the business card his grandfather had given him that day and turned on his computer. He searched for the name of the psychiatrist on a medical encyclopedia website, and numerous honors appeared.

Wei Chen briefly skimmed through the honors and couldn’t help but think that this psychiatrist seemed reliable.

The psychiatrist’s name was Xu Ruru, and come to think of it, Wei Chen was acquainted with this psychiatrist.

The Xu family was a prominent business family. Old Master Xu and Old Master Wei had a long-standing relationship. One resided in the capital and served as the president of the Capital Business Association, while the other held a significant position in the business community of Shanghai.

Xu Ruru was a young lady from the Xu family, a few years older than Wei Chen. During summer vacations in their childhood, she often visited Shanghai and stayed at the Wei family’s residence.

However, after Xu Ruru entered high school, she went abroad and lost contact with the Wei family.

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Wei Chen didn’t have much interaction with Xu Ruru during their childhood. His memory of her was of a little girl with two braids. He never imagined that years later, when Xu Ruru was mentioned, she had become a renowned psychiatrist in China.

Closing the webpage, Wei Chen picked up the business card and dialed the number on it.

The phone rang a few times before someone answered. A sweet voice came through the phone, “Hello, may I ask who’s calling?”

“Is this Dr. Xu?” Wei Chen briefly explained why he was contacting her.

“Are you Wei Chen?” Xu Ruru recognized Wei Chen’s identity from his words. “I have heard my grandfather mention you. I’m sorry, I’ve been busy lately and forgot to get in touch with you.”

“I should have contacted you,” Wei Chen replied.

“Well then, I have time tomorrow at noon. Bring the patient to the Psychotherapy Department of Ci’en Hospital to find me tomorrow,” Xu Ruru suggested.


With a few exchanged words, the time and location of their meeting were settled, and they hung up without further conversation.

Chen Li had been immersed in his studies recently, unable to extricate himself. When Wei Chen finished making the two phone calls and returned, he saw Chen Li already engrossed in a book. This time, it wasn’t a primary school textbook but a foreign masterpiece.

Chen Li seemed to be enjoying the book, but Wei Chen wondered if he could understand its contents. It wasn’t until Wei Chen sat down next to Chen Li that Chen Li shifted his gaze from the book and focused on Wei Chen.

“I’m taking you to meet someone tomorrow,” Wei Chen ruffled Chen Li’s hair and said.

Chen Li nodded and turned his head back to the book. After a while, Chen Li probably felt a bit tired from sitting, so he turned and lay down on the sofa to continue reading.

“Don’t lie down to read; it’s not good for your eyes,” Wei Chen quickly intervened.

Chen Li obediently got up and leaned against the back of the sofa to continue reading.

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Time passed silently, and a night went by.

At noon, the sun reached its highest point, casting scorching rays of sunlight, turning the world into a steaming sauna.

Under the blazing sun, Wei Chen, following the agreed-upon time, took Chen Li to Ci’en Hospital.

When Chen Li saw Wei Chen bringing him to the hospital, he stood still at the entrance. He didn’t like hospitals and didn’t dare to smell the scent inside. “The person we’re meeting is inside,” Wei Chen said while holding Chen Li’s hand.

Chen Li patted his chest, looked up at Wei Chen, but refused to go in.

“I know you are well. We are here to see a friend today, not to see a doctor,” Wei Chen reassured him.

Only then did Chen Li and Wei Chen enter the hospital.

Ci’en Hospital was a private hospital, but it was also one of the most famous hospitals in the capital city. There were many internationally renowned experts in the hospital, and Xu Ruru was one of them, and she was young.

When Wei Chen arrived at Xu Ruru’s office with Chen Li, Xu Ruru was in a meeting and not in her office. “Please wait here for a moment. Dr. Xu’s meeting will be over soon,” a nurse said, leading them to the waiting area.

“Thank you.”

They waited for half an hour before Xu Ruru hurriedly arrived at the waiting area from the meeting room.

“Sorry, sorry. There was a sudden meeting. I made you wait for so long,” Xu Ruru said apologetically, her voice sweet and comforting.

Undoubtedly, Xu Ruru was a beauty that even a simple white coat couldn’t hide. Her slightly curled long hair added a touch of brilliance.

But Wei Chen had no interest in admiring beautiful women and went straight to the point.

When Xu Ruru turned her gaze towards Chen Li, he instinctively shrank behind Wei Chen, avoiding eye contact with Xu Ruru.

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“Has he always been like this since childhood?” Xu Ruru didn’t continue looking at Chen Li and turned to Wei Chen, asking.

This question puzzled Wei Chen because he knew nothing about Chen Li’s childhood.

Seeing Wei Chen’s silence, Xu Ruru guessed the situation. “I need to know about his childhood environment in order to provide more targeted treatment. Perhaps you can find out about his childhood to understand why he is unwilling to come out.”

“Well, let me take this patient first. Bring him here every Saturday, and I will talk to him,” Xu Ruru said. It was her first time dealing with a patient with autism, and Chen Li presented a challenge to her.

At this point, Wei Chen hesitated. He knew that Chen Li didn’t want to come to the hospital. Now, with Chen Li sitting next to him, his hand trembling in his grip, it was clear that Chen Li resisted this environment. Although once a week didn’t seem too frequent, Wei Chen didn’t want to force Chen Li every week.

In the end, Wei Chen didn’t agree to Xu Ruru’s request, only saying that he would consider it. He wanted to respect Chen Li’s wishes.

Xu Ruru didn’t show any anger. As a doctor, she said, “I know you care about the patient, and many times we follow the patient’s wishes, but without pushing them forward, they will never make progress.”

“I understand,” Wei Chen nodded.

“You can think it over yourself.” Xu Ruru felt that she had said everything she needed to say. If Wei Chen didn’t take it to heart, there was nothing she could do.

“Thank you for today,” Wei Chen said to Xu Ruru, with a hint of apology in his tone. He was the one who sought her out, and now he was the one unwilling to proceed. It had indeed troubled Xu Ruru.

“It’s no trouble at all. It’s part of my duty,” Xu Ruru replied with a smile. As a doctor, she didn’t consider it a bother.

“Well then, we’ll leave first,” Wei Chen stood up and bid farewell to Xu Ruru.

“Wei Chen, can I invite you for a meal?” Xu Ruru called out to Wei Chen. “We haven’t seen each other for so many years. Shall we catch up?”

“Sorry,” Wei Chen refused directly, continuing to walk with Chen Li without even giving a reason for his refusal.

Xu Ruru watched Wei Chen’s retreating figure, and a faint smile gently appeared at the corner of her mouth. So many years had passed, yet Wei Chen remained the same as when he was a child, he didn’t know how to be gentle to women and was still clueless about being tactful.

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